Unfortunately, Russian ships can’t exit the Black sea because Turkey is neutral and thus the Dardennelles are close. Besides, since the Germans and Soviets are neutral, the Italian or German ships can go through the Russian ones.
UN Spacey
It’s a rule. Control of Gibraltar closes the strait
OK, I’m still a little confused on some of the rules. I only own AA Revised so I haven’t dealt with neutral countries yet. I plan on buying AAE and AAP at the same time but don’t care to play AAP by itself.
So how does a neutral US work, Japan can pass through their ships in the Pacific too? I thouhgt you wouldn’t be able to pass through a neutral countries’ forces?? So you can pass through their SZ, but not their territories? Also, are you sure you can’t pass through the Dardenlles if Turkey is neutral? Why couldn’t everyone just pass through there.