Democrats maneuvering for '04 or '08 Presidential Bid

  • June 27, 2003

    Results of the Democrat members poll…

    In most presidential primary processes, pundits, pollsters and wealthy donors determine the outcome long before the actual primaries. By the time the rest of us cast our ballots, the nomination is typically a done deal. The PAC primary allowed hundreds of thousands of voters to speak out now.

    On June 24th and 25th, 2003 we held an online vote to help our members express their preferences among the current field of Democratic candidates. This vote also served to determine if there was consensus among MoveOn members for a candidate endorsement for the 2004 presidential contest. In just a little over 48 hours, 317,647 members voted, making this vote larger than both the New Hampshire Democratic primary and Iowa caucuses combined.

    No Candidate Wins Majority
    in MoveOn.Org PAC First-Ever Democratic Online “Primary”

    Estimated $1.75 million raised in pledges to Democratic contenders

    Most votes to **Dean, followed by Kucinich, and Kerry.

    Friday, June 27, 12:00pm—No candidate won a majority in this week’s first-ever Democratic online presidential primary, therefore PAC will not make an endorsement at this time. Howard Dean received the highest vote total with 43.87% of the vote (139,360 votes); followed by Dennis Kucinich with 23.93% (76,000 votes); and John F. Kerry with 15.73% (49,973 votes).

    The rest of the field was in single digits: John Edwards, 3.19% (10,146 votes); Richard Gephardt, 2.44% (7,755 votes); Bob Graham, 2.24% (7,113 votes); Carol Moseley Braun, 2.21% (7,021 votes); Joe Lieberman, 1.92% (6,095 votes); and Al Sharpton, 0.53% (1,677 votes). PAC hailed the primary as a tremendous kick-off for the campaign to defeat George Bush next year:

    • 317,639 votes were cast in the “primary,” more than the 2000 New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary, the Iowa and South Carolina Democratic presidential caucuses, combined;

    • 54,370 voters pledged to volunteer for their preferred Democratic contender;

    • 77,192 voters authorized PAC to give their e-mail addresses to the candidate of their choice; and

    • 49,132 voters pledged to contribute money to their candidate, for a total estimated at more than $1.75 million ($35 average contribution).

    “And one of the most promising results for Democrats in 2004, is that most voters said they would ‘enthusiastically support’ a broad array of candidates as the party’s nominee next year,” said Wes Boyd, PAC treasurer.

    “This is only the beginning,” continued Boyd. “Our most important objectives have been met: early Democratic grassroots involvement; increased contributions and volunteer support for each campaign; and mobilization of the Democratic base to defeat George Bush. We wanted people to have a seat at the table, and they have taken it.”

    I’d say this shows liberals trying to take full control of the Democratic party. Who was the last iberal, or if you prefer the term ‘progressive’, to run as either major parties candidate? George McGovern(1972. I was to young to vote, but knew what was going on.) Did he win. No! I recall he planned to cut each branch of the the military by 1/4 or as much as 1/3. I remember he had a history of flipping on the issues.

    DEAN/SHARPTON in 2004!!
    Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!**

  • Oh! Hillary is planning for 2008.
    She needs some experience and a higher profile.
    It’s time to get rid of Tom Daschle as Minority Leader in the Senate.

    Source :

    Talk about nepotism!

    Can you say “regime?”
    Sure you can!
    See, I knew you could.


  • Off topic , but still politics…

    Early July, 2003…

    Sen. Daschle(D-SD) is running political ads 16 months before his next election!

    Source :

    I’d say someone’s a lil worried about his SEAT(read SAS.) :D

  • July 12, 2003

    And now it appears some of the Democrat contenders to the throne do not want to debate their fellow combatants…

    Source :

    …or is it that they don’t want to be paraded before every group…
    …the first was sponsored by ???..
    …the second by the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition…
    …this third(troubled) one by the NAACP…


  • Late July, 2003
    Catching up on past commentary…

    Hillary Clinton seems to be staying out of it as a rookie US Senator. However, when she is included she is the frontrunner. Could she be a ‘dark horse’ or compromise candidate? She will be in the hunt in '08.John F. Kerry, who requested that the “F.”(“JFK,” for those of you who need a hint) be included…is currently the frontrunner (2/03, due to the fact that he has not campaigned at events since he is recovering from prostate cancer.)Rev. Al Sharpton is a close second. He is charismatic and more wellspoken than any other candidates. The Dems. are setting up a series of ‘favourite son’ black candidates to syphon (variation of siphon) off enough of his likely voters so that he does not win states, nor have a powerblock of delegates from states that split their delegates.

