Hey, lookie what I found in the Archives!
Oh, Boy! What a bunch of (jr?)high school rookies we had here.
You members and visitors from this(Dec. 2001) era,too!
It was completely straight up, 3rd edition A&A with no Russian first attack. I did not need my airforce and used it to kill all ships in the Atlantic. I was still trasporting 2 inf a turn to africa, and also managed to kill the troops in egypt. He did purchase badly however, he bought all tanks with russia, and built a pacific navy to kill japan. I guess that was it, he just was doing everything that he should not. Brutal. Taking england was icing on the cake.
Come on! Why didn’t you just tell him the USSR and Japan both played POORLY. I figure…
R1: 24 IPCs to spend - 4 ARM purchased(total purchase=20 IPCs, 4 IPCs remaining)… placed in Russia or the game woulda technically been over after G1.
R2: 28 IPCs to spend - 1 IC for SFE(YOU DIDN’T EVEN ASK ABOUT IT[USSR Pacific Navy,HA!]), 2 ARMs[assuming he learned a little something](total purchase=25 IPCs, 3 IPC remaining.
Then after G2 Japan could chew off his SFE forces and use the shiny new IC!
And you NEVER ASKED what the US and GB were doing in the meantime.
Hopefully, you’ve all learned a little since then!