Europe 1940 shows up on Wizards site…with screenshot

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I think its very unlikely that this is the actual setup. Look at the box of the Pacific 1940 box. That board state is ridiculous. This is a WOTC employee monkeying around with the board to make a nice picture, just like the back of the AAP40 box. However, we do get a lot of information about the board, and this is very good news.

    Yeah, my brother pointed out the back of the Pacific box… it is a pretty ludicrous setup. Unit placement makes no sense. Especially considering that the ANZAC units on the back of the Pacific box are actually RUSSIAN sculpts! Yeah, take a look; the tank is definitely a T-34, the fighter is a Yak and the infantry are distinguishable as Russian by the equipment, or lack of it, on their backs. What is up with that?! What fools do they take us for?! Ha!

    This board setup looks to be very much similar in its lack of logical unit placement. So, I would not base any unit placement assumptions off of it. We can theorize all we want about the map though, because that it substantially more concrete. I cannot forsee the map being changed at this late of a stage in production.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    How about the AA50 style dice in the photo? (not that it matters since i will be purchasing another set of FMG dice for this game.)

    That sounds like good news to me. I thought the red and black dice that came with Pacific were crap! It feels like they roll 6s, 5s and 4s upwards of 90% of the time… which ain’t good at all unless you are rolling for research, or a bombing raid. We ended up calling them demon dice, both for their color and because they send all your troops to hell. So we used dice from other games when we played.

    Anybody else have similar experiences?

  • Hey, did anyone notice the link at the bottom of the page?

    It yields another ‘top secret’ WOTC document on the game, including a higher resolution image of the box cover:

  • Todays been a great day

  • Anyone see Malta or the Azores?

  • @Shakespeare:

    Anyone see Malta or the Azores?

    Yes to Malta, no to Azores.

  • The French look silly.

  • @cminke:


    Anyone notice that they reworked the battlestrip a bit to make it slightly more battleboardish?
    How about the AA50 style dice in the photo? (not that it matters since i will be purchasing another set of FMG dice for this game.)

    I am also not convinced that this is the starting setup. This will probably be the image on the back side of the box, which has NEVER been the starting setup.

    def not look at the russian units in the neutel teritories

    It could still line up

  • @cminke:

    look at the battle board…it MAY fit all the ips

    It goes up to 72

  • Are the French Infantry, Japanese, I thought the infantry would get their own piece, but everything else was Japanese, that makes me mad, no not really I don’t care about the miniatures, but still.

  • Hooray for French Syria!

  • Cool pic

    1. Setup is definitely not the correct one.
    2. the sculpts and even the shade of blue for France may be off- as in the P40 box for ANZAC and such.
    3. It would be nice to have a close-up of the map but at least we have something so in a month we will have more specific pics I’m sure.

  • @questioneer:

    Cool pic

    1. Setup is definitely not the correct one.
    2. the sculpts and even the shade of blue for France may be off- as in the P40 box for ANZAC and such.
    3. It would be nice to have a close-up of the map but at least we have something so in a month we will have more specific pics I’m sure.

    Keep in mind this may not be the correct map: on a map in the P40 rulebook, Koprea is 2 ipc’s, BC and Yukon have a british roundel and are called Western Canada, and I think some Chinese territories are wrong

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Keep in mind this may not be the correct map: on a map in the P40 rulebook, Koprea is 2 ipc’s, BC and Yukon have a british roundel and are called Western Canada, and I think some Chinese territories are wrong

    True.  Assuming that this is the image for the back of the box, it may have been shot using an early development or playtest board, as the map and box are probably sent to production at close to the same time.

  • Well at least this ends the long time we’ve had of nothing

  • Does anyone see a french control marker?

  • '10

    Does anyone see a french control marker?

    only printed on the map

  • Soaudi arabia is HUGE!

  • Box shots always have US units in poland….how strange.

  • At last! WotC actually seem to want to show that they are, indeed, making this game!

    The board looks fantastic to me, and I’m glad that we’re getting a better battle strip and IPC chart. Are those NO indicators I see next to the IPC level circles? :-)

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