• http://www.flamesofwar.com/

    A new gaming comming out at the end of August, let me know what you guys think 8-)

  • Look’s cool

  • We use the A&A boards for campagins

  • I’ve always thought of getting into flames of war, but my friends are all warhammer nuts.

    It looks cool though.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    I’ve always thought of getting into flames of war, but my friends are all warhammer nuts.

    It looks cool though.

    The system with flames of war is waay more balanced, and in alot of ways it just makes more sense then warhammer. The game is based on a real conflict, which means there are certian rules it must follow. There are no crazy space monsters or super humans with magical powers and ridiclious saving throws. Which I think makes it more enjoyable. Everything has a counter, nothing is unbeatable or unstopable, like in the warhammer games. Granted, its difficult for a Romanian infantry formation to beat back a Soviet heavy tank batallion, but its not impossible.

  • Yah I imagine it would be more balanced.

    I play Tau in 40k, and just from seeing the opposing sides army list I can tell who is going to win the game. If they have deep strikings close combat experts all of my units are useless and they win, if not there whole army is mowed down in a few short turns. While I still find the games and minatures fun it really is not a strategy or tactics game.

    How similar are the different armies in Flames of War? While the variety in 40k can be a bit much I wouldn’t want every battle to be the same.

  • Each army has its strenghts and weaknesses, and each has several different lists to choose from. For instance, all arimes have and infantry company formation to choose from, and just about everyone has a armoured company formation to choose from, and most countries have some kind of mobile Infantry formation, some more Mechanized infantry, other more motorized, other form a hybrid armour/mobile infantry force.

    However, each army has its own special rules, different ways of organizing things, and units with different stat lines. Also, there are no senseless killing matches like in 40k, its attacker and defender, and objective based

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    I play Tau in 40k, and just from seeing the opposing sides army list I can tell who is going to win the game. If they have deep strikings close combat experts all of my units are useless and they win, if not there whole army is mowed down in a few short turns. While I still find the games and minatures fun it really is not a strategy or tactics game.

    I used to play 40k, former necron player, and I feel your pain! lol I stoped playing table tops about 2 years ago or so, but I’ve always had a soft spot of Flames of War, it was the first table top I had ever played.
    Each country has its own units, and its own feel through their organization and special rules.

    The Germans have some of the best tanks and great access to mechanized infantry, the also have a special rule called stormtooper, where they can roll a skill check to move a few extra inches (kinda like fleet, but its a set 4inch movment, you just roll to see if you can do it).

    The Italians have old equipment, lousy tanks, and some questionable leadership. To represent this Italy has the 8 million bayonets rule, where you have to roll before the game begins, but after setup, to determin each units moral and skill level. They have 4 charts, Regular, for infantry, gun, and some tank units, Elite for the few good units like the Bersaglieri, and some of the Better armoured and motorized infantry units, and Artillery chart, to represent that even though their guns were old, they could still give a good acount of themselves.

    The British have all sorts of rules to help represent formations from around their empire, Such as fighting Irish, Fearless Sihks, and disorderly ANZACs! As always a nice balanced force, though weak on tanks early on, with lots of colorful units.

    The Americans have some of the best equipment and all sorts of fancy toys! Perhapse not the best tanks but they are backed by the best Artillery in the world! The US has the abality to deliver devestating fire, wether it be in the form of Time on Target artillery, or the massed fire from all those automatic M1 garands, with the best access to motorized and mechanized transport hands down.

    The Soviet Union is mass personified! Huge numbers of infantry and tanks all moving forward in mass ranks as they atempt to overwhelm their enemies, backed up by mass Artillery formations, no one can field more guns then the soviets. Where as most armies are fighting at the company level in the game, the Soviets are fighting at the Batallion level. For each platoon you bring, the soviets can bring 3! There Quality of Quantity rule pretty much says it all!

    There are also the minor axis powers of Hungary, Romania, and Finland. Each has its own units, and national character, whic had a fun bit of diversity and color to the game as well.
    Blitzkrieg will add the early formations to the mix, and the nations of France and Poland, which im sure will only enhance an already fun game.

  • sounds sick

    the soviets sound awesome

    I wonder what advantages the poles and french have

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    sounds sick
    the soviets sound awesome
    I wonder what advantages the poles and french have

    From what i’ve seen on the website, Polish forces, those not as modern as the rest, are all rated as fearless, to represent that their backs were aginst the wall and they were fighting for their very survival.

    I know one of Frances rules gives them the ability to dig in and shoot through there own troops, (which normally you cant do) meaning they can set up all kinds of crazy kill zones for interlocking fields of fire, but only when dug in, which means its a defensive tactic.
    The Soviets are really fun, they were my first army, but you have to paint up soooooo many models!  :lol: Im going to be starting over with the French when early war comes out

  • I’ve actually be re-working my Soviet mid/late war Tank force lately. I’ll be switching from a large infantry and gun force to a more nimble motorized/armoured force. My late war tank force has around 25 T-34’s in it. If anyone is intrested I can post some of the organization and point values?

  • I was looking at the new early war sets at the flames of war stand at GenCon today. The german infantry company with assualt guns looks awesome, but its $200 bucks!

    I would like too see a picture of 25 t-34s

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    I was looking at the new early war sets at the flames of war stand at GenCon today. The german infantry company with assualt guns looks awesome, but its $200 bucks!

    If you like the Germans you should play them!  :-) But dont feel as though you need to buy the box sets, they sell them in blister packs with one platoon, or vechial as the case my be. Yeah, it might be more cost effective to buy the box, but its a big hit to the wallet!  :evil:  I started my soviets off by buying a box set of 3 full platoons and going from there. When I started playing they only had their first edition rules and they had started in mid war (42-43). I built this mass horde infantry force backed up by huge artillery companies. However it was an unweidly force, very cumbersome to move around and it tended to get shot to sh*t alot! Now, Im going to build a more mobile force of tanks and motorized infantry, and i’ll by fielding them as Guards forces (which are the Soviet elite). Single platoons backed up by hordes of T-34’s, thats the plan anyway.


    I would like too see a picture of 25 t-34s

    And as soon as I get back to CT i’ll start working on that  :-D So far I have 6 IS-2 Guards Heavy Tanks, I could try and post a pic of them if you like

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