OK, as a non-american who could really give a ratts-a$$ about who runs the US, right or left wing some personal observations. It really is sad to see the right and left fighting and rearranged deck chairs as the titanic is taking on water. I for one would welcome a strong, prosperous and introspective america. MSNBC is about as left as FOX is right. FOX tends to make more factual mistakes however, like Anne coulter arguing with a Canadian journalist about Canada sending troops to vietnam during that war. Canada didn’t, but Anne is not one to let facts get in the way of a good insult.
CNN is becoming irrelevant. Nobody mentioned PBS, they are accused of being lefties by FOX types, but PBS puts out a high quality product, perhaps a bit left as right wingers don’t tend to pursue journalism as a career.
Perhaps to get a better perspective on America, Americans should watch non-american news shows. It might just surpise you what non-americans think are important issues and what important issues are to the rest of the world that most US media outlets ignore.
BBC world report is highly respected around the world and should be one of many sources. While Al-Jazzera has its critics and often rightly so, it is an interesting window on the grievences of those who wish american harm.