    Xi, nailed Hillary, nailed JFK and Sharpton WAS second.

    You know who I would absolutely love to see win the Democrat presidential primaries? Al Sharpton.

    DS and Xi sitting in a tree, k-i-s…

    He is the #2 Dem candidate. Seems like a nice guy. I’m not sure though if he has the bounce to beat Bush. However, I do trust the guy. Too bad the ignorant Christian Mid-West base which he needs will never elect a Jew. Idiots.

    Yanny!…typical NJ stereotyping. :D

    Gore couldn’t even win his home state. If he’d won he’d have been the first to do it without his home state.He lost because of his own choices (discussed elsewhere on these fora.)
    Bush won by the courts(pl.), chosen counts(pl./Gore), laws(pl.), constitutions(pl.), and Electoral College. Only Democrats and the uneducated(thank the Dems. for that, as they control most urban areas where the uneducated learned[redundant after stating ‘Democrats’]) and Europeans believe that Gore won and or Bush cheated.

    Xi, you nailed it again!

    I had a problem with the 2000 Presidential election. Because the election was so close, meaning in several states it was with in the margin of error, I think we should of called for a Run off in each close state. Disclaimer: I don’t deny that Bush won however I think we need a new system for doing it.

    I propose a new law: If any Candidate in any Presidential race wins the state but does not win by 50%, a run off is in order…Why? Because these races are just too close. We have a 1-2% margin of error on these ballots. That is unacceptable. Unfortunately, there is no viable solution to reduce that margin of error.

    There will always be a margin of error.

    Get rid of the old, blind folks in Florida and that’d bring our margin of error down to around .05% .

    Nope! You forgot about the dead Democrats voting in Chicago since the first Mayor Daly!

    Y_y, …some would protest that there is no 'None of the above" choice. A lot of folks wouldn’t vote the second time.

    Hear, hear!

    Xi, couldn’t you say that the Democrat party is starting to clone the Green party.

    I coincide, warbaby.

    war__, I am in agreeance! They seem to think that moving further to the left will return their voters/followers.

    This tactic seems to be losing them voters.

    Xi, do you think the Green party will do better in 2004?? I think they are gaining ground in Calforania and Washington. Could this cripple the Democrats in the near future in those 2 states?? I will not be surprised if Ralph Nader runs for them in 2004.

    waraxis, I think you nailed it!

    …havn’t you guys heard on non-presidantial elections they(Green Party) are either keeping their numbers or getting more. I think thats why the Democrat Party is starting to act like them on the West Coast.

    Oh, yeah!

    …Yanny I don’t think John McCain will leave the Republican Party now that he is a major player.

    Oh man, are you getting good at this!

    I think the Dems will lose votes to the Green, Reform and Republican Party in 2004. Except for catastrophy, and yes it does happen, Bush is a two-term Pres.

    Xi, I’m a little confused. I thought earlier you said Dems would win. Did you correct yourself or change your tune?

  • Some day you will return to this forum and look at these facts to see how this election developed.

    The Teamsters’ Union has endorsed the attempt by Dick Gephardt to be the win the Democratic nomination as candidate for the @))$ US Presidential race.

    SOURCE :

    I find it interesting that they chose him because, according to Rep. Gephardt, “My dwas a milktruck driver and told me every day how great it was to be a milktruck driver thanks to the union.” He forgets to mention that his father had to join the union just to to get the job. In addition, Rep Gephardt’s brother has said, repeatedly, that their father NEVER said a word resembling the stories of Rep. Gephardt.

  • Ex-Governor Dean was touted as the “new McCain” because of his $ intake on the internet.

    Now, Dean is the “New Spam Politician” because his campaign has advertised on the web!

    SOURCE :

  • Just wondering… has anybody recieved spam from The Dean?

  • Not yet, but it’s on the top of the “things I couldn’t care less about if they never happen” list.

  • I believe the spam was to less than 10,000 so unless you are a big contributor…NO, wait! He wouldn’t clutter a big spenders email that way.
    So unless you were on a get-out-the-liberal-vote email list don’t expect to hear from Howard"the Duck."

