Yes for sure, makes sense if you want to counterattack on your turn (if you are the defender in this situation).
Why are there Canadian roundels? A new rule perhaps?
Ah, poor Poland… First to fight, first to be made fun of…
First to fight only because they were the first to be attacked.
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
You mean thank Russia for saving themselves. What countries did they liberate?
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
You mean thank Russia for saving themselves. What countries did they liberate?
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, just to name a few. Oh yeah, Latvia, Estonia, a chunk of Finland. What did I miss? (And if you’re just like my junior high students and you don’t get sarcasm: :lol:)
The reality is that like it or not the Soviets won a war of attrition and would have eventually taken Berlin, with or without the western front. However, this is straying away from the topic: the best looking roundels on the board! -
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
You mean thank Russia for saving themselves. What countries did they liberate?
well they really didn’t liberate them but more cocered them
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, just to name a few. Oh yeah, Latvia, Estonia, a chunk of Finland. What did I miss? (And if you’re just like my junior high students and you don’t get sarcasm: :lol:)
The reality is that like it or not the Soviets won a war of attrition and would have eventually taken Berlin, with or without the western front. However, this is straying away from the topic: the best looking roundels on the board! -
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
You mean thank Russia for saving themselves. What countries did they liberate?
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, just to name a few. Oh yeah, Latvia, Estonia, a chunk of Finland.
Taking for yourself does not qualify as being liberating. All they did was change the conquering nation.
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
You mean thank Russia for saving themselves. What countries did they liberate?
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, just to name a few. Oh yeah, Latvia, Estonia, a chunk of Finland.
Taking for yourself does not qualify as being liberating. All they did was change the conquering nation.
Please go back to the original. I was being sarcastic. I even said that. It was a joke!
I was merely replying to the comment about Polish Cavalry.
They were beaten badly. So were most countries. Thing is, no need to bring back the old Nazi propaganda. Its like a joke that isn’t really funny.
But again, we can all agree that all allied played a part in the victory. Whether one country’s aid was decisive or not, no one can know for sure. Let’s just keep it that way. No need to take all the glory for yourself.
Surely the Canadian roundels mean something. Every othe roundel has a rule for it. If UK is split between England and India, it could be as simple as all Pacific board IPCs going to India except the Canadian IPCs which go to England.
Canada has its own separate income from its own territories that it spends at its own IC (indicative of an independent country), but Canada and the UK fight together with conglomerate troops (indicative of their military cooperation).
This is how India and Australia were handled in the 2001 edition of A&A:P. I think you’re probably onto something. :)
but for that to work, we need to know if Sea lion is truly feasible. Otherwise, the rule won’t be needed
In the old A&A:E game, Sea Lion was sometimes possible, and it was a victory condition. But if the game were to be continued, Russia would roll over Germany. With new political rules, it may be possible for Germany to capture UK before Russia has entered the war. In this case Germany can regroup and not get wiped out by Russia.
If this is at all likely, the Canadian/English split income makes very good sense.
Would that be fair to the other nations? Having a back-up capital? The US could definitely use Western US as a back-up capital.
Canada was it’s own nation, Western USA was not. In WWI Canada automatically was at war as soon as England was, but by WWII Canada made the choice to enter the war on their own. Most UK colonies were garrisoned by UK soldiers, whereas Canadian troops were Canadian citizens.
I was merely replying to the comment about Polish Cavalry.
They were beaten badly. So were most countries. Thing is, no need to bring back the old Nazi propaganda. Its like a joke that isn’t really funny.
But again, we can all agree that all allied played a part in the victory. Whether one country’s aid was decisive or not, no one can know for sure. Let’s just keep it that way. No need to take all the glory for yourself.
You’re right, Poland wasn’t attacked first or beaten easily just because they still had cavalry divisions and fought with them, I’m sure other nations still had cavalry divisions as well (whether they fought with them or not). All the nations in Europe were scrambling to try to face the Axis assault and almost all of them fell easily, and this had a lot to do with simply underestimating or blindly ignoring the Germans.
I’m not trying to continue Nazi propaganda, I’m of 80% Polish heritage myself. I was acting with the idea of it being a joke as the Canadian hockey pieces going on in the other thread is a joke. How funny it is would be a matter of debate, but I was looking at it from the game perspective.
