Here we go again. Lol
Cymru vs wheatbeer g40 alpha2
oh wait one sec … can minor ic be built on island?
crap, i think it can’t :-(
care if I change my buy (combat moves wont change)
They cannot be built on islands, feel free to change the buy.
revised Buy (52/52)
2 inf
1 dest
3 sub
1 battleshipcombat same as before
AA gun on car
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (3)
A: 1 cru + 1 bsh bombarding + 1 inf, art landing + 1 fig
Rolls: 2@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@2: (5, 6)2@3: (1, 2)1@4: (1)
D: 2 inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 6)
no losses, car and msh taken
1 inf eus load trans SZ101 >> SZ86 unload bra, take bra, activate bra inf
1 carrier SZ26 >> SZ33
1 fig car >> SZ33
2 fig wak >> phi
1 dest SZ25 >> SZ32
1 dest SZ30 >> SZ32
1 dest SZ31 >> SZ32
3 dest SZ26 >> SZ32
1 cru, 2 sub SZ26 >> SZ33
2 fig SZ26 >> wak
1 strat wus >> wak
2 sub 1 cru 1 bsh 1 carrier 1 tact 1 fig SZ101 >> SZ11Mobilize:
2 inf wus
1 dest SZ101
3 sub, 1 battleship SZ10Collect 84 IPC (btw, I started actually using the IPC collect box near the turn counters … fixed anzac IPC box, collected 17 at the end of ANZAC2)
China IPC box needs to be fixed to 7 also from C2 collect.
Buy 2 inf (6/7 IPC)
Mobilize 2 inf hop
Collect 5 IPC (6 IPC total for C4 buys)
I do not believe the fighters can make it from Wake to the Phillipines. It’s six movement points.
2 fig wak >> gua
Sorry :oops:
No worries.
fixed maps attached
The rules I have on 94canuck’s cards say they can’t sneak attack an unescorted trans. Does that mean no attacking unescorted trans with subs period?
they = subs
An unescorted transport is pretty much auto killed if you attack them. On the defense the alpha +2 rules will not allow an unescorted transport to unload troops during the combat phase if there is a sub in the sea zone. Though you can unload in the non combat move phase with a sub in the sea zone. So a sub can attack an unescorted transport.
UK3 (only UKE during buy/mobilize)
Buy (27/28)
2 mech
1 tank
1 trans
2 infCombat:
tank eth blitz >> kenya >> sud
dest SZ109 >> SZ106
fig UK >> SZ106
sub 110 >> SZ92 (sink trans) -
A: 1dest, 1fig
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)1@3: (5)
D: 1sub
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (5)
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)1@3: (4)
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (3)
no losses
1 fig SZ106 >> que
1 mech UK >> eir
2 inf, 1 art eth >> sudMobilize:
1 trans SZ106
2 mech, 1 tank
2 inf ukCollect 29 IPC (30 IPC total for UK4 buys)
Buy (16/17)
1 fig
2 infCombat:
1 inf cel load trans SZ44 >> SZ41 unload sum
1 inf nsw load trans SZ62 >> SZ45 unload dgu
2 fig queensland >> phi
1 dest SZ54 >> SZ41
1 cru SZ54 >> SZ33Mobilize:
1 fig, 2 inf nswCollect 31 IPC (32 total for ANZ4 buys)