ABattlemap P40 module v3.2 is here!

  • That link leads to a P40.gim folder that does not contain an EXE file.

  • @a44bigdog:

    That link leads to a P40.gim folder that does not contain an EXE file.

    The download is a .ZIP file named P40gim.zip.  Inside the zip folder is the .EXE file and Attila’s P40.gim folder.

  • Disregard I opened the wrong folder that time. I just need to re download your version and drag over Attila’s tool pieces and I should be set. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the help.

  • @a44bigdog:

    Disregard I opened the wrong folder that time. I just need to re download your version and drag over Attila’s tool pieces and I should be set. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the help.

    no problem but I am curious why you’re using Attila’s toolpieces instead of the included one?  The layout is not quite the same, and could cause some confusions if you’re playing with someone using the included file.  Is it that you like the look of Attila’s toolpieces better?  B/c making a new file with Attila’s design but my layout would be really easy.

  • I prefer the look of the original pieces, probably because I have been using them for so long. Yes I realize they are different so it was a bit more than a simple drag over, Although it seems the original destroyer piece is now the cruiser piece but I can fiz all that up with photoshop anyway. Most people here would hate my battlemap as I keep using the original icons and just modify the new tool piece bitmaps as they come out. Maps too for that matter. I have the original gray Italy in my AA50 stuff.  :-D

    I think most of the users like the look of the new fancy looking maps and detailed tool pieces. I just like things simpler, although I will say your Pacific map is not so detailed that I will change it.

    Again thanks for the help and your hard work on the module.

  • @a44bigdog:

    I prefer the look of the original pieces, probably because I have been using them for so long. Yes I realize they are different so it was a bit more than a simple drag over, Although it seems the original destroyer piece is now the cruiser piece but I can fiz all that up with photoshop anyway. Most people here would hate my battlemap as I keep using the original icons and just modify the new tool piece bitmaps as they come out. Maps too for that matter. I have the original gray Italy in my AA50 stuff.  :-D

    I think most of the users like the look of the new fancy looking maps and detailed tool pieces. I just like things simpler, although I will say your Pacific map is not so detailed that I will change it.

    Again thanks for the help and your hard work on the module.

    Okay, as long as you know what you’re doing - feel free to change things as much as you want.  If you feel like changing the map, there is a link to a .PDN and .PSD (made with P.NET) in the third post.  Have fun!

  • Customizer

    I unistalled everything and installed it all again.  The toolbar was there, but after closing down and starting again, the toolbar is gone again.  My home computer is fine, but not this one.

    I did delete the file you suggeted, but nothing happened.

  • @jim010:

    I unistalled everything and installed it all again.  The toolbar was there, but after closing down and starting again, the toolbar is gone again.  My home computer is fine, but not this one.

    I did delete the file you suggeted, but nothing happened.

    Are you using the latest ABattlemap version?  If so, my best suggestion is to make sure you toolpieces.bmp, Toolpieces.txt (or UnitStats.txt) and BigPieces.bmp are where they should be, make sure ABattlemap is closed, restart your computer, delete the ABattleMap.ini file, and then open ABattlemap.  If that does not work, then I’m sorry to say I don’t know what else to tell you.  Does any one else have this problem with the new version?

    Regardless, let me know how it goes - just because I’m curious.

  • So what do I do if I like the colors, pieces, and roundels from your original Beta better than the funky neon colors, pixelated pieces, and flag pieces from your mod of Atti’s version?  Any easy fix to that or do I basically have to create my own module combining the two?

  • @SilverAngelSurfer:

    So what do I do if I like the colors, pieces, and roundels from your original Beta better than the funky neon colors, pixelated pieces, and flag pieces from your mod of Atti’s version?  Any easy fix to that or do I basically have to create my own module combining the two?

    The colors, pieces, and roundels from the BETA are the same as in this version 3.x.  It sounds like you are somehow using Atti’s version, which you may have accidentally installed when you downloaded it with the new version of ABattlemap ???

    Technically, all my versions are evolutions of my original mod of Atti’s version, which pre-existed the BETA version and pretty much started out with the new color scheme (thanks to pitheist314) and pieces (mostly borrowed from previous modules).  Make sure the module you have installed is the one you can download from my mediafire link in the first post.  Let me know if you have any more trouble or any other questions.

  • I see now…  I just reinstalled your module after completely deleting Atti’s module.  I had both installed before and under the “New” tab in ABattlemap it showed “Axis and Allies: Pacific 1940” and your “Pacific 1940 v3.1”, but whichever I clicked on the same map came up.  I guess it came from having both versions?  Anyway, it works now.

    Btw, any reason why your v3.1 map starts with the IPCs on hand for each nation in z52 as well as on the status board?  And why are there 6 airbase pieces in z52 as well?

  • @SilverAngelSurfer:

    I see now…  I just reinstalled your module after completely deleting Atti’s module.  I had both installed before and under the “New” tab in ABattlemap it showed “Axis and Allies: Pacific 1940” and your “Pacific 1940 v3.1”, but whichever I clicked on the same map came up.  I guess it came from having both versions?  Anyway, it works now.

