Heard Gov. Locke’s approval rating in Washington (state of) is about 30% and that he cut Medicaid (bad, bad Democrat! :wink: ). Was he on the ‘Universal healthcare for all residents of WA’ bandwagon?
Devi, baby! The Prime Directive is is ‘Don’t stand for the other sides guy.’
Didja see the one lone Rep, stuck on the Dem side, stand up every time on cue, with the other Reps? (good, good Republican! :wink: )
How about Dem. House Minority Leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (sp?) laughing, during a close up, when Bush was talking taxes? Bad form.
And the best was when Sen. John McCain pulled his pants up when he stood to applaud Bush about 2/3s of the way through the speech.
Cystic, see a doctor! I attended a lecture(actually, a weekend seminar in 1997) by Milton Friedman (the most widely respected economist of the last 30 years) in which he explained how Reaganomics worked better than planned. He introduced it by explaining how JFK’s 1963 tax cuts worked and how Reagan built on that example. He went further to predict a financial down turn at the end of the Clinton Administration, but that it would occur no later than 2 years into the next administration. According to current numbers the downturn began in late 1998 and was covered by the Clinton administration until deciphered by the Bush admin.
But I understand how THE OTHER SIDE ALWAYS LIES(to all you Demublicans and Repocrats!)
DOESN’T FUNDING HYDROPOWERED CARS RESEARCH TAKE AWAY SOME DEMOCRAT (or is it liberal?) LINES? “No War For Oil!” and “Bush is Lining His Oilcat Friends/Family Pockets?”
Yanny, Isn’t Bush following UN suggestions, but adding teeth, which the UN seems reluctant to show or use? That ‘same ol rcap’ is the UN’s current findings… A violation of the agreement Iraq and the UN had… No smoking gun is needed. Inspectors verify… they do not have to uncover 30,000 missing nerve gas delivery projectiles that the Iraqi’s say they destroyed (but had to verify, but cannot). Iraq has violated over 114 points of the surrender agreement from Persian Gulf War I.
Didn’t Bush say, in his previous SOU speech or the speech he gave Sept. 14, 2001, that this war would take ten years or more, and that it would be like no other war? You sound like a liberal… “gimme facts, gimme money, gimme peace!” They all go together. find one and the others are soon to follow.
Didn’t the Democrat reponse accuse Bush of going it alone? I seem to recall that Great Britain & Australia (who have both had terrrorist troubles[Indonesia was kinda close(I have close Netfriends down under)]), Hungary & Poland (which understand the value of freedom exported to them by Pres. Reagan, PM Thatcher and the current Pope, as well as through the work of Mr. Walesa[sp?]), and various other countries in the Middle East and around the world.
Who needs a chicken pucky Germany(whose leader is unpopular in the poles - so what’s he gonna do next?) or a jump on the band wagon France? If I remember my facts these to has been countries have spent an average of 1% of their GNPs for defence for the last 57 years. The US covered their sases while they recovered and became ungrateful.