• If you could make a set of achievements for Pacific '40 (xBox-style), what would they be?

    Between 5—30 points should be awarded for each achievement, roughly commensurate with the level of difficulty involved in gaining it. 5 points represents a game-state which commonly occurs in many games, 15-20 points represents a medium level of difficulty, and 30 points is reserved for extremely difficult and rare achievements.

    I’ve got a few samples to start off the discussion:

    Banzai! [Japan]
    10 points
    Gained for winning a land attack against enemy units with only infantry.

    Island-Hopper [US]
    15 points
    Gained for controlling five or more Axis home islands on the Pacific board.

    Gimme Some Mao [China]
    25 points
    Gained for controlling every Chinese home territory (including those controlled by the Japanese at start of game).

    First Lord of the Admiralty [UK]
    20 points
    Gained for having more sea units in play than any other player at beginning of your turn.

    Wizard of Oz [ANZAC]
    20 points
    Gained for building an industrial complex outside of ANZAC home territories.

    Hope that’s enough to get you started. The best contributions will win heaps of effusive praise… speculative Europe '40 and Global '40 achievements are welcome, too.

  • UK: Never lose India-10 pts
    China: Always own at least 1 territory-15 pts
    ANZAC: Taking Korea or Japan-25 pts
    US: Having a larger navy than Japan-15 pts
    Japan- capturing western US-25 pts

  • Nice! One looks very similar to an achievement I was holding back for a later date to reveal:

    The Man in the High Castle [Japan]
    30 points
    Gained for controlling San Francisco.

    I’ve only seen one game where this was successfully pulled off. It was against me, and it was in the first week of playing Pac '40… never again!  :oops:

  • China: Recapture all your original territories without them being liberated-100 pts

  • Allies: Have more planes than Japan - 100,000 points, board explodes

  • @McMan:

    Allies: Have more planes than Japan - 100,000 points, board explodes

    that can easily happen since the US often builds bombers galore, while Japan focusus on ground units for china and the occasional sea unit.

    Actually, the starting disparity is not that bad: Japan starts with 28 planes, the US 10, China 1, UK 5, ANZAC 4. The Allies have 20 planes

    After a j1 attack, Japan loses a ftr taking out the BB/Trs off Singapore, and the US loses a Bmr and ftr in the Philippines. Then, the balance is Japan 27, allies 18. This is not hard to offset, especially with the US

  • I’ve got a few:

    Have more dive bombers than fighters [10 pts]

    Cleared a land space with only fighters. [15 pts]

    Carpet Bomber
    Cleared a sea or land space with only bombers [20 pts]

    Silent Hunter
    Killed five targets using the sub’s first shot ability [15 pts]

    Defended the runway
    Got 3 hits with defending bombers [10 pts]

    I Shall Return
    Captured Philippines as US [5 pts]

    Damn the torpedoes
    Killed 3 units with defending submarines [15 pts]

  • @The:

    I’ve got a few:

    Have more dive bombers than fighters [10 pts]

    Cleared a land space with only fighters. [15 pts]

    Carpet Bomber
    Cleared a sea or land space with only bombers [20 pts]

    Silent Hunter
    Killed five targets using the sub’s first shot ability [15 pts]

    Defended the runway
    Got 3 hits with defending bombers [10 pts]

    I Shall Return
    Captured Philippines as US [5 pts]

    Damn the torpedoes
    Killed 3 units with defending submarines [15 pts]

    These are great, Admiral… really original!

    “Silent Hunter” is my favourite, but “Strafer” is a close second.

    A question: Are “Damn the Torpedoes” and “Defended the Runway” meant to be cumulative achievements (i.e., you keep count throughout the game), or instantaneous achievements (i.e., they happen during the same battle or turn phase)?

    And one more: Are all these global achievements (i.e., any player can get them), with the exception of “I Shall Return”, which seems like a national achievement (i.e., only one player can get it)?

    Cheers, MIR

  • Yeah I meant them all to be general for all players except of course for “I shall return”. I wasn’t sure whether “Damn the Torpedoes” and “Defended the Runway” should be cumulative or not but they’d be more challenging if they were in the same battle so I’d say they should be achieved all in the same battle.

  • Here’s a few of my ‘global’ achievements that any player can get:

    Never Surrender!
    20 points
    Gained for removing twenty or more damage counters from your units during the repair / build units phase of your turn.

    Iron Cross 2nd Class
    5 points
    Gained for winning a battle against an enemy force 2x your size.

    Major Offensive
    15 points
    Gained for taking five or more territories or islands in one turn.

  • @i:

    what are these for?

