@Soviet-Steamroller That is correct.
Painted Major ICs, Minors, Strict Neutrals
How long does shipping take? I live in an APO so unless they’re shipped priorty they’ll take ages to arrive.
Regular post takes a couple of days to get across the country.
Well, he’s in korea
Yeah, I ordered AAP40 from a company on Ebay. I told them to ship it Priorty, they shipped it Parcel and it took 7 weeks to arrive! (They didn’t hold it, only waited 1 day after I paid to ship it so that wasn’t the factor) I was pissed to say the least.
Do you have a freind who lives in Korea who can recieve the game via regular international shipping?
Actually having an APO is a blessing. For one a lot of companys don’t ship internationally, and if they do it’s about 4x the price of regular shipments. Plus the wait is about 2x as long.
It’s cool because an APO is like an American home address so all the same rules and charges apply. Unless they ship Parcel then I’m screwed :lol:
thanx Mclovin…i was just thinking the same thing that the 2nd edition game i have just chilling in the closet would be a great choice to paint some neutral armies with…blue for allies?what shade of blue if france is already blue? red sounds great for axis actually…i noticed grey being used for strict neutrals as well. mclovin " Actually all the neutrals I just used the 1986 second edition infantry. Just mixed up different countries and painted them white, then the flags on the roundels. Not zoomed in 500x they actually don’t look too bad
I’m using second edition pieces for the Pro-Allied/Axis as well, Allied will be all blue, Axis all red. Same thing with the flag painted on the roundel."
I used a really dark blue for the Pro-Allied, so there isn’t any confusion with the French pieces. Red seemed to fit the Axis.