Carrier based planes do they count the SZ they are in as movement # 1?

  • Carrier based planes do they count the SZ they are in as movement # 1?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  They are already in the sea zone, so they don’t have to use a movement point to enter it.

  • Interesting rule is the “Landing Planes on Newly Built Carrier”.
    Basically you can end movement in a sea zone that is about to have an Aircraft Carrier built on it, landing on that Carrier during the Place Units phase.

    You could attack Midway sea with Fighters/TAC from Japan AB and land them in Sea of Japan “IF” you built Carriers that turn. Odd quirk in the rules that gives fighters an extra move.

    IMHO this should not be allowed. Since the CVs only appear at end of turn, this should be ruled as illegal suicide movement.

    The rule was meant to allow planes to be placed on newly built Carriers.

  • I got killed by this rule in a global game. Had transports in baltic (sz 113?) and uk flew a fighter out, sunk transports, and landed in 110.

  • @Van_Trump:

    You could attack Midway sea with Fighters/TAC from Japan AB and land them in Sea of Japan “IF” you built Carriers that turn. Odd quirk in the rules that gives fighters an extra move.

    Fighter moves 3 spaces from Japan AB to Midway sea then 2 spaces from it to SZ6. How is that an extra move?

  • @Hobbes:


    You could attack Midway sea with Fighters/TAC from Japan AB and land them in Sea of Japan “IF” you built Carriers that turn. Odd quirk in the rules that gives fighters an extra move.

    Fighter moves 3 spaces from Japan AB to Midway sea then 2 spaces from it to SZ6. How is that an extra move?

    It is not. It just has the appearance of an extra move.

  • Official Q&A

    This rule was actually changed from the way it was in Revised in order to prevent air units from getting an extra movement.  In Revised, when a carrier was mobilized fighters were allowed to be moved from the territory containing the IC onto the carrier.  Under that rule, a fighter could move from New South Wales and attack Japanese-held Western Australia, then fly back to New South Wales in noncombat movement, then be moved onto a new carrier in sea zone 62 in the Mobilize New Units phase, resulting in five spaces of movement.

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