Italy in Iraq…...which direction from there?

  • Italy in Iraq……which direction from there?

    Up to take russia?  South to africa? or take out UK?

  • West! To protect Italy for the US  :-D At that point, its really up to you. If you  got there by busting through Egypt, then any direction is good, depends what Germany is doing in Russia, but pushing further east is never a bad bet. If you got there by landing in Syria and blitzing in, its probably a good idea to swing around and finish off the Brits in North Africa

  • I have been experimenting with Italy making a pincer move for stalingrad, through Iraq and Romania. But I have been playing against a very conservative american player who has made no moves toward Morrocco/ gibraltar. I think it would definitely help out germany if all three axis partners are working together to take out russia. And south africa takes too long…

  • I agree with Clyde. It all depends on how you got there and what is built up around you…

  • The Allied player(s) are definitely not doing their job right if you are in Iraq as Italy  :-D.  Go for broke and see if you can help Japan take out India from the western side!  You’ll have to defend the Med against the US/UK eventually, just rebuild in N/S. Italy for that.

    What was that old Axis and Allies idiom?  “When the Axis meets in Persia, you can’t be stopped of your inertia…”  There’s nobody in the middle of the board to stop the Axis except India and Russia, and if they aren’t present, free IPCs for the taking!

  • Just KILL everything in sight! :evil:

  • @lnmajor:

    Just KILL everything in sight! :evil:

    Now that sounds like an Axis&Allies idiom if I ever heard one!!   :lol:

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