    Another Howard Dean note…

    SOURCE :,1282,-3070244,00.html

    So, they only expected 200, but got a whopping 900. “Wow!”(Or better yet “Whoop-de-doo!
    1)He’s the Dem front runner,
    2)he’s a liberal in a liberal Mecca,
    3)He drew less than any Support the Troops Rally in the US this year in any city of equal(and many of less population) and
    4)The #s quoted in the AP article are wrong
    SOURCE :
    NOTE: This is a Windows Media Player conversation

    200 is not 900. And copying/repeating a story is not the same as reporting it. Especially when you get it wrong.

    Now you know the Evil Right Wing Conspiracy’s spin on the story. :wink:

  • Retired Gen. Wesley Clark is planning to enter the race.

    SOURCE :,0,3086108.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines

    As Rush Limbaugh might put it…
    "Humpty Dumpty is going to join the 9 dwarves(?dwarfes?)!

    I’d say Bill and Hillary are giving him some second hand encouragement in order to hurt ‘Howie’ Dean. That would preserve Hillary for 2008…

  • NOTE: On October 5, 2003…
    Senator Bob Graham(FL) has withdrawn from the race having determined that he will be unable to be elected president.


    We coulda tolja that in January, Bobby!
    Was lookin to see if there was mention of him in prior posts here, but a quick review netted zero results. What a flop!

    NOW has announced that Carol Mosley Braun is needed as President of the US!! Hmm! They said nothing during the Clinton Sexgate scandals, came down hard on Ahnuld for his groping of anonymous accusers and now they suport CMB!! Let’s see how much help that generates for her warchest(NO! Not her boobs!)

  • Arhnold for President! 8)

  • Everyone vote for G. W. Bush….

    While our economy may still be teh suck… and you may not approve of going to Iraq, he still has had the hardest time in office out of any politician since, say, Reagan… and in all honesty, i cant think of anyone who could have done a better job…

    (let the flaming and Bush-hatingness ensue :evil: :evil: )

    as far as democrats go, IF i supported their general principles, the only person who stands out in my mind is John Kerry…

    …not in a good way.

    His main reason for voting for him is that he fought in 'Nam, so he’ll be a great guy.


    (they’d probably be less corrupt as well :lol: :lol: :lol: )

    sorry bout the caps… but living in his home state, he really agrivates me sometimes…

  • regardless of how people on this forum feel, GWB will most likely win the election. his incumbency, republican support base, and the fact that a good number of people were satisfied with his performance.

    the only way i can see the democrats putting up a decent fight is if they unify behind lieberman.
    there are other candidates who could pull off a win of course, but i think the democrats strongest chance lies with lieberman.

    at any rate, the democrats need to set aside their personal choice to unite behind a candidate who can win, so that they can at least get a democrat in power. if they cant do this, they wont have much of a chance against dubya

  • the only way i can see the democrats putting up a decent fight is if they unify behind lieberman.
    there are other candidates who could pull off a win of course, but i think the democrats strongest chance lies with lieberman.

    well, I don’t really see this, of course I don’t know what demographics the “undecided” voters lie in. Also, I haven’t seen Bush’s numbers lately, so I 've no idea what kind of support he’s got.

  • General Wesley Clark, the new Democrat in the race(in more ways than one), praised GW Bush and his administration in May, 2001. Now he says Bush is a Bad guy for cutting taxes.
    Excuse me!?! He knew that Bush was a nasty ole tax cutter when he said the following…


  • Dont get me started on Wesley Clark.
    I despise the man.
    I recently read an article about him, which presented what i took to be, a neutral position. After reading it, I despise him even more. It reinforced everything I dont like about the man, and gave me some more things to hate.
    If I ever encountered him, I would spit in his face.
    See what you’ve done? You got me started on Clark. Oh well, Its my fault really.

  • OCTOBER, 2003

    General Wesley Clark has done it again…
    even more recently!!


    Yessirree!! It looks like the Clintons picked a winner for the Democrats again.

    Please, recall that ex-President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton said Wesley Clark and Hillary Clinton are the two(falling?) stars of the Democrat Party!!

  • Please, recall that ex-President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton said Wesley Clark and Hillary Clinton are the two(falling?) stars of the Democrat Party!!

    So the best the Dems can come up with are a general who only became a Democrat this year, and who has never held elected office, and a senator who has not even held her job for a full term.

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