Twilight Struggle
I noticed on BBG that Twilight Struggle is currently ranked as the top board game by votes. I don’t know why. The game looks complex. I know they say the system is simple, but purely from appearance I groaned, thinking of long hours studying rules and constantly having to refer back to them. Of course, I haven’t played it.
If anyone has played it, can you tell me why it is ranked that high? Specifics please… I am thinking about picking it up.
This is a late response and I’m sure you got more information about the game since posting this message, however, I’m going to answer anyway :-P.
I have Twilight Struggle. It is a esay game to learn. The rule book is only 8 pages. You can sit down and set up the game and read thought the rules as you go. You’ll have it in no time.
It isn’t a wargame, though, but is fun anyway.
Twilight Struggle has to be one of my favourite board games.
The mechanics are fairly simple, per se. However the real strategy lies in using and timing your use of cards well.
Plus, it is incredibly fun to throw down a card and yell at your opponent: