@superbattleshipyamato “Politics is a can of worms and causes more problems than it solves”-Plato
Just a question
What sort of items are to be implemented in the “Downloads” section? Will that link be for PC A&A users, or will boardgamers find things of interest also??
Before the Nuke, we had a few things in there for both. We had complete offical rules for all three games, we had a downloadable map utility for email games. I can’t remember correctly, but I think I recall a link to the A&A game patch.
I’ll put a link to the game patch if anybody has it. Preferably a link to an official A&A PC game site.
Well, I’ve got the official file.
Do you want me to send it to you? That way people can download it off this site rather than linking to someone elses?
Either way, I’ve got the URL or actual file. Lemme know which one you want. :P
I only have a limited amount of bandwidth and when I start hosting large files the bandwidth useage increases by about 600 - 700%. So I’d rather not host the file directly. Sorry.
Okay, well here’s the URL: http://www.spring1942.com/resources/downloads/Axis_1331.exe