And zooooma, I completely agree with your further analysis of the UK situation. The way the game is shaping up here the UK will be the only one of the “major powers” at war at the start of the global game. France will fall quickly according to Larry, while ANZAC and China aren’t exactly powerhouses and are confined to skirmishing with Japan, so a Sea Lion assault may very well be a possibility before the US and USSR even really have any effect on the game. Because of this I think it makes perfect sense and is more than fair that the UK player would be able to continue playing with Canada if London were to fall before the US and USSR are able to get involved.
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
You mean thank Russia for saving themselves. What countries did they liberate?
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, just to name a few. Oh yeah, Latvia, Estonia, a chunk of Finland.
Taking for yourself does not qualify as being liberating. All they did was change the conquering nation.
Please go back to the original. I was being sarcastic. I even said that. It was a joke!
I was just trying to be like your class.
WWII shows that most countries who were attacked by Germany lost pretty badly. Thank Russia for saving the world!
You mean thank Russia for saving themselves. What countries did they liberate?
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, just to name a few. Oh yeah, Latvia, Estonia, a chunk of Finland.
Taking for yourself does not qualify as being liberating. All they did was change the conquering nation.
Please go back to the original. I was being sarcastic. I even said that. It was a joke!
I was just trying to be like your class.
I laughed out loud! I believe that’s lol.
Mike -
I see we have clearly figured out that quoting device and are making good use of it there mike. I’ve never seen a stack like that before!
Welcome to the boards.
P.S. You a 'Riders fan?
I see we have clearly figured out that quoting device and are making good use of it there mike. I’ve never seen a stack like that before!
Welcome to the boards.
P.S. You a 'Riders fan?
Yup! Raised in Saskatchewan. Played football in junior high and high school and now I referee football in Grande Prairie, Alberta. I keep trying to wear my Rider hat on the field, but the other refs won’t let me. Bunch of Eskimo fans. I thought of using the name “Canuck Truck” but decided to go with his picture instead. My other choices were the roundel which you’re already using or the Red Ensign. It’s fun doing the “quote thingy”. Thanks for the welcome.
I see we have clearly figured out that quoting device and are making good use of it there mike. I’ve never seen a stack like that before!
Welcome to the boards.
P.S. You a 'Riders fan?
I think that he has achieved his quote quota.
Banter back and forth in my gaming group is that the Canadian roundels may sybolize a UK special power. The power would be that, if London falls, Canada “becomes” a power. Canada is controled by the UK player and can only collect Canadian IPCs.
This possibility stems from the fact that sea lion might succeed with a sly German player leading the Kreigsmarine. Considering there will likeley be 3 turns to play with untill the US and Russia become active, a jab at London would change the game irrevicably. Therefore, I susspect, and hope that if this happens the UK continues to fight, colleting some IPCs in an attempt to liberate the home islands
Or am i just crazy kreig….I definitely think that Canada and Anzac should fight on. Although maybe not so much Egypt, India, or South Africa.
I agree fire night, Canada and the anzac were independent while they other were colonies
Banter back and forth in my gaming group is that the Canadian roundels may sybolize a UK special power. The power would be that, if London falls, Canada “becomes” a power. Canada is controled by the UK player and can only collect Canadian IPCs.
This possibility stems from the fact that sea lion might succeed with a sly German player leading the Kreigsmarine. Considering there will likeley be 3 turns to play with untill the US and Russia become active, a jab at London would change the game irrevicably. Therefore, I susspect, and hope that if this happens the UK continues to fight, colleting some IPCs in an attempt to liberate the home islands
Or am i just crazy kreig….I definitely think that Canada and Anzac should fight on. Although maybe not so much Egypt, India, or South Africa.
I agree fire night, Canada and the anzac were independent while they other were colonies
Well, South Africa was more than just a colony, but they’re much more isolated and even less useful in a more independent state for gameplay than ANZAC or even Canada are/would be.
South Africa does not have enough economy to be its own nation in the game.
South Africa does not have enough economy to be its own nation in the game.
South Africa does not have enough economy to be its own nation in the game.
I believe the last valid candidate to become an independent power in the game would be Canada.