• Does anybody know where I can download a high res ANZAC roundel ?  I want to print large stickers for the plastic cases I bought to store and organize the peices.  I was very disapointed that the boxes included did not have dividers and that US and France share the same box.

  • GOOGLE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS.(sort the surch results by size. larger =better)

  • @cminke:

    GOOGLE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS.(sort the surch results by size. larger =better)

    A search for Anzac Roundels on Google image search does not return a result for the roundel used in AA40 but rather only returns results for the roundel with a Kangaroo or a Kiwi (among other non-related images).

    No, Google does not have all the answers.  I’d imagine he checked first too.

  • Yes I have checked google.  I have even tried the ah hill pages at wotc in hopes of finding a logo there.

  • No, Google does not have all the answers.  I’d imagine he checked first too.

    true, but it’s search resultes do though! :wink:

    try axis and allies ANZAC roundel

  • @cminke:

    No, Google does not have all the answers.  I’d imagine he checked first too.

    true, but it’s search resultes do though! :wink:

    try axis and allies ANZAC roundel

    Good grief.  Have you done this?  If so, why not just give the guy the link instead of being non-productive with your comments.

  • @Rorschach:


    No, Google does not have all the answers.  I’d imagine he checked first too.

    true, but it’s search resultes do though! :wink:

    try axis and allies ANZAC roundel

    Good grief.  Have you done this?  If so, why not just give the guy the link instead of being non-productive with your comments.

    I’ve done it and it doesn’t work

  • @keesterdog:

    Yes I have checked google.  I have even tried the ah hill pages at wotc in hopes of finding a logo there.

    I have yet, personally, to find an Anzac roundel to download.  If you have them from the game your best bet may be to scan it.

  • i made a really hi res drawing that looked exacT……but my computer crashed a while back and lost it.

  • @keesterdog:

    Does anybody know where I can download a high res ANZAC roundel ?  I want to print large stickers for the plastic cases I bought to store and organize the peices.  I was very disapointed that the boxes included did not have dividers and that US and France share the same box.

    I too wanted one for our in-house setup cards and IPC board…Google wasn’t much help.  So I’ve pulled one together using Illustrator.


    I hope it’s what you need!  I also have all the other countries done as well.



    P.S.  BTW, “Australian Commonwealth Military Forces” works great for the Google search for this.

  • @Boxcars:


    Does anybody know where I can download a high res ANZAC roundel ?  I want to print large stickers for the plastic cases I bought to store and organize the peices.  I was very disapointed that the boxes included did not have dividers and that US and France share the same box.

    I too wanted one for our in-house setup cards and IPC board…Google was NO help.  So I’ve pulled one together using Illustrator.


    I hope it’s what you need!  I also have all the other countries done as well.



    Nice. Could you post the links for the other roundels?

  • Sure.  (me and my biiiig mouth)  :-D

    Let me get those over to pdf’s and hosted.  Gimme a few.


  • Thanks. Do you know how I can make them smaller? I want to tape them over my country boxes(so as to cover the setup I will no longer use due to the alpha setup and Bob’s charts).

  • I would suggest using your printer options to make them smaller.  That’s probably not much help…but don’t know what else to tell you.

    If you had Illustrator you could re-open the PDF and tweak away.

    And as a teaser, here is a small view of the Setup cards.  (I made a full set of retro-1st edition-style for Anniversary…now re-doing them for AAG40)


  • @Boxcars:

    I would suggest using your printer options to make them smaller.  That’s probably not much help…but don’t know what else to tell you.

    If you had Illustrator you could re-open the PDF and tweak away.

    And as a teaser, here is a small view of the Setup cards.  (I made a full set of retro-1st edition-style for Anniversary…now re-doing them for AAG40)


    Nice. Are they about the same size as the setup boxes that come with the game?

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Nice. Are they about the same size as the setup boxes that come with the game?

    Actually these are the same size as the original A&A game from the 80’s.  (Still have my original set that I got for xmas in '84)

    Since we use plano boxes, I didn’t worry about keeping them the size of the 1940 setup boxes.


  • Okay, here we go:

    All of the countries (minus ANZAC, see above post) are contained in this zip:


    The Japan pdf doesn’t quite want to play nice with others…so perhaps this .png will work for those who want/need it.


    This concludes tonights postings.  I hope there’s a little something for everyone!


    ~edited 10/10/10 with updated link that now contains corrected Italian roundel

  • @Boxcars:


    Nice. Are they about the same size as the setup boxes that come with the game?

    Actually these are the same size as the original A&A game from the 80’s.  (Still have my original set that I got for xmas in '84)

    Since we use plano boxes, I didn’t worry about keeping them the size of the 1940 setup boxes.


    Do you know their dimensions?

  • @Boxcars:

    Okay, here we go:

    All of the countries (minus ANZAC, see above post) are contained in this zip:


    The Japan pdf doesn’t quite want to play nice with others…so perhaps this .png will work for those who want/need it.


    This concludes tonights postings.  I hope there’s a little something for everyone!


    I think you put the wrong link. I got the ANZAC roundel again instead of a zip file

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    I think you put the wrong link. I got the ANZAC roundel again instead of a zip file

    Edited with correct link.  For some reason Mediafire was reported the same link for both files.  Fixed now.


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