• The crux of the Italian navy……

    Tac bomber and Destroyer from SZ 91, fighter from Alexandria, Cruiser from 98

    After the attack, move carrier to 93 with the French fleet and land fighters there if required. Also a fighter can be moved from UK to there if needed.

  • Its an interesting gambit.  Other things to consider:
    1.  There will still be an Italian fleet that can invade units(50% less however)…which I dont think will effect the battle for Egypt in too much of a negative way.
    2.  There may not be a French fleet for the CV to get to at SZ93.  If there is, however…they will have to stay there on the French turn or abandon the UK CV.
    3.  German air will be looking for a counter-punch on turn 2…so is it worth it to the UK to lose the CV, TAC, and FTR AND putting Egypt and Britain at greater risk? 
    4.  Depending on the outcome of the battle, Italy has its other fleet(DD, CA) and 2 FTR’s to hit SZ93 on its turn 1 making it easier for the Germans on turn 2.

    Especially in light of a possible Sea Lion…if the RAF is gone in Britain, UK will find it hard to replace that for some time, as well as a new CV since UK will have to build land units(including in S. Africa).

    Its interesting though, and probably depends on what Germany does on its first turn.  If it does not look like Sea Lion is coming, then I would say take a crack at it.

  • If you really want to be nutty as UK you can send in the AC/DD/2fig/tac/cru into the SZ, then depending on where italy moves the remainder of the fleet even france might be able to sink it.

  • Actually, I do believe this is a good attack. You reduce the Italian navy to less than their half of their strength. If Italy decides NOT to attack you but go for Egypt, you can kill off the remainder of their fleet with the French (50% gambit) and on UK2 whatever is left.

    If Germany is going for Sealion there is even more reason to make this attack. Germany won’t have any planes in range left if they strafe the RAF on G1. Plus you can shuttle the tactical + fighter to London on UK2 from the carrier.

  • Even just assuming the carrier doesn’t take a hit, and you leave a tac and fig, or fly a 2nd fig down in NCM, italy will have a hard time killing a carrier /w 2 planes, and Germany will probably loose a few planes attacking royal navy anyway, with french backup of 2 boats that will be one tough nut to crack.  With the attack you should only loose 2 units at most on average, just loose both planes to keep the cruiser/destroyer, and carrier in that SZ, fly down 2 more figs, then move french there, and ouch, italy gonna be hurtin.  Plus you have 2 more boats from the tip of africa that can rally with them on turn 2 in another sea zone if you want.

    Is there any way for Germany to kill that carrier G1?  Otherwise Italy is going to be hosed from this.

  • Germany only has 2 subs in range which are not enough fighting the CV, tactical and destroyer on G1.

    Actually the CV won’t take a hit on UK1 since you are not participating in the battle against the Italians.

  • 2 subs attacking the carrier is not half bad

    Considering hits must be assigned to naval units only from subs.

    The germans have 2 2’s

    while the Brits have 2 2’s and a 3
    but consider the hit alocation. 1 Hit for Germany goes to wound the carrier. But a second hit! The second hit cant go on the tactical bomber, if you put it on the destroyer then you lose the ability to even use the tacs dice in defense during the rest of this attack, and if it goes on the carrier then its mission acomplished

    2 hits on the gibraltar fleet (even over 2 rounds) would be deadly. But it is still a humungous risk.
    Germany will have to do something to save the italian navy.

  • I don’t think you have much chance to make 2 hits. You have 11,1% chance the first round and a very slim chance to make one hit the second round + UK not making two hits on defense the first round.

    Also if you make this attack, I think your Sealion chances will deminish because you can kill less UK North Sea fleet…… :wink:

  • Assume the German player does the smart thing and eliminates the RAF in UK on turn 1.  The German fleet in SZ113 and SUB in SZ124 moves into SZ112 and sinks the UK CA there.  Germany builds a CV and 2 TRS, lands 2 FTR’s on the CV.

    The bottom line for Italy is that its primary objective gets completed as it takes Egypt and will build a factory there.  If UK attacks the Italian fleet with the TAC(I dont see any other way), then UK will have 9 INF defending UK.

    If you use the UK CV to attack the Italian fleet, then its wont be available to counter-attack the German navy in SZ112, which may be the best chance it has to defend against Sea Lion.

    The net-net is that the Italian fleet is sunk, but Egypt is Italian, Sea Lion takes UK.  The French fleet and UK CV are hunted down(cant escape through Suez) assuming they go after the second half of the Italian fleet.  Italy evenutally re-builds its fleet.  The Axis thank you.

    This strat is valid only if there is no Sea Lion and it actually makes a Sea Lion much more imperative for Germany.

  • Don’t forget there’s also the one French cruiser in sz 112 in addition to the British cruiser; however, the odds are still in Germany’s favor with 1 SS, 1 CA, and 1 BB vs. 2 CA.

  • Oh yes, I forgot about the French CA.  That battle whould still have about the same result.
    G=1 FTR(Norway), 1 BB, 1 CA, 1 SUB(SZ124).  Most likely the German BB flips.  All the more reason for the UK CV/TAC and DD to be in that counter-attack to take losses instead of going after the Italian fleet.

  • Miamibeach, true if you can counter the SZ112 fleet of Germany you don’t go after the Italians I guess.

    However if you can’t or Germany does not go Sea Lion this is very good attack and I am not quite sure this attack was foreseen during playtest.

    p.s. you talk about 9 inf defending UK, but what about the Canadian troops coming in?

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