So I had a chance to play this weekend. It was fun. Tried some different things so it didn’t play out just like any A&A game. I played the axis. Germany failed to take France on G1, but did kill off all the British fleet around UK only losing one fighter and 2 subs. I had bought an AC thinking that not having to worry about Russia until the 4th turn I’d go at England and taking France would give me contol of Europe already. Well not taking France with Germany really hurt my plan, so after the Allies started to buy infantry to seal up the East, and UK bought some men and a plane to go at boats and shore up defenses in England, I had to take out France with Italy, so they got the IPCs. It worked out OK though as Italy then turned to Africa an rolled through starting more on turn 2. Lucky rolls too. Barely lost a unit. Only problem I found was there are not enough Italian control markers to take all of Africa. Had to put them on the borders as I got to the West and South. Well, Germany bought a bunch of Transports on G2 and England bought a ton of Men. With the fleet and a full AC Englan chickened out and didn’t attack with his planes. He wanted the defense. Germany rolled into England on turn G3 and won with one Tank and 2 fighters left. Lost almost the full airforce, but now controlled England and France by turn 3. Plus with all the extra money was able to build up the next turn. America, now in the war, had spent early money buying transports and land units mostly, thinking he would jump to Africa and help out. Now he was in defense mode as Africa was almost all Italian and Germany still had a decent fleet. Germany bought more Transports and men and a couple plans on G4, and by the time Russia joins the war, they had moved a bunch of men as a defensive wall. America bought more troops on US4, but with the Naval base in England, Germany moved over and landed in Canada on G5. At this point my friend decided that even though the US was now in the war, Italy was going to be able to help defend against Russia and Germany was going to keep hitting North America, and he through in the towel. It was fun, but I had great rolls all night and that made it a lot easier. Virtually every risk I took went my way. I left the game set up and I think I’ll run through the motions to see if it would hold up. The Axis were very strong at this point. It was fun to land in America. I’ve never done that that early before. Not having a Russian front in the first 4 rounds made it too tempting and I had to try. Thumbs up for the game so far, but I would have liked more US transports and more control markers for Italy.