• UKcommander… your the kind of player or you play with the kind of people I play with but I’m easy going and never get mad… my friend yell and kick chairs over and sometimes tip the whole board of game peices just because one battle went bad… I like to be competitive and never give my friend a free move or go easy on them but I never rub it in or laugh… I try to help them learn from there bad moves or even correct them when they forget the no brainer moves. They will sit back and let me forget my important moves when I over look them… even though they are the best player… what does that prove?

  • I’d like to start this post with one of my favourite lines by Tim Robbins in Bull Durham. “Man I love winning. You know what I mean … it’s like better than losing.”

    I voted no that I have something to prove but I think it’s kind of a grey area.

    Good survey. I’d have to say that I am one of those people that can get over losing but occasionally I do throw some dice around and my friends do too. But cooler heads always prevail. For the most part as long as I don’t loose because I did something absolutely stupid (like being invaded by Germany as the UK within the first 3 turns – hasn’t happened yet) then I don’t get mad. My friends and I do get competitive and since some of us are roommates so there are bragging rights involved. This has led to some finger gestures and the occasional bad word but no punches have ever been thrown and we always have a few beers after the game and discuss what went right or wrong for each player.

    The dice usually get thrown due to very bad rolls (I guess that is obvious). In fact my friends and I started a Loosers log that we figured would help us learn from our mistakes. We’d put the reasons why we thought we lost. Well after a while this got boring so we decided to keep a dice throwing log. Who threw the dice? Why the dice got thrown? Etc. We always have a good laugh about dice being thrown. Usually only happens once/twice a game. My last entry was; (I was UK)

    T1 Germany attacks Egypt with 1 tank, 1 art and 2 inf. 1 hit. Ok here’s my chance to stop or hamper German campaign in Africa.

    Defence roll: 1 ftr, 1 tnk and 1 man. 3 SIXES!! :evil: Ahhhh! Dice thrown in the laundry room. We laughed about it later.

    But I do my best to keep in mind that it is just a game. I always remind myself of one thing. If I get mad when things don’t go my way and kick the board or slap someone … then no one is going to want to play against me and I don’t want that.

  • i gotta admit that winning is fun but i just love playing the game, wither i win or lose. actually i have not lost a game yet in revised :D but i must admit that i would have lost if we had more time. the thing is, i always play as britian so i know exactly when and where the germans and japs can hit me, this makes it very easy to counter there attacks. the one problem is my ally, russia some times gets the crap kicked out of him and all that money then goes to germany for them to wipe me out. :(

  • The game is a blast whether you win or lose - though it’s more satisfying to win, of course. I don’t lose my temper when I get beat, or even when my strategy proves to be a mistake. Have been known to blow up when my luck with dice goes ridiculously bad… almost always if it stays that way for a couple of turns, sometimes on the first turn (especially if I take a beating in what looks to be a ‘sure thing’ for me).
    Once, I had a US fleet (battleship, carrier w/1 plane, 4 transports) get completely wiped out by a Japanese force of 1 sub and 2 fighters, and all I hit was the sub. This was about 5 years ago, and I still see red just thinking about it…

  • i play w/a bunch of friends. we have been playing the game for a year now. there was only one time where we had one of those insanely improbable dice rolls. i was playing germany and britain (my father) had 5 bombers and he just rolled the heavy bomber tech. up until that turn he had been using them in conventional attacks but he decided to do a strategic bombing run. i rolled my anti-aircraft and i rolled