• '14


    Lol, will the questions never cease.

    1. If Japan attacks a US seazone with a naval base for the first attack the special rules state that the naval/air bases can’t return fire for the first round of combat. So that means no scrambling or naval base AA fire for the first round. But can the US conduct naval base AA fire and scrambling for the second round of combat?

    Yes, treat the second round of combat as it was the first round. Remember ships dont get to firs back until round 3

  • '14




    If Poland is not attacked or survives the attack from Germany on round 1 it becomes Pro-Allied, does that refer to Warsaw or all of Poland? If only the units in East Poland survive the attack can they attack Germany (or Russia if they survive a Russian attack on Round 1)?

    you’d matter as well end the game if Germany cant take Poland on the 1st turn, but the UK player will represent the pols if (in the rare chance that they dont get taken)Only if Warsaw isn’t taken. If Warsaw is taken Poland as a whole is defeated.

    so, let me summarize.
    if Warsaw is NOT taken in G1, for whatever the reason,
     then Poland join Allies as part of UK. it can move, it can attack, it can produce, it can collect.
    if Warsaw is taken in G1, which it should normally,
     then Poland is “defeated” and becomes a Pro-Allies neutral. it can’t do anything. Any Allies can walk-in to activate the remaining Polish territory and army, even the Soviet. (??!!)

    Do you endorse this summary?

    I would agree with everything you say. The only exception should be the Soviets. Since they are technically still neutral they can’t take over a Pro-Allied neutral territory. Just like in history, Russia should have to fight for any piece of Poland that it wants.

    I would even go so far as to say that if Germany does not take out Warsaw on the first round and Poland becomes a “Minor Allied”, then Russia can invade if it wants to. An unlikely scenario true, but good to allow I think.

    Also Tiger, if you want any help in revising/clarifying the rules I would be more than willing to create a draft based on the answers in this thread. Just let me know!

    Russia starts neutral and cannot declare war on any European country, except for Poland, Baltic States and Finland, or any other neutral not in Europe until at full war production.

    This could be worded better,. Russia can declare war on any neutral not in Europe and can declare war on Finlan, Poland , and Baltic States.

    As far as Warsaw is concerned, if Germany takes Warsaw on the first turn then all Polands forces are removed just like in the old AA rules.

  • '14


    hi Tiger, I was the one who ask tons of question to Wonko. :-)
    good work, you have. support to you.

    questions time.

    4. If Holland is not captured on Round 1 can the UK still non-com into the DEI and capture the territories?Only if the Dutch have entered the war.
    –> Rule I.5 need revision then.
    4a.) It seems to imply Dutch has its own diplomatic status, right? if German has not declare war on Dutch G1(and possibly G2) and Japan has not declare war on anyone, then Dutch remains neutral. UK can’t non-com into DEI nor capture that money. Am I correct?
    4b.) If the answer is yes to 4a, Dutch remains neutral, collects and move unit in the same turn as UK, but cannot involvement in any combat, unless being declared war on. Is it correct?
    4c.) Can UK declares war on Polish and Dutch behalf? on Germany and, starting from UK3, on Japan?

    This is my correction/clarrification on the Dutch rule…

                a  Poland is treated as a neutral country in which war is declared on by Germany. Poland is allied with the U.K. and France. If for some reason Germany attacks France and not Poland, or Poland survives attack on turn 1 then Poland can become a playable country. Poland can be played 2 ways if this scenario happens. (1) Poland moves and collects income (IPC’s on the board) on same turn as the UK. (2) Poland is absorbed by UK and all units and IPC’s are absorbed into the UK(commonwealth) Army.
    b  Pro Allies all pro allied countries become active when occupied by any other allied unit or units. All Pro allied countries that are activated are absorbed into the occupying countries army. Pro allied countries receive no income and are controlled by the occupying country.
    c  Pro Axis all pro axis countries become  active when occupied by any other axis unit or units. All pro axis counties except for Iraq can collect an income and build units as if they have a minor IC. Remember that the Minor axis countries have set incomes that may not be the same as the IPC value of their country. Siam does not collect an income but gets 1 infantry per turn after it is activated by Japan. Argentina can only be activated by German occupation.
                d Strict Neutrals strict neutral countries cannot be swayed pro axis or pro allied under any circumstance except for Spain, Turkey and Sweden.                             1.Spain will turn pro axis if France has fallen and Germany has control of either                Leningrad, Stalingrad, or Moscow.
    2.Sweden will turn pro axis if Norway and Finland are controlled by Germany and has control of Moscow.
    3.Turkey will turn pro allied when all of Africa and Greece is controlled by the allies.

    e  Dutch Is neutral and is comprised of the territories of Holland and all the Dutch East Indies. Holland may not be entered by the allies unless Germany has declared war on the Dutch. If Germany has not declared war on the Dutch and Paris falls under German control; the Dutch turn pro allied and Holland and the DEI can be entered by the allies.

