Thanks for all of your kind comments.
However, I believe you may have misunderstood me concerning FUTURE NEW GAMES. What I was referring to were completely new games, such as we have with the Invasion of Italy, Invasion of Iwo Jima, and the Solomons Campaign games. Some of these might have new rules, and/or types of units with different A/D/C/M factors.
Of course anyone is capable of their own “house rules” if they wanted to have “new units”, such as Air Transport, S/P Artillery, etc. in a “standard” A&A game such as 1940-Global.
Of course, the UK-Europe(London) and UK-Pacific(Calcutta) were designed as having different paint schemes were meant for Global-1940 games. They will both be normal Infantry types just distinctly different in appearance due to the financial seperation of the two UK commands.
I have soo many ideas that will just take a little time to implement.
“Tall Paul”