Glossary to help making the rulebook easier to read:
A round is “each nations has their turn to play”
A turn is “This nations has its turn to play”.
So, the UK player moving all its pieces is “a turn”.
Can someone post here, the newest Alpha setup for me - not just link to Harris Design website. Because I am based in Singapore, my IP address is not allowed to access Larry’s website. Thanks!
I believe the basic idea is that you do have to offer suggestions and report flaws/disbalance and all that at uncle Larry’s site. But if you cannot access it (weird :? ). Here is the setup itself:
Simply stated, the following rules are the results of combining an adjusted Scenario Alpha with rule changes to Europe 40. These rules are therefore the new Global rules of these two combined games. This combining of the two game also presented an opportunity to incorporate several popular and/or often requested new features. Enjoy! This is to serve as a guide for playtesting. As a result of your playtest efforts this document will (perhaps) be changing periodically. All such changes will be entered in red. Be sure to check here for the latest changes before actually conducting a playtest.Thanks for your efforts,
Larry Harris
Creator of Axis & AlliesNational Setup by Country in Turn Order
Holland/Belgium – 4 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 3 tanks, 1 Fighter
Western Germany – 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 4 Mech Infantry, 2 Fighters, 3 Tac bombers 1 AA gun, 1 Major IC, 1 Naval base, 1 Airbase
Greater Southern Germany - 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 2 tanks
Germany – 6 Infantry, 4 artillery, 1 Bomber, 1 Major IC, 1 AA gun
Slovakia/Hungary – 2 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Tac Bomber
Romania – 3 Infantry, 1 Tank
Poland – 3 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
Norway – 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Denmark – 2 Infantry
Sea Zone 103 - 1 Sub
Sea Zone 108 - 1 Sub
Sea Zone 113 - 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 117 - 1 Sub
Sea Zone 118 - 1 Sub
Sea Zone 124 - 1 SubSoviet Union
Karelia - 3 Infantry
Archangel - 1 Infantry
Russia - 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber, 1 AA Gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Major IC
Volgograd - 2 tank, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Minor IC
Caucasus – 2 Infantry
Bessarabia – 2 Infantry
Western Ukraine – 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Eastern Poland – 3 Infantry
Baltic States – 3 Infantry
Belarus – 1 Infantry
Novgorod - 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC
Vyborg – 2 Infantry
Amur – 6 Infantry
Sakha – 6 Infantry, 1 AA gun
Buryatia – 6 Infantry
Sea Zone 115 – 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 127 – 1 SubJapan
Japan - 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 2 Fighters, 2 Tac Bombers, 2 Bomber, 1 AA Gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Major IC
Manchuria - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 AA Gun, 2 Fighters, 2 Tac Bombers
Palau Island - 1 Infantry
Kiangsi - 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Formosa - 1 Fighter
Shantung - 2 Infantry
Kwangsi - 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Iwo Jima - 1 Infantry
Jehol - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Caroline Islands - 1 Infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base,
Siam - 2 Infantry
Okinawa - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Kiangsu - 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber.
Korea - 4 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Sea Zone 6 - 1 Sub, 2 Destroyers, 2 Carriers each with 2 Tac & 2 Ftrs., 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 19 - 1 Sub, 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 33 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Carrier w/ 1 Tac & 1 Ftrs.
Sea Zone 20 - 1 Cruiser, 1 TransportUnited Kingdom (London)Atlantic side of map
Ontario - 1 Infantry
Quebec - 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Minor IC
New Brunswick Nova Scotia - 1 Naval Base
Iceland - 1 Airbase
United Kingdom - 1 French and 1 British infantry, 2 Brit & 1 ANZAC fighters, 1 AA gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Major IC,
Gibraltar –1 fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base
Malta – 1 Infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 Airbase
Alexandria - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
Egypt - 1 British & 2 ANZAC infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Naval Base
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan - 1 Infantry
Union of South Africa - 2 Infantry, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC
West India – 1 Infantry
Scotland – 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Sea Zone 71 - 1 Destroyer
Sea Zone 91 – 1 Cruiser
Sea Zone 98 – 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier w/1 Tac Bomber & 1 Fighter, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 106 – 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 109 – 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 110 – 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship
Sea Zone 111 – 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship
Sea Zone 112 – 1 CruiserUnited Kingdom (India) Pacific side of the map
Kwangtung - 2 Infantry, 1 Naval Base
Burma - 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Malaya – 3 British Infantry & 1 ANZAC Infantry, 1 Naval Base
India - 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 AA Gun, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Major IC
Sea Zone 37 - 1 Battleship
Sea Zone 39 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 TransportANZAC
New South Wales - 2 Infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 Minor IC, 1 Naval Base.