    I’m guessing you renamed the Version 3.1 .GIM directory to something other than “P40.gim” so that you wouldn’t have to delete the existing P40.gim.  Am I right?  The problem is, the “Start.AAM” file was created with a “P40.gim” module, so that’s what it looks for and uses when you “open” the file, even from the “New” menu.  The reason (at least ostensibly) the directory name is a part of the .AAM files (which is the file-type used for save files, including setups), is so that opening a save file (File>Open) will work regardless what module you currently have open.  Make sense?  Anyway… if you want to install both modules simultaneously, it could be done, but it would be a little complicated.


    Btw, any reason why your v3.1 map starts with the IPCs on hand for each nation in z52 as well as on the status board?  And why are there 6 airbase pieces in z52 as well?

    I did notice that, but thank you for pointing it out!  They should be ignored, as they were accidentally left after using a startup file from my original module (which didn’t have the status bar) to create the current one.  The chinese airbases were originally kamikazes, but changed because the layout of the toolpieces palette (“ToolBar”) is slightly different.  I have fixed this and changed a few other things, but since they are minor issues I am waiting to finish one other thing and to see if anyone else finds any other errors before I upload a new version.

  • @Stoney229:

    I’m guessing you renamed the Version 3.1 .GIM directory to something other than “P40.gim” so that you wouldn’t have to delete the existing P40.gim.  Am I right?  The problem is, the “Start.AAM” file was created with a “P40.gim” module, so that’s what it looks for and uses when you “open” the file, even from the “New” menu.  The reason (at least ostensibly) the directory name is a part of the .AAM files (which is the file-type used for save files, including setups), is so that opening a save file (File>Open) will work regardless what module you currently have open.  Make sense?  Anyway… if you want to install both modules simultaneously, it could be done, but it would be a little complicated.

    Yeah, I had them both installed, and the reasoning for why it opened the other map makes sense now. :-)  Thanks.  Your module is much nicer than Atti’s (I think I can say that here without angering anyone right? :wink:), at least in my opinion.

  • @SilverAngelSurfer:


    I’m guessing you renamed the Version 3.1 .GIM directory to something other than “P40.gim” so that you wouldn’t have to delete the existing P40.gim.  Am I right?  The problem is, the “Start.AAM” file was created with a “P40.gim” module, so that’s what it looks for and uses when you “open” the file, even from the “New” menu.  The reason (at least ostensibly) the directory name is a part of the .AAM files (which is the file-type used for save files, including setups), is so that opening a save file (File>Open) will work regardless what module you currently have open.  Make sense?  Anyway… if you want to install both modules simultaneously, it could be done, but it would be a little complicated.

    Yeah, I had them both installed, and the reasoning for why it opened the other map makes sense now. :-)  Thanks.  Your module is much nicer than Atti’s (I think I can say that here without angering anyone right? :wink:), at least in my opinion.

    Thanks!  I don’t think anyone, including Atti, will care.

  • '10

    If I still wanted to work off the beta module but use your updated 3.1 map I assume I would just have to copy the map file and overwrite the beta map.

  • @Battlingmaxo:

    If I still wanted to work off the beta module but use your updated 3.1 map I assume I would just have to copy the map file and overwrite the beta map.

    Yes, you could do that, depending what it is you want in the BETA module.  It will change the displayed image only (I’m assuming you’re talking about “Map.bmp”, not “SectorInfo.map” or anything else) - it won’t change the location of of sectors or anything else.  For example, you will be able to see the new “UK/ANZAC At War” box, but the module will still think that location is a part of the himalayas, so the box doesn’t function as a separate sector.  It won’t break anything, so feel free to do it and I think you will see what I’m talking about.  If you tell me why you are wanting to use the BETA module and what features from the new module you are wanting to utilize, I may be able to suggest a better option.

    If you are still involved in a game using the BETA module and want to continue the game with the updated module, I recommend that [all] the players of the game follow the instructions for “upgrading a previously installed module to the new one” in the third post.

  • I haven’t had the chance to really mess with this to find any bugs, however; my recommendation for the final release would be to change the Kanji for Kamikazes from their present dark blue color to red as this will make them more visible.

  • @a44bigdog:

    I haven’t had the chance to really mess with this to find any bugs, however; my recommendation for the final release would be to change the Kanji for Kamikazes from their present dark blue color to red as this will make them more visible.

    Thanks for the suggestion.  That would take some time, since I hand-drew the toolpiece.  If you want to make and upload one that other people like, I would be happy to include it.

  • Ok for some reason I can no longer find my saved files when I go to attach them?  I can find the save files normally but when I go to additional options to attach the file to a post its like they do not exist?  I can download them and open the files just fine, so am I going crazy?

  • @Danger:

    Ok for some reason I can no longer find my saved files when I go to attach them?  I can find the save files normally but when I go to additional options to attach the file to a post its like they do not exist?  I can download them and open the files just fine, so am I going crazy?

    So the trouble is not specifically uploading the files, but actually finding (or “seeing”) the files in the “File Upload” window, am I right? If you know you are browsing to the right location, they should appear in that “File Upload” window as usual (I checked on mine and can view my .AAM files in the window as normal).  Note that the “File Type” field should say “All Files”, but I’m pretty sure that should be your only option there.  Can you see other files in the upload window?  Perhaps you can place a file type which you know you will be able to see in the same folder as your save files, and then when you try to navigate to the folder in the upload window you will be able to see if you are viewing the wrong folder or if there is something about the folder that is hiding all the files it contains, or if there is something about the svae (.AAM) files that are causing them to be unseen.  Let me know what you find out.

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