Unless you lose your capital before your 1st turn……FRANCE…(I’ve seen Rome lost rd 1,but that was just stupid)
US starts at 52 IPCs, goes to war - 92 IPCs, chart goes to 72 ???
The income chart is meant only to track income from territories. NO income should be added to the value indicated on the chart when income is collected.
That’s lame. Since you don’t include paper money, the only easy way of knowing how much money you have without sacking old games is using the income chart (and the income chart is never used after the first 2-3 games). The income chart should have two rows, one for 10-100 and another for 0-9, using two markers for each country, and you’ll save space :wink:
In the global game you will have two charts. One from Pac, and one from Europe. Use one for tracking income, and the other for tracking NO’s. You can even fit the US war time bonus in, problem solved
With that said,we will use a home made tracking chart, and just wright things down each turn. It makes things easier. With as many powers as there are in this game its the best way. We normally track tt income, NO income, convoys (-), war bonds income (if your playing w/tech so you don’t forget), along w/tech for each power. It also allows you to look back to see if you have any questions from previous rounds, or to look at progress or regression. Using an ipc chart is just asking for trouble IMO, at some point its going to hit the floor.
Use Bob Micleson’s income charts. They have NO circles you fill in if you have it.
No, quite far from a newbee, been playing since the beginning, back in 81’ and before that I was playing Risk in the air tower of the Naval Base I was stationed on, in 74’. Actually, I was just being facetiuos, I make my own charts and battle boards and stuff. I like to add more props to the game like smoke markes for BB & AC hits to the game and I’m sure that most people on here would probably find my extra stuff over the top and ridicules, but it’s what I like to do.
The original Rules Clarifications (copyright 1991 Milton Bradley Company. All Rights Reserves. 4423-X10):
Topic: Miscellaneous
If a country’s I.P.C value goes over 45, place two markers on the board. For exampla, if your I.P.C. value is 48, place one marker at 45 and the other marker at 3.Don’t panic veteran!
We will survive this version, too. :wink:
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