New Zealand - 1 Infantry, 2 Fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
Queensland - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
Sea Zone 62 -1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
Sea Zone 63 – 1 CruiserItaly
Northern Italy - 2 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 tank, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, 1 Major IC
Southern Italy - 5 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, 1 Naval Base, 1 Airbase, 1 Minor IC
Albania - 2 Infantry, 1 tank
Italian Somaliland – 1 Infantry
Ethiopia – 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Libya – 2 Infantry
Tobruk - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 tank
Sea Zone 95 - 2 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub, 2 Transport
Sea Zone 97 – 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 TransportUnited States
Western US - 3 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Bomber, 1Tac Bomber, 1 Fighter, 1 AA Gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC
Hawaiian Islands - 2 Infantry, 2 fighters, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
Philippines - 2 Infantry, 1 fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base.
Midway - 1 Airbase
Wake Island - 1 Airbase
Guam - 1 Airbase
Eastern United States – 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 AA Gun, 1 Airbase, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC
Central United States - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Bomber, 1 Minor IC
Sea Zone 26 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser
Sea Zone 10 - 1 Battleship, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport, Carrier w/Tac & Ftr
Sea Zone 35 - 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
Sea Zone 101 – 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
Sea Zone 89 – 1 DestroyerChina
Szechwan 5 Infantry and one fighter
Hunan 2 Infantry
Yunnan 4 Infantry
Kweichow 2 Infantry
Shensi 1 Infantry
Suiyuyan 2 InfantryFrance
France - 6 French & 1 British Infantry, 1 French & 1 British Artillery, 1 French & 1 British tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Airbase, 1 Major IC
Southern France - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Naval Base
Normandy/Bordeaux – 1 Infantry, 1 tank, 1 Naval Base, 1 Minor IC
Syria - 1 Infantry
Tunisia – 1 Infantry
Morocco – 1 Infantry
Algeria – 1 Infantry
French West Africa – 1 Infantry
Sea Zone 72 - 1 Destroyer
Sea Zone 93 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser
Sea Zone 112 - 1 CruiserNational Objectives (Global Only)
When Germany is not at War with the Soviet Union
1. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for not being at war with the Soviet Union. Wheat & Oil trade.When Germany is at War with the Soviet Union
2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for EACH of the following territories, Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow) controlled by the Axis.When Germany is at War with the European Allies
3. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if there is at least one German land unit in an Axis controlled Egypt.
4. Collect 5 IPC per turn if Germany controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is either neutral or controlled by the Axis.
5. Collect 5 IPCs per turn that Germany controls the United Kingdom.Soviet Union
When the Soviet Union is at War in Europe
1. Collect 3 IPCs per turn for each original German territory the Soviet Union controls.
2. Collect 5 IPCs if the convoy in sea zone 125 is free of Axis Warships. Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union, and there are no units belonging to any other Allied powers present in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.
3. Collect 10 IPCs, once, for Soviet capture (12/05/10) of Berlin (Germany).When the Soviet Union becomes at War with Japan
4. Collect 12 IPCs, once, and at the beginning of the turn following a declaration of war by Japan on the Soviet Union.Japan
When Japan is NOT at War
1.Collect 10 IPCs each turn that Japan is not at war with the United States and has not invaded French Indo-China or made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC.
When Japan becomes at War with the Soviet Union.
