Yeah, crazy comebacks happen like that. I don’t I’ve had one that momentous, but it’s nice to see others who did.
I like the proposed solutions.
And yea, I think it’s totally retarded, that German can’t collect for Yugoslavia because an allied sub is off the coast of Italy? I dropped a WTF bomb when that happend to me. I get it if it’s an island territory, but when it’s landlocked? How is that even possible?
I like the concept of having to match up destroyers. 1-1. Subs not matched up can then Submerge/retreat.
This makes Germany buying Copious amounts of subs, a successful tactic, And vice versa aswell.
I agree. I don’t think defending subs should be allowed to retreat, but they should be able to submerge. If you think about it, that’s the tactic they employed when they encountered a destroyer. I like the 1-1 match up. Should (defending subs) not matched up be allowed to submerge before first round of combat? I think so.
The 106 & 109 attack isnt about killing transports, its about killing destroyers
Knock them all out of the north atlantic, then your subs can play havoc over there near canada
if 2 live move one down to the bahamas
then move that one to africa
make UK destroyers run circles
I agree. I don’t think defending subs should be allowed to retreat, but they should be able to submerge. If you think about it, that’s the tactic they employed when they encountered a destroyer. I like the 1-1 match up. Should (defending subs) not matched up be allowed to submerge before first round of combat? I think so.
Someone bring it up on Larry’s site. I think its a great idea. Subs are damn near worthless except as fodder hits in major battles as is.
If anyone is interested I have brought our sub house rules back to the surface under HOUSE RULES. Have been working good for us.
As far as tactics go, I think it’s advantageous for Germany to put a sub in a far corner of the Atlantic out of reach of anything. The sole purpose of this tactic is to deny UK an NO for as long as possible. I don’t know about you guys, but a u-boat in any part of the Atlantic that can be considered useful, doesn’t live that long for me. A cost 6, and if you deny the NO for a minimum of 2 turns you’ve already made good on your investment.
Best time to do this would probably be with a starting sub since U.S. is neutral.
another good tactic is when you know you’re sub is going to be sunk, try and move him to a spot that is least advantageous to the enemy, this could be in the middle of the ocean or out towards the periphery.