The conceit in “East & West” is that minor powers just bond to a major power, once they become active in the war. So, what I had suggested was that France would become part of Western Europe, and the Arab League would become part of the UK, if/when they’re at war with the USSR.
It just keeps things a lot cleaner, in terms of not having to reinvent the turn order, and other stuff which might add overhead.
Axis&Allies Express: EAST AFRICA
Interesting. I thought these games almost died. Was it Spartan who is working on Greece? We still need that done. Once schools out I’m free to work on exporter.
yeah all i have left is set up for greece spring break starts tomorrow though so I think I will knock out 3 or 4 games over break
Spring Break? Sure you ain’t talking about Summer Break? OF course they may do it different where you live.
yep spring break
Okay guys with Summer apporaching I think we put these games into overhall. I personally want to complete 3 games by August.
Any updates on these games?
no interest seemed to die off so i stopped working on mine
if there still is interest i will resume work though -
Is the East Africa game done?
Hey dont stop working! This has potential. I like these small campaign style games. They are looking exciting yet you dont need nearly as much time or space. You guys got this. Keep up the great work.
I haven’t stopped, I just got slapped in the face with school.
ikr, real life sucks