    Just like Xbox acheivements, you can use them for ‘bragging rights’ in your playgroup. But also, and more importantly, achievements develop a language with which to talk about different aspects of the game and what happens in it. They are a way of celebrating, exploring, and seeing the game with new eyes. They are also a motivator to make different plays than usual in a game, as they provide novel ‘sub-goals’. Finally, the skill of an opponent can more or less be gauged by a ratio of how many games she has played and how many achievements she has unlocked; so they can be treated as a kind of ranking system.

    Global achievements focus on more or less generic things that any power can do with roughly equal probability in the context of the game. These focus on particular amusing or impressive feats that are allowed within the rules, and convey WW2 flavour to the players. As a rule of thumb, if a national achievement can apply to any nation, it should be treated as a global achievement.

    National achievements, on the other hand, focus on things that are particularly difficult or novel due to each nation’s specific position in the game. The Italians start out with a very low income, for example, and so I’ve created an achievement for them that is unlocked if they hit 30 IPCs in the collect income phase—a level of wealth that would be very easy for Germany to accomplish, but a lot tougher for Italy. This is a way to instil even more flavour and fun into the board gaming experience. My playgroup has responded very favourably to the addition of an ‘acheivements newsletter’ which I mail out after each new gaming session: it fosters a sense of continuity and gives immediate feedback for good play.

  • More:
    US: Destroy the entire Jap navy in 1 turn:50
    China: Never die: 50
    India: Actually achieve both NO’s: 20
    ANZAC: Get an income of 30 or more: Highest Income

  • Japan: Capture WUS without letting the other allies take over asia: ∞
    US: Capture Japan in 5 turns: ∞
    UK/ANZAC: capture Japan: ∞
    China: Recapture all original chinese territories: ∞

  • Additional Achievements: Global & Europe '40

    The Lure of the Lira [Italy]
    20 points
    Gained when Italy collects 30 IPCs or more during the Collect Income Phase.

    Happy Time [Germany]
    5 points
    Gained for interdicting a US convoy with a sub.

    Great Patriotic War [USSR]
    15 points
    Gained for losing twenty or more units in one turn without losing your capital.

    Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité [France]
    20 points
    Gained for controlling all French home territories at the beginning of your turn.

    5 points
    Gained for winning a battle that lasts at least 5 salvoes.

    Market Garden
    10 points
    Gained for losing an attack with paratroopers.

  • Why do you get bonuses for LOOSING a battle?

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Why do you get bonuses for LOOSING a battle?

    Haven’t you ever heard of a ‘Consolation Prize’?

  • @i:


    Japan: Capture WUS without letting the other allies take over asia: ∞
    US: Capture Japan in 5 turns: ∞
    UK/ANZAC: capture Japan: ∞
    China: Recapture all original chinese territories: ∞

    ahh isnt that a lot of points? just a bit?

    No, since all of them are almost impossible

  • @Make_It_Round:

    Gimme Some Mao [China]
    25 points
    Gained for controlling every Chinese home territory (including those controlled by the Japanese at start of game).

    This one is actually quite easy to achieve in games where Japan is losing badly… I gave so many points for it because it’s tough to make Japan lose this badly without them surrendering before it’s literally accomplished within the game.

  • These are mine, but their PS3 trophies

    Bronze-Friendly Suicide: Preform one Kamikaze attack.
    Bronze- Ship Murder: Preform three Kamikaze attacks.
    Silver- Terrorist: Preform five Kamikaze attacks.
    Bronze- Ship Reviver: Repair a battleship or carrier.
    Gold- Online addict- Win ten games online
    Gold- Always attacking- Win three games in a row online.
    Bronze- World leader slayer- Win one game online
    Silver- This road is mine-Control Burma Road for 3 turns in a row
    Bronze- BOOM!- Preform a strategic bombing
    Bronze- The Dutch will never fall- Control all the Dutch islands for 1 whole turn
    Bronze- Victory at Japan- Win a game as Japan
    Bronze- USA USA USA!- Win a game as US
    Silver- God save the queen- Win as the UK
    Gold- The murderous kangaroo- Win as ANZAC
    Platinum- The Pacific is mine- Earn all other trophies
    Bronze- Control all Chinese (as the allies,) for one turn

    I might make more.

  • All Quite on the Western Front: 20pts
    Defended a territory where at the end of battle the territory is completely empty.

    Down With the Ship: 25pts
    Sunk an enemy transport containing an AA gun

    Ramming Speed: 5 pts
    Destroyed an enemy ship with a carrier

    Fix Bayonets 25 pts
    Captured a territory that contains at least one enemy unit, excluding AA guns, with a single infantry

    Laffy Taffy 3 20 pts
    Destroyed an enemy fleet containing at least one battleship with only destroyers

    Dive Dive 10 pts
    Escaped a battle with a submarine by submerging

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