Hoping to find others that are willing to play G40 or any other variant of Axis and Allies
Hello All,
Kind of a noob on the forums etc… also, very much a noob for the online gaming…
I have a group of four that play once a month - looking to see if there are more players in Minnesota, or if someone is very willing to share with me how to game over the internet ( I am assuming this is the With Tech stuff I am reading about) I would be very willing to pick up another gaming time/group - - but need some help in setting up - i have skype account.
Thanks all!
I can show ya, and where in minnesota?
Thanks! I live in a suburb - west of Minneapolis called Minnetonka. You?
Would love to have a game and get some help on how the online gaming works (threads etc…) I have only played about 3 games… as Japan, and have lost 3 games, but we are in our fourth, and doing quite well this time… learning! lol.
How do we get started for my tutoring? :)
Thanks again, looking forward to learning and playing!
Well, do you have the Abattle map module by TM/Wonko? http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=22837.0
I doubt id be able to play face to face with ya, I’m in southeast WI, but there are a few guys who live closer to u than me, some from Eau Claire and Lacrosse, I’ll let em know.
Also, this will be alot easier to do via skype. Add me, my skype name is ryan.davidson.ghr2. -
A 5 and a half hour drive is not quite my Forte
No worries and understand, but would still be very interested in learning and connecting for a game via online/skype whatever…
I have not downloaded anything, should I use the link in this post?
I will send you a skype invite - my skype name is :advancedhealingsystems - - Company name
Probably later today and will be around all day tomorrow at home, are you available for me to call via skype?
Also, I have seen… PM me… lol, how do you do that? I am a bit older (40), but not unfamiliar with IT stuff and gaming - played WOW and AC for a few years…
Thanks again!
Ya use the link and follow the directions, you may need to unzip a few files.
I can help you if you have any problems.
And it will depend on the time of day today, I will probably be at the Y some time. -
cool thanks! I won’t have time today, but will this evening. I will try connecting either tonight or tomorrow sometime, but should be able to handle the download part etc…
Will be in touch… thanks!
k later
yo yo
mark_newton iam up for a good game aswell
I host Axis & Allies Global at my home in Plymouth, MN on Friday nights. Contact me if you are interested: MJHProducts@gmail.com or 612-310-7962