G40-02 Tyzoq (Axis+9) vs souL (Allies)

  • **Japan 5

    Purchase ($69)**
    4 Inf ($12), 3 Art ($24), 4 Arm ($28), 1 Sub ($54), 1 Tac ($65), $4 Saved

    #1) Szechwan  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Yun
    Walk In

    #2) Shensi  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Kwe
    Walk In

    #3) Hopei
    1 Inf, 2 Ftr, 2 Tac  vs  1 Inf
    w/ 1 Inf Kwe
    w/ 1 Ftr, 2 Tac Yun
    w/ 1 Ftr Kwa
    Cleared with loss of 1 Inf

    #4) Caroline Islands
    1 Inf, 1 Arm, 2 Ftr, 2 Tac, 2 BB  vs  1 Bmr
    w/ 1 Inf, 1 Arm Jap  via  Trn sz6
    w/ 2 Ftr, 2 Tac, 2 BB sz34
    Taken with loss of 1 Inf

    #5) Sea Zone 25
    1 Sub, 1 Bmr  vs  1 DD
    w/ 1 Sub sz6
    w/ 1 Bmr Jap
    Cleared with loss of 1 Sub

    Noncombat Moves
    Taking a break will finish in a few hours

  • Noncombat Moves
    2 Sub sz6 > sz33
    fleet sz34 > sz33
    2 Ftr, 2 Tac Car > sz33
    1 Sub sz6 > sz35
    1 Sub sz6 > sz36
    1 Ftr Jap > sz36
    1 Ftr Pau > sz36
    8 Inf, 6 Art Kwe > She
    1 Mec Hun > She
    1 Inf Yun > Kwe
    2 Ftr, 2 Tac Hop > Yun
    7 Inf, 1 Art Kwa > Yun
    1 Inf Shn > Yun
    1 Ftr Kwa > Fic
    2 Bmr Pau > Fic
    2 Inf Jap > Kor  via  4 Trn sz36 > sz6
    1 Bmr sz25 > Jap
    1 Mec, 1 Arm Bury > Man

    4 Inf, 3 Art, 1 Arm, 1 Tac - Jap
    1 Sub - sz6
    3 Arm - Fic

    $64 + $5 NOs + $4 Saved = $73


  • US4:
    art bb cv 2 ftr ca

    trn 54 load inf -> 37 unload mal
    trn 54 load inf -> 41 unload
    trn 54 load inf -> 42 unload

    ftr que, 2 cv 2 ftr tac dd 10, 3 bb ca 54 -> 26
    trn 11, 2 trn 10 load mec arm -> 26 unload haw
    inf art arm que -> nsw
    3 trn 86 load 4 inf art -> 66
    2 mec wus -> eus

    mobilize:  bb cv 2 ftr ca 10, art eus


  • China4:
    3 inf

    inf sui -> chi
    15 inf sui -> kan

    3 inf kan

    6+0-0=6, has 6

  • UK4:
    1 mec


    22 inf 6 arm tac ftr ind -> bur
    inf ind, 2 ftr trj -> wind
    arm iso -> sud
    inf iso -> eth
    2 trn 96 -> 81
    ca 96 -> 97
    inf npr -> cpr

    mec ind

    9+0-2=7, has 7

  • Anzac:
    ftr save 7

    inf syr, inf trj -> egy
    inf ind -> wind
    ca 3 dd sub 54 -> 26
    3 ftr que -> haw
    dd sub 62 -> 66

    ftr nsw

    11+10-0=21, has 28


  • **Italy 5

    Purchase ($12)**
    2 Inf ($6), 1 Arm ($12)

    #1) Bessarabia
    1 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Tac  vs  1 Inf
    w/ 1 Inf Epl
    w/ 1 Ftr, 1 Tac Sita

    #2) North Ukraine
    2 Inf, 1 Arm  vs  2 Inf
    w/ 2 Inf Epl
    w/ 1 Arm Rom

  • Bessarabia

    ATK: 1 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Tac
    DiceRolls: 1@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 11@1: (4)1@3: (5)1@4: (4)

    DEF: 1 Inf
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)

  • North Ukraine

    ATK: 2 Inf, 1 Arm
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (3, 2)1@3: (1)

    DEF: 2 Inf
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 1)

  • North Ukraine: Round 2

    ATK: 1 Inf, 1 Arm
    DiceRolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)1@3: (5)

    DEF: 1 Inf
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

  • I forgot to list French Equatorial Africa as a combat I was going to sail to from Gibraltar.  let me know if that combat is okay otherwise they will still sail there and remain on the Transport.

