If I can work with the game using a german AA gun as artillery
you know the 88mm gun was a good aa gun anti armor and artillry so why would you not be ok with that? it was the best anti tank gun in ww2. so really it should get plus 1 attack or defence if the enyme force is all vehicles.
It was a great AA gun and a tip top AT gun (and was purpose built in both roles). It was an ad hoc artillery gun. Still good, but a 105mm would have been more appropriate. I guess my point is it’s not necessary to use stuff that “kind of” works when there are so many choices that were a perfect fit. It just strikes me as odd that there were so many complaints about the stuka being used as a fighter but few about this. On the other hand, perhaps the 88 was chosen as it had a more distinctive look than a 105 would have. The distinctive look was the reason Rob Daviau gave me for using the stuka, so I’m guessing this is it. My favorite A&A odd choice though is the German tank on the cover of the original AAE. It’s the 3 turreted prototype tank. Only 3 were made and they saw action only in Norway and were not considered successful. Didn’t take away from the game at all, but I guess the art department folks are not WW2 buffs.