• One of Italy’s opening moves can be to invade Jordan and Syria…UK should try to solve that some how on its first turn.

  • Germany can also attack France on their first move. They might wanna try to stop that.

    Japan can invade the soviet far east as well. They should try to set up a defense there.

  • Italy must take Yougoslavia and Greece on its first turn to build up its IPCs to a reasonable level.
    Then prepare to make a move on Egypt

    I expect all UK 1 buys to be a minor factory in Egypt. Otherwise it wont survive.

  • I think UK building a factory in Egypt is risky…I see the Axis taking Egypt.  I agree that Italy should try to get as many IPC’s as possible, but I’m not sure how the neutrals work yet.  By taking Syria/Jordan, Italy can then more easily take Egypt which is also more strategic.

  • Italy seems fun, after being small then building up!

    Anyways get rid of Yugoslavia and Greece, try to somewhat recover from Med attacks and get huge force near Egypt. Get Bulgaria as your ally and take that Southern France state. Then attack Egypt and then next turn move into Cairo and also take Sudan from the South and build a major IC in Egypt so you’ll have more then Britain, so you should gradually get better, but protect Cairo! Then try to help in the East to slow down the Russians and also try to slow down the Royal Navy.

  • Italy can run wild in the MED. might as well, no fighters in Malta or Gibralter to stop them.

  • I would think Italys best move would be to attack Yugoslavia, take Bulgaria, invade malta, attack alexandria with seaborn reinforcments, and concentrate your forces in east africa to ethopia. Then on turn 2 take Greece and be ready to push into Egypt, perhapse invade turkey

  • ignore almost all, advance on egypt…

  • @Frontovik:

    ignore almost all, advance on egypt…

    Why? Egypt is worth 2, Balkans is worth a total of 5, and free troops from Bulgaria, I would give that an importance over Egypt

  • @Clyde85:


    ignore almost all, advance on egypt…

    Why? Egypt is worth 2, Balkans is worth a total of 5, and free troops from Bulgaria, I would give that an importance over Egypt

    once in control of egypt,you have kicked the british in their balls
    place an IC there, and you’re master of north africa, pieces of africa and middle-east for quite long

    Balkans can be taken later, egypt probably cannot.

  • @Clyde85:


    ignore almost all, advance on egypt…

    Why? Egypt is worth 2, Balkans is worth a total of 5, and free troops from Bulgaria, I would give that an importance over Egypt

    and i think germany needs the bulgarian troops more than italy
    perhaps south france too

    but perhaps have a small attack on yugoslavia first round, i’d be cool with that. as long as the 2 transports get shipped with supplies to tobruk and cairo each round.

  • I suppose, but those 5 extra ipcs are gunna be needed, espically if you want to put that factory in Egypt. I think Italy can do both, advance on the Balkan front, AND, hit Alexandria, which would destroy the main body of British forces in the area. What would Egypt have if Alexandrias troops were destroyed? 2 infantry, maybe 3? I dont think 3infantry will stand much chance aginst Italian forces in the area, espically if their supported by the Italian fleet.

  • @Clyde85:

    I suppose, but those 5 extra ipcs are gunna be needed, espically if you want to put that factory in Egypt. I think Italy can do both, advance on the Balkan front, AND, hit Alexandria, which would destroy the main body of British forces in the area. What would Egypt have if Alexandrias troops were destroyed? 2 infantry, maybe 3? I dont think 3infantry will stand much chance aginst Italian forces in the area, espically if their supported by the Italian fleet.

    Looks to me Italy will be signifigant player in this game

  • @Frontovik:

    and i think germany needs the bulgarian troops more than italy
    perhaps south france too

    but perhaps have a small attack on yugoslavia first round, i’d be cool with that. as long as the 2 transports get shipped with supplies to tobruk and cairo each round.

    I think Italy could use the Bulgarian forces more. If Italy can use those troops, along with a force moving down the balkans from Northern Italy and what troops they already have in albania, the would be well poised to advance on they middle east from 2 directions(provided the 2 transports are sent to Tobruk), across Egypt and through Turkey, which would also open up a black sea/cacuasia front aginst the Soviets

  • I think that Italy’s first move strictly depends on what happened on UK1.
    If German pressure on London is not too high,
    UK could easily sink the Italian fleet in SZ 95 and retain some valuable pieces there…

  • Germany needs Bugaria and Southern France to build minor ICs there.
    Germany can put them to better use than Italy can.

  • @oztea:

    Germany needs Bugaria and Southern France to build minor ICs there.
    Germany can put them to better use than Italy can.

    i abandonned the idea of IC on south france, and there are better positions in the ukraine for minor IC’s

    perhaps let bulgaria be minor for italy, but i think that’s waste of 4 good inf…

  • Italy should get southern France, but need to take out Egypt ASAP…build a minor IC in Egypt.  If the Italian navy gets sunk, then at least the Italians have a way to keep something going in Africa.

    As for the balkans…Italy should take everything, they need the IPC’s, but its actions there should not take away whatever maximum effort they can have against Egypt.  Use the fleet(invasions, BB, etc…) against Egypt as early as possible.

  • Arguably, Germany would need the Balkan IPC’s more than Italy, although since no one has played…  :roll:
    Germany is taking on Russia, France, and the bulk of the UK and US forces. Italy’s job will probably be more of a support role, using its superior position in the Med to take out the Brits and French in Africa. So, now that I think about it, the power that needs the IPC’s more depends on what strategy the Euro Axis are following. It’s hard to say anything is for certain at this point…

  • @McMan:

    Arguably, Germany would need the Balkan IPC’s more than Italy, although since no one has played…  :roll:
    Germany is taking on Russia, France, and the bulk of the UK and US forces. Italy’s job will probably be more of a support role, using its superior position in the Med to take out the Brits and French in Africa. So, now that I think about it, the power that needs the IPC’s more depends on what strategy the Euro Axis are following. It’s hard to say anything is for certain at this point…

    I think Italy is going to be pivitol in this game. Italy needs the Balkans more then Germany. Italy starts off at 10ipc while Germanys at 30, and about to gain and extra 9ipc for France, plus the 17ipc bonus for capturing Paris. Italy will need the 5ipcs it will get from the Blakans to be able to fight Britian at all. Without this extra 5ipcs they will not be able to buy the minor IC for Egypt (should the capture it) right away(aside from saving ahead) Which will be key to Axis stratgey in the Med./Middle east

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