Banning things like this is one way governments try to erase something from history because of its evil connotations. For example, pharoh’s and kings would erase the name of a previous deposed ruler. In ancient Babylon one particular king had his name engraved on every stone that was used to build his palace and the wall around the city to prevent his name from being totally erased. In the USA it is still illeagle to engrave Benedict Arnold’s name into stone or brass. There is a monument to him in New York where he defeated the British at Fort Saratoga (before he became a traitor), but his name is not on it.
There is nothing new under the sun. Governments who want a bad piece of history to disappear will put a ban on it. In the case of Germany and others, they also build mueseums so people won repeat the atrocities but will forget the symbol of power for that era.
You might laugh at this concept being that we are discussing it and it is not forgoten, but this is very recent history. In several hundred years it will have vanished completely.