This topic has been moved to Software.
Strategies back online (almost)
Rules are coming back online too. I thought you people would be ebullient. Oh, well.
This is the happiest i’ve been since . . . ummm . . . ever?
i’m not a very happy person . . . . -
Didn’t I remember you saying something about a content-management system?
Yeah, this is the first step of it. Right now it consists of me entering the articles in the database manually and then running a script to automatically generate the pages.
The next step is to add a form so that people can submit articles and I can approve/edit them and put them up on the site.
After that (or maybe before), I’m going to set up a way to rate the articles on a scale of one to five.
Nice! Any help that you need, just ask. I wish I had the web-skills you and Deviant have :)
Same goes with me, just holler and I’d be happy to help. I know all that database programming and server scripting.
djensen, do you have the content in electronic format already?
If yes then is there anything that can be used to delimit the fields you want or perhaps even a fixed field length? If so you can use Microsoft access to import a text document into an access database, link that access database into an Oracle/SQL server or pret’near any other database via ODBC and write simple querries to bang it in.
I hate microsoft but believe it or not I worked for a company that did data migrations from AS/400 to Compaq Alpha servers running NT 4.0 using a laptop running windows and access to ‘migrate’ the data over. Did it for fortune 500 companies no less. I know referential integrity rules like da back of me hand!
All the articles are currently in XML format. So I could write an XML parser to read the articles and insert them into the database. But I think it might take me jsut as long to write and test that parser than it would to enter everything manually.
Well I haven’t worked with XML but I imagine access can still read it fairly easily using a wizard, or not….? I guess it all depends on how much typing is involved for the most part. :-)
MS Access is a suprisingly good tool when working with databases. This coming from a guy who hates microsoft…