• As Germany what would you buy on G1, and how would you attack the UK navy and France?

    For UK Navy what would you send to attack the units in SZ 112, 110, 111 109?  What would you send to attack France?  What would you send to attack Normandy? If you buy naval units, which SZ would you place them?

  • Purchase: 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 1 Artilery, 1 Mech Infantry, 2 Infantry

    SS 103 and 117 to 106 (These canadian units are a threat because they can transport a tank and an infantry)

    SS 108 to 109 (These are less of a threat because they can only pick up 1 INF

    SS 118 BMR Germany 1 FGT 1 TAC Western Germany and 1 FGT from Norway to SZ 111 (Crush this fleet)

    1 BB 1 CR 113, SS 124 1 FGT West Germany to SZ 112 (break into open water)

    2 INF 1 ART from Holland Belgum to Normandy/Bordeux

    3 INF 1 ART, 4 MEC, 5 TNK 1 FGT 3 TAC to Paris

    Enter Finland and Bulgaria
    Transport 1 INF 1 ART to Norway via SZ 112

    Build Destroyer and Sub SZ 112, 1 ART and 2 INF Germany, 1 MEC West Germany.

    Collect 39 IPC + French IPCs

  • @oztea:

    Purchase: 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 1 Artilery, 1 Mech Infantry, 2 Infantry

    SS 103 and 117 to 106 (These canadian units are a threat because they can transport a tank and an infantry)

    SS 108 to 109 (These are less of a threat because they can only pick up 1 INF

    SS 118 BMR Germany 1 FGT 1 TAC Western Germany and 1 FGT from Norway to SZ 111 (Crush this fleet)

    1 BB 1 CR 113, SS 124 1 FGT West Germany to SZ 112 (break into open water)

    2 INF 1 ART from Holland Belgum to Normandy/Bordeux

    3 INF 1 ART, 4 MEC, 5 TNK 1 FGT 3 TAC to Paris

    Enter Finland and Bulgaria
    Transport 1 INF 1 ART to Norway via SZ 112

    Build Destroyer and Sub SZ 112, 1 ART and 2 INF Germany, 1 MEC West Germany.

    Collect 39 IPC + French IPCs

    plus 10 ipc’s in NO’s

  • by leaving the BB and D in SZ 110, England can destroy your 1BB, 1C, 1D, 1S with 1BB 110, 1D 110, 3F UK, 1TB 91, 1D 91, 1AC 91, and maybe another 1D 109 if it survived.

  • @shohoku201:

    by leaving the BB and D in SZ 110, England can destroy your 1BB, 1C, 1D, 1S with 1BB 110, 1D 110, 3F UK, 1TB 91, 1D 91, 1AC 91, and maybe another 1D 109 if it survived.

    Which is why Germany must build a carrier or leave the battleship in the Baltic

  • agreed with Carrier and placement inside Baltic.  Even if Germany destroys most of UK Navy on G1, if Germany places their concentrated navy in SZ 112 then UK has a really good chance of wiping out Germany’s navy on UK1

  • '22 '19 '18

    Here is are my first turn buys/ moves
    AC 16, 1 DD 8, 2 inf

    SS 103, 108 to 110 along with 1 TAC, 1 FTR from Holland

    SS 118, 124 to 111 along with 1 SB from Ger, 1 FTR from Nor, 1 FTR from Holland

    SS 117 to 106 (Canada is more of a threat than 109)

    BB, CR 113 to 112 along with FTR from West Germ

    2 inf, 1 art from Holland to Normandy

    1 inf, 1 art, 4 mech 1 ftr, 2 tac from W. Germ along with 2 inf 3 tanks from Holland along with 2 tanks from GS Germ to Paris

    6 inf, 1 art from GS Germ along with 2 inf 1 tank from Slovakia along with 1 inf 1 tank from Romania along with 1 tank from Poland to attack Yugoslavia

    2 inf from Norway to Finland, 1 inf from Romania to Bulgaria

    1 inf 1 art from Germany to Norway, the rest to Poland

    Place AC in 112 along with 2 FTRs and DD, 2 inf in Germany.

    Collect 41 IPC + 10 from NO + 19 from France = 70 IPC for next turn plus 8 additional inf valued at 24 IPC on the front line with Russia.

  • Depends on how much german air lives if the UK should go after that fleet or not.  Germany can easily replace her lost boats, the UK cannot, and honestly I would be tickled if the UK put its entire fleet out there like that.  Personally though I would go 1 DD, 2 SS, 2 inf, 1 art.  Put the subs in the baltic.  As long as a good amount of air survived G1 the UK will be between a rock and a hard place navy wise.

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