2. Collect 12 IPCs, once, and at the beginning of the turn following a declaration of war by the Soviet Union on Japan.When Japan is at War
3. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if Axis controls 5 of the 7 following islands. Midway, Wake, Marianas, Iwo Jima, Caroline, Solomon Islands and Guam.
4. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling each of the following Major power centers – Honolulu, Sydney, Calcutta, and/or the Western United States.
5. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling all of the following territories: Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Celebes.United Kingdom (The following NOs are only awarded to London)
When the United Kingdom is at War with German/Italy
1. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if there are no German submarines on the Europe map with the following exceptions: The Baltic Sea (113 -114 -115). The Black Sea (100) and of course the Caspian Sea.
2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the United Kingdom controls all of its original territories in North America, Africa, and Europe.When the United Kingdom is at War with Japan
(The following NO is awarded only to Calcutta)
3. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the United Kingdom controls all of its original territories on the Pacific map. This also includes West India (actually located on the Europe map). Note: The two Canadian territories (Yukon territory & British Columbia) located on the Pacific map are owned and controlled by London not Calcutta.ANZAC
When ANZAC is at War with Japan
1. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the Allies (Not including the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain and the Solomon Islands.
2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the Allied powers control Malaya and ANZAC controls all of its original territories.Italy
When Italy is at War
1. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if Axis powers control 3 of these 4 territories: Egypt, S.France, Greece, Gibraltar.
2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if there are no Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean Sea (sea zones 92 through 99).
3. Collect 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following North African territories:
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, AlexandriaUnited States
When at War
1. Collect 15 IPCs per turn for complete control of the continental US and Mexico (WUS, CUS, EUS).
2. Collect 5 IPC per turn if the Allies control 5 of the 7 following islands. Midway, Wake, Marianas, Iwo Jima, Caroline, Solomon Islands and Guam.
3. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling the Philippines
4. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling Hawaii, Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, Line Islands, and Johnston Island
5. Collect 5 IPCs for turn for controlling Southern Mexico, Central America (Panama)and the West indiesChina
Collects 6 IPCs per turn if the Burma Road is totally open. The Allies must control India, Burma, Yunnan and Szechwan for this to occur. China is also permitted to purchase artillery (represented by US pieces) if the Burma Road is open.France
When France is at War
Troop Bonus: When the territory of France is liberated, for the first time only, the player controlling this territory immediately places up to 12 IPCs worth of any units on the territory of France.Rules Changes that Now are Observed.
1. AA Guns are no longer captured; they are removed from play after the territory is captured.2. Major industrial complexes can no longer be built on foreign territories (this includes upgrading minor ones). Likewise they may no longer be upgraded when captured. The original owner of the territory may upgrade it if the territory is recaptured.
3. If the Soviet Union is at war with Axis powers on only one map, it is still under the restrictions of being a neutral power. In other words, war with Japan lifts those restrictions from the USSR on the Pacific map only, and war with Germany and/or Italy lifts those restrictions on the Europe map only.
4. Scramble rules have been changed. They now read:
Scrambling is a special action that can take place at the beginning of this phase (Phase 3: Conduct Combat (Powers at War Only), and it must be completed before any combat occurs. A quick reaction team of no more than 3 defending fighters and/or tactical bombers (strategic bombers can’t scramble) located on islands and coastal territories that have operative air bases can be scrambled to defend against attacks in the adjacent sea zones. Air units can only be scrambled to help friendly naval units in adjoining sea zones that have come under attack, or they can also be scrambled to resist an amphibious assault. They may defend against the enemy ships conducting the amphibious assault even if friendly ships are not present. In either case, resolve combat as usual during the Conduct Combat phase.Scrambled fighters and tactical bombers are defending, so refer to their defense values and abilities when resolving combat. They can’t participate in any other battles during that turn, including a battle on the island or territory from which they were scrambled.
In situations where a sea zone is served by more than one airbase, Korea and Japan into sea zone 6 for example, each of the territories (or both in this case) can scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers. On the other hand, if Korea is specifically being attacked by an amphibious force, and there is no sea battle occurring, only the aircraft in Korea can participate in the scramble.