    5. ICs. so you say ICs can only be placed on one original soil in the reply. is it a new decision? AAG40 has not have this restriction on minor IC and it is not mentioned in your rulebooks yet.
    5a.) what you said is, Allies can only build IC on their original soil. Axis can only build IC on their original soil + Pro-Axis + Minor Axis country. right?

  • '14

    1 more thing. I think there was something mentioned about Paratroopers and transporting inf with bombers! I know this rule is a little vague, so here we go.

    1. Bombers can drop Paratroopers in CM from Airbase only.
    2. Bombers can transport infantry at 1/1 in NCM and both have to start from the same territory. Infantry has to load on the plane from a territory that has and airbase.
    3. Bombers transporting infantry can’t land in a territory that has been taken on the same turn.
    4. Bombers that have bombed or dropped paratroopers in combat move cannot transport in NCM.
    5. All bombers are subject to AA fire as normal.

  • Thanks for all the answers.

    I’m just planning my first round as Japan and had a question.

    1. Can the banzai attack only be used by infantry or can veteran/naval infantry use it as well? If yes is there a max to how much the +1 can stack up? For instance can a naval infantry attack on a 6 in the first round of combat during an amphibious assault on a banzai attack when paired with artillery?

  • Question lol  :-D
    So are people playing this on the forums? Just wondering.

  • we are going to have a new game started.

    that’s why we have been checking up this and that so diligently.  :wink:

  • '14


    Thanks for all the answers.

    I’m just planning my first round as Japan and had a question.

    1. Can the banzai attack only be used by infantry or can veteran/naval infantry use it as well? If yes is there a max to how much the +1 can stack up? For instance can a naval infantry attack on a 6 in the first round of combat during an amphibious assault on a banzai attack when paired with artillery?

    This rule is for regular nfantry only. These units are attcking in a mannor that negates any other combined arms….such as being matched with artillery. Ex.  If japan is attacking with 5 infantry and 1 artillery…then 1 infantry is at a +1 combined with the artillery and 2 infantry are at a +1 designated banzai attacks and the 5th in is attacking at normal value.

  • @Tigerman77:


    Thanks for all the answers.

    I’m just planning my first round as Japan and had a question.

    1. Can the banzai attack only be used by infantry or can veteran/naval infantry use it as well? If yes is there a max to how much the +1 can stack up? For instance can a naval infantry attack on a 6 in the first round of combat during an amphibious assault on a banzai attack when paired with artillery?

    This rule is for regular nfantry only. These units are attcking in a mannor that negates any other combined arms….such as being matched with artillery. Ex.  If japan is attacking with 5 infantry and 1 artillery…then 1 infantry is at a +1 combined with the artillery and 2 infantry are at a +1 designated banzai attacks and the 5th in is attacking at normal value.

    Awww….my Japanese moves are going to be a little bit less intimidating now. Lol, I guess that’s more balanced though.

  • '14

    Sorry dawg!  It’s good you brought that up, I’ll definetly clarrify this in the rules.

  • How many people do you want in your game?

  • We are playing at five players , which is filled up now. If u look to play one, I can surely recommend u to them. And see if we can play later.

    Or u may ask wonko n see if he wants more

  • I posted on the “find players” so I’ll make one. Good luck on the game let us know how it turns out  :mrgreen:

  • So what do we use for Por Allied units?

  • '14


    So what do we use for Por Allied units?

    I took some U.K. pieces and painted them Beret Green.

  • No I ment for the module. Also are ALL air and naval bases on the board actually there? Plus ANZAC has no ships on my setup.

  • '14


    No I ment for the module. Also are ALL air and naval bases on the board actually there? Plus ANZAC has no ships on my setup.

    Yes, all the air and Naval bases are true……some territories could have had air bases but I had to limit it to just the major bases. This is why leningrad doesn’t have one. I fixed this but haven’t posted the updated charts.

    Sea zone 99: 1 DD, 2 subs, 1 Transport

  • So all bases on the board are also on the “setup”?

  • '14


    So all bases on the board are also on the “setup”?

    I’m almost 100% positive yes. If not it is a mistake that no one has pointed out!

  • '14

    I was reading on the House rules forum about different ASW warfare. Just wanted to know what people think about applying this to the 39 game.

    f Submarine use Global 40 rules in conjunction with; are detected by destroyers on a 1/1 basis. (Ex. 3 DD’s and 1 CA attack 5 submarines. 3 submarines are detected and the other 2 get a preemptive strike and can retreat to nearest friendly sea zone or stay and fight. These 2 submarines can retreat only because they cannot submerge in a sea zone that contains a destroyer. Even if the preemptive strike destroys 1 DD, the 3 submarines that were detected are still detected and cannot retreat or submerge.) The 1/1 detection method is set at the beginning of combat and does not change during the battle.

    Let me know what you guys think?

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