@SuperbattleshipYamato Yeah I get you 100%. Alternate History is a niche interest in the first place so finding other people willing to go down the rabbit hole is always tough.
Coolest looking armored vehicle!??? and why???
Elefant. The most succesful Tank Destroyer imo.
Battle of Kursk’s MVP!
Not really. Germans got their butts kicked at Kursk.
Elefant could not defend themselves at close range, no machine gun for one and too many fast moving T34’s closing the range on them taking away the advantage of their 88’s.I think the Stug wa a more effective TD.
i aggree
Not really. Germans got their butts kicked at Kursk.
Elefant could not defend themselves at close range, no machine gun for one and too many fast moving T34’s closing the range on them taking away the advantage of their 88’s.I agree but for the lost of 1 elephant, Allies lost 10.
Most of the Elephant were lost by failure or irreparable problems not because of allies hits.Love that beast!!
I think JagdTiger is cool, man.
Actually this is a Jagdpanther.
The jagdtiger had a 128L55 and built on a tiger II chassis, whereas the jagdpanther was built on a Panther chassis and sported an 88L71 if I recall.
Just FYIAnd yes, I love the Jagdpanther!!!
I vote with these guys! It is not a tank but it is a very powerful armored vehicle.
Panzer IIIs pwn all other armored vehicles for looks!
I vote with these guys! It is not a tank but it is a very powerful armored vehicle.
I love that beast too… a real good self propelled gun to be more specified.