I understand lots of people do the attack on the BB…I don’t…my typical German move is like this (w/ assumption Russian sub defending BB, West Russia has fallen, and Ukraine was crippled, but not taken…
Russia has 90% odds on Ukraine on R1, which means that Germany cannot realistically expect for Ukraine to survive. You can also attack both SZ2 and Egypt (with 2 INF, 1 ART, 1 ARM, 1 FTR) both with 90% odds.
G1 Buy: 3inf, 1 sub, 5 tanks
SZ8 sub to American fleet.
Bomber, Balkan fighter, UKR fighter (if avail), Libya inf/tank, S. Europe tank/inf invade Egypt…BB should (God willing) wipe out DD.
French and German fighter to take out Cruiser.
Norway 2inf/fighter, 2 Belorussia inf, 1 E. Europe fighter to Karelia.
Combats occur. Egypt, Karelia fall. IPC 42. Expected losses: 2inf in Egypt, 1inf Karelia, 1 fighter to cruiser. 50% chance of sub success (sorry, I’m a black and white guy…either the cruiser will kill me or it won’t).
Everything OK, but why attack SZ10? Send the submarine to SZ1 instead and you’ll sink the UK transport for sure (which counts more since the UK is the one who can pressure Germany the easiest).
NCM: Position DD one SZ out, possibly blocking Norway or SZ7 (so two SZ out). Either leave trans or move one out if I move DD two out. (Realizing these will be sacked, but sack worth it if Brit planes have to spread, and esp. if DD can hit on D).
Move 2Germany inf to France, 1 German inf, all tanks to E.Europe. Abandon front line @ Ukraine and Belorussia, leaving 1 inf each. Move Balkans to E. Europe (if not used to retake Ukraine). Move S. Europe inf to France, move art to Balkans. Egypt Bomber, and 2 fighters land in Libya, Algeria art moves to Libya to defend planes. 1 or 2 fighters that attacked Cruiser move to France, 1 Karelia plane to Germany, the other to France. I’m mentally moving everything so I hope that did it. Place 2inf in Germany, 1 Sub Baltic, 4 tanks Germany, and 1inf/tank in S.Europe. This sets up with the DD, trans, Belorussia, Ukraine, Norway (assuming Brits dropped additional support…), and possibly Karelia being attacked. Algeria WILL NOT being invaded due to 5 fighters and a Bomber able to wipe out a UK BB and US Cruiser (if sub failed).
I love just sending the transports to be sunk later and land 4 US units on Africa on US1.
G2 will be 4inf, 1 sub, 4tanks, 1art. Med Trans will pick up tank/inf from S. Eurpoe and use BB to eliminate TransJordan (1 IPC). 2 Egypt tanks split acquiring 4 Africa IPCs.
Sorry? You’re assuming UK counterattack on Egypt? LOL. It is a standard Allied UK1 as well, even if Germany has 2-3 units there to attack with 3 INF, 1 FTR and 1 BMR and even send the cruiser for the land shot, if necessary.
E. Europe staging ground retakes Ukraine and Belorussia and Karelia (if req’d) at minimal cost using Bomber and Germany fighter.
NCM Libyan Planes to France/Germany, Bomber and fighter land in E.Europe. All purchased units will be placed in Germany. I should be at 47 IPC at this point (Karelia/W. Russia cancel out), if Norway fell, then I’ll be down to 45.
40/41. Forget about those 4 IPCs on Africa.
2 Germany inf to France, 5 tanks to E. Europe. I will spread the subs prior to placing, but I expect them to try to hit something, and when they do, it will cost them…from here on out, its lots of (inf, a fighter(or bomber), and 3 tanks ). I’ll fortify Germany/France/E.Europe and trade punches on the Russian lines. I do this because I know on J2 Burtiya and US Asia has fallen, and if there isn’t a complex out there, I guarantee India is due in two turns. If an IB on UK opens up, good night, game over, drive home safely…
Again assuming that the Soviets will conveniently leave their 6 INF on Buryatia to be destroyed on J2. And India should be conquered at J2-3 actually for Japan to build an IC there as quickly as possible.
IB on UK? You the Germans conquering UK? LOL again. Whatever, the Allied playing you are described can be resumed to 1 word: unexperienced.