• So we are im mid game, we need clarification on how bomber works. Right now we play bomber roll 4 and lower attack is successfull then reroll 1 dice to see how many units die so if the bomber roll 3… 3 units die or the correct way is you roll 4 the bomber hit 1 unit the its round finish???

    Help mid game crisis

  • @Lithiume3:

    So we are im mid game, we need clarification on how bomber works. Right now we play bomber roll 4 and lower attack is successfull then reroll 1 dice to see how many units die so if the bomber roll 3… 3 units die or the correct way is you roll 4 the bomber hit 1 unit the its round finish???

    Help mid game crisis

    You only roll 1 die for each bomber and if the result is lower than 4 then you get 1 hit.

  • Thanks how the bomber rule for the factory

  • @Lithiume3:

    Thanks how the bomber rule for the factory

    First, if the territory with the factory has an aa gun, it fires one die at each bomber. Roll one die per bomber and if it’s a one, then the bomber is shot down and can’t attack. Then roll one die for each surviving bomber. Add up the rolls and their sum is the amount of damage to the factory. A factory can’t be damaged more than two time’s its territory’s production value.

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