  • **Italy 5

    Purchase ($12)**
    2 Inf ($6), 1 Arm ($12)

    #1) Bessarabia
    1 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Tac  vs  1 Inf
    w/ 1 Inf Epl
    w/ 1 Ftr, 1 Tac Sita

    #2) North Ukraine
    2 Inf, 1 Arm  vs  2 Inf
    w/ 2 Inf Epl
    w/ 1 Arm Rom

    #3) French Equatorial Africa  (if allowed)
    w/ 2 Inf Mor  via  Trn sz91

    Noncombat Moves
    1 Ftr, 1 Tac Bes > Epl
    2 Art Hgy > Epl
    1 Arm Rom > Epl
    2 Inf Yug > Rom
    2 Inf Yug > Bul
    1 AA Nita > Sgr
    2 Inf Nita > Sita
    Fleet sz91 > sz82

    2 Inf, 1 Arm - Sita

    $15 + $5 NOs - $6 Convoy = $14


  • let me know about Feq.  Either way is fine, if you will not allow it you can just move the 2 Inf onto the Trn and take $1 away from Italy.

  • it’s fine.

    3 inf alg -> tun


  • **Germany 5

    Purchase ($78)**
    14 Inf ($42), 2 Art ($50), 1 Mec ($54), 1 Arm ($60), 1 DD ($68), 1 Ftr ($78)

    #1) French West Africa  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Wfr & 1 Arm UK  via  Trn sz110 > sz87

    #2) Norway  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Wgr & 1 Arm UK  via  Trn sz110 > sz112

    #3) Scotland  (mt)
    w/ 1 Art UK

    #4) Bessarabia  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Epl

    #5) Baltic States
    2 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Bmr  vs  2 Inf
    w/ 2 Inf Epl
    w/ 1 Bmr Wgr
    w/ 1 Ftr Epl

    #6) Poland
    4 Inf, 5 Art  vs  1 Arm
    w/ 4 Inf, 5 Art Ger

  • Baltic States

    ATK: 2 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Bmr
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 02@1: (4, 4)1@3: (4)1@4: (6)

    DEF: 2 Inf
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 4)

  • Baltic States: Round 2

    ATK: 2 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Bmr
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1: (6, 2)1@3: (4)1@4: (4)

    DEF: 2 Inf
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 4)

  • Baltic States: Round 3

    ATK: 2 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Bmr
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 22@1: (5, 5)1@3: (2)1@4: (3)

    DEF: 1 Inf
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)

  • Poland

    ATK: 4 Inf, 5 Art
    DiceRolls: 9@2; Total Hits: 49@2: (3, 6, 5, 6, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2)

    DEF: 1 Arm
    DiceRolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (6)

  • **Germany 5

    Purchase ($78)**
    14 Inf ($42), 2 Art ($50), 1 Mec ($54), 1 Arm ($60), 1 DD ($68), 1 Ftr ($78)

    #1) French West Africa  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Wfr & 1 Arm UK  via  Trn sz110 > sz87
    Walk In

    #2) Norway  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Wgr & 1 Arm UK  via  Trn sz110 > sz112
    Walk In

    #3) Scotland  (mt)
    w/ 1 Art UK
    Walk In

    #4) Bessarabia  (mt)
    w/ 1 Inf Epl
    Walk In

    #5) Baltic States
    2 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Bmr  vs  2 Inf
    w/ 2 Inf Epl
    w/ 1 Bmr Wgr
    w/ 1 Ftr Epl
    Taken without loss

    #6) Poland
    4 Inf, 5 Art  vs  1 Arm
    w/ 4 Inf, 5 Art Ger
    Taken without loss

    Noncombat Moves
    1 Ftr Bst > Epl
    1 Arm Ger > Epl
    1 Mec Yug > Epl
    1 Inf Nita > Sita
    1 AA Wgr > Ger
    1 Bmr Bst > Wgr
    1 Inf Wfr > Wgr & 3 Art, 1 Arm UK > Wgr  via  5 Trn sz110 > sz112
    1 BB sz110 > sz112
    1 AC sz91 > sz112
    1 Inf Wfr > Gib  via  Trn sz110 > sz91
    1 CA sz110 > sz91
    1 sub sz91 > sz89

    9 Inf, 1 Art - Ger
    5 Inf, 1 Mec, 1 Art, 1 Arm, 1 Ftr - Wgr
    1 DD - sz112

    $52 + $10 NOs - $4 Convoy = $58


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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







