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Organized Retreat
Any defenders remaining alive after thier defensive rolls have the option of preforming a retreat to a neiboring friendly tt.
For every 1 = Lucky Strike- Instantly remove one unit from the attackers line and move your troops to said friendly tt.
For every 2-4 = Succesive Retreat- Move your troops to said freindly tt.
For every 5-6 = Failed retreat- Instantly remove your troops who have failed to retreat.
You must specify which troops you are rolling for at any givin time.
I tried this rule ten different times using south africa as a designated area and the results were fairly equal, it allowed battles to last more than a single turn which also allowed reinforcements to arrive at a steady pace.
Results were 70 / 30 in favor of the defenders.
You may lose a few IPC’s by losing the tt, but it more than makes up for it by saving troops who would have normally died in the standered and alpha+1 rules.