Raeder, why do you think that Russia will be such a pushover? Sure, it’s easy to steamroll China, but that’s because it’s 27 planes vs. what, like 9 infantry? How easy do you think it is to beat 9 Chinese infantry plus 18 Soviet infantry? Spread out all over 9 territories? While simultaneously smashing India, capturing the DEI, fighting annoying ANZAC raiding parties, and keeping the US from building a super navy with its +30 IPC’s? There is going to be ABSOLUTELY NO tank drive to Moscow. Not in the early game at least. Japan has to much work to do in the south were it counts to mess with Russia and inch through nine 1 IPC territories. Japan would need a major IC in the north AND south in order to pump out units to fight Russia and China and India. And if it’s buying tanks and mech infantry for Asia, how much less is it spending on its navy? Global isn’t going to be like Pac40 at all IMHO. Japan won’t be able to shift every single unit it has away from Asia after China and India fall. This will relieve the US and ANZAC from quite a bit of pressure I believe. Russia is going to be a very credible threat to Japan. Even with a mere 18 infantry.
I agree that there is a tendency amongst folks to exaggerate the ‘hulk smash’ capacities of Japan. The Japan player is going to have their hands full(er) in Global. The back-door infantry train from Russia can help shore up China’s defences; throw a couple of Soviet tanks in there and you’ve got a recipe for some serious reversals for the Axis in continental Asia. I think that demonstrates the potential for, in the words of Mike Myers: “SCHWING!”
But let’s stick with the units that we know will be on the Pac 40 map for starters. I don’t believe that the USSR will have a Pacific navy: Larry never mentioned it, and there’s been no other indication at all that this would be the case. The 18 inf up north are a deffo, though, and it shouldn’t be forgotten that that ‘mere’ 18 inf represents 54 IPCs of military production! Nobody can seriously maintain that adding that many units to the board will have zero effect on Japanese movements. It will probably mean freezing the Manchurian units in place, at least, and perhaps even building a factory there for defensive purposes (with the tandem goal of eventually taking out China/UK). On the up side for Japan, they’ll be ideally poised to retake Korea if the US decide to get cheeky with them. But mostly, this is all good news for the Allies… a factory that far north will be much less effective than, say, a major complex in Kwangtung. Without this direct threat to India, I think the UK will be much more enjoyable to play in Global than in Pac 40… The simple threat of Soviet swing power will allow the flexing of British (and US) swing power.
Which brings me back to my original point. As the Axis, you’re limited to responding in one theatre, to multiple opponants, whereas the Big Three can supply endless threats simultaneously, in both theatres (if they’re well coordinated as a team!). Global 40 is the Allies’ game to lose…