To sum it up: If there is a sea battle, involving an amphibious assault or not, all neighboring aircraft that meet the scramble requirements can participate in the sea battle. If there is only an amphibious assault and there is no sea battle, only the territory be attacked from the sea can scramble up to 3 aircraft.
All scrambled air units must return to their original island or territory from which they were scrambled. If the enemy captures those locations, the units can move one space to land in a friendly territory or on a friendly aircraft carrier. If no such landing space is available, the units are lost. Surviving scrambled air units land during that turn’s Noncombat Move phase, before the attacker makes any movements.
5. Victory Conditions
The game ends after one side or the other achieves its objective, listed below, and maintains it for a complete round of play. In addition, a side must control at least one of its own capitals at the end of that round in order to win
A. Victory for the Allies if: All Axis capitals are under allied control.
B. victory for the axis if they control 6 of the 8 victory cities on the Pacific board.
C. victory for the axis if they control 8 of the 11 victory cities on the Europe board.6. IPC income from West India (2) now goes to Calcutta.
7. IPC income from British Columbia now goes to London.
Note: With these income changes United Kingdom Pacific now makes 17 IPCs and United Kingdom now makes 28 IPCs8. All 3 Minor ICs in the continental US automatically are immediately converted to Major ICs when the US is at war. They can be upgraded at any time for 20 IPCs.
9. Strategic Bombing Raids procedure:
• Escorts fire @1, and interceptor casualties are immediately removed.
• Bombers fire @ 1 and interceptors fire @ 2. Remove bomber and interceptor casualties
• Surviving bombers are assigned a target
• The target fires its AA guns at the attacking aircraft - @1
• Surviving bombers attack their target, looking for the highest number possible.Prior to the AA gun fire the surviving bombers are assigned a specific target (IC, airbase or naval base) if more than one type is in the territory.
When bombing, each Strategical bomber rolls one die. The number rolled +1 is the total number of hits the target will receive. Gray chips are placed under the target for each hit scored.
Tactical Bombers can also conduct bombing raids. They follow the exact procedure as presented above. Tactical Bombers are limited to attacking only naval bases and airbases, however.
Tactical bombers also roll one die. Again that number rolled is the number of hits the target receives. Do not add 1 to the dice roll when bombing with Tactical bombers.
Damage Repairs… the removal of damage markers, is done during the controlling player’s - Phase 1: Purchase & Repair Units.
IT COST 2 IPCs to remove each damage marker…Major industrial complexes can only mobilize 10 units per turn minus the number of damage markers they have. For example a major IC with 6 damage markers can produce only 4 units. A major IC can only receive up to 15 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned.
Minor industrial complexes can only mobilize 3 units per turn minus the number of damage markers they have. For example a minor IC with 2 damage markers can produce only 1 unit. A minor IC can only receive up to 6 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned damage markers.
Naval bases provide additional range and repairs to naval units. If a naval base has 3 damage markers it can no longer provide these services. A naval base can only receive up to 6 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned damage markers.
Airbases provide additional range and the ability to scramble. If an airbase has 3 damage markers it can no longer provide these services. An airbase can only receive up to 6 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned damage markers. Note: Aircraft can still land in territory whose airbase is out of service.
10. The United States may declare war on the Axis if London and/or any territory in North America (12/5/10) is captured by an Axis power.
11. The cost of AA guns will be adjusted down from 6 IPCs to 5 IPCs. (12/01/10)
12. Submarines no longer fire a special “sneak attack” shot at unescorted transports. Transports are not allowed to unload land units for an amphibious assault in a sea zone containing any enemy subs unless at least one friendly warship was also present in the sea zone at the end of the Combat Move phase.
(updated 12/07/10)
Many thanks. He mentioned its that there is loads of spam that originate from Singapore (strange) and thus IP addresses are banned from there.
Not very fair considering I’m painted with the wider brush, but your post is very much appreciated!
If you get blocked IPs, try going to Use that website as a proxy before going to another site. It slows it down a bunch so it won’t work on a video site like youtube but works great on text sites like forums, etc.
Cheers for that mate.