Thinking about your thoughts on beach combat. This could be simulated by giving defenders a first round reprisal or sneak attack. personally the problem I see in all the AA series is that the PTO islands aren’t worth attacking as hard as other targets elsewhere.
If it is the case, like a preemptive strike (with no retaliation for the killed attacker) from defenders in islands, I think it will hinders a PTO strategy and create stalemate of not enough ground units to capture those islands (for no IPCs). USA will even more turn is war effort against Germany in Atlantic (10 IPCs in Western Europe).
Even with an offensive armada, with many Fgt, CA, BB it is still the Inf that capture territory. For each two Inf killed, it means a useless transport wich need to turn back toward USA/Hawaii. It’s a long chain of communication when USA wants to make “Islands hopping”.
I tought about an other way to simulate the difficult beach assault:
“When an invasion was amphibious only, the defender can “soak” 1 hit from any attacking units including bombardment, aircraft or ground attack, without loosing any defending unit.”
I tought about this rule with PTO in background, but it should be used also in ETO. Africa, Western Europe, etc. And there I think it will be too much in favor of the Germany. I never test this “house rule” on amphibious only assault.
So, this means that the attacker need more punch on offensive to killed fastly all the defending units, because the more cycles of attack and defense the more chance the attacking ground units can be crippled and whole invasion strategy compromise because of lack of Infantry.
An other interesting house rule that can be introduce in conjunction with marines unit:
Amphibious assaults: Each defending unit defends at +1 during the first cycle of combat (each time it is attacked). Simple, effective and makes amphibious assaults a lot riskier!
Worth also thinking about it when introducing Marines units:
Re: Revised Amphibious Assaults
This rule makes for a more realistic take on assaulting beaches or Islands.
During an Amphib Assault, on the first round of combat, attacking infantry cannot be supported by artillery. Also defending artillery is defends on 3 during the first round. Every round afterwards combat continues as normal.
This rule has solved the “easy sea-lion” problem in some of our Europe games, and it encourages the Germans to actually defend Normandy rather than stack up in France. It doesn’t really affect small Amphib Assaults, because only the first round changes.
Would Marines in AA42 with the rules from AA Pacific, not AAP40, be viable if the Japanese had a Fukkaku Defense?
“The Japanese introduced the tactic of endurance engagements intended to inflict maximum casualties. This tactic called Fukkaku included bunkers and pillboxes connected by tunnels.
All your infantry on islands defend on a 3.”
This is taken from here: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=15052.0
Would Marines work in AAP40 under the same circumstance?
I found other interesting suggestions here, with Larry Harris comments:
I REALLY like the suggestion of giving the defender a +1 to all units on the first round of amphibious assaults. I share your concerns about anything that makes the game more defensive, but I will argue below that this is OK.
First off, if you are interested in pursuing this, I recommend the following variant:
“Units which are amphibiously assaulting suffer a -1 penalty on the first round of combat.”
This has four advantages over the +1 to defenders.
- First, it is more flavorful. Put the penalty on the attackers.
- Second it is more realistic. Let unsupported infantry attack at a 0. The first stages of a landing are more about getting boots on the ground than getting anything effective out of them (Just watched “Saving Private Ryan” last night).
- Third, since it doesn’t affect planes, it will be less impactful than boosting defense, if you’re worried about it shifting game balance.
- Fourth, it makes it very simple rules-wise when you have attacks which combine a land attack with an amphibious attack (just give a -1 to the units actually coming from the sea). Also, if you do implement a Marines rule (which I think you should NOT do, BTW) you can just exempt the marines from the penalty.
Now, whichever of these you might choose to use, these are the reasons I think it’s a good plan from a gameplay point of view.
- It would make Sea Lion a little harder. From what I’m seeing here, right now it’s a mainstream strategy where I think it should be a bit more of a fringe strategy or gambit of opportunity.
- It gives us more of a Fortress Europe feel. If Germany wants to build an Atlantic Wall, they need to garrison Normandy, Holland, Western Germany, and Denmark, making their expenditures 4 to 1 against Allied expenditures (not really, with transport costs, but still…) This just throws a little bone to Germany.
- Germany might actually be able to hold onto Norway for a decent time.
- I haven’t playtested the new Med setup, but Egypt always felt vulnerable to a combined land and naval assault. This would help the Brits a smidge.
- It has always been a disappointment to me that we don’t see a bitter defense of the Japanese Pacific islands (in most of my games, they get stripped for extra infantry). Maybe with this rule and airbases, it might finally become a viable strategy to garrison them.
As for making the game more defensive, I have several mitigating arguments.
- For a decent sized attack, this rule amounts to a reduction of 1-2 expected hits. Enough to make the attack slightly more expensive, but not game-breakingly so
- It scales with attack size. With small attacks, it’s almost irrelevant.
- In many cases you’re defending multiple territories, which already gives an attacker with naval mobility a huge force advantage.
I think I totally agree with your approach.
-1 assigned to the attacker. I must let you know that this is rather radical new rule and it will be an up hill round to ever incorporate the concept into the game, but who knows. Thanks…
IL amends the rule about giving +1 to all defending unit of an amphibious assault:
The bonus is only for +1 for each landing unit, if you got less units then thats fine… they are +1
For my part, I will add: giving for 1st round of an amphibious assault Def+1 to all ground units defending (Inf/Art/MecInf/Arm) and only up to the number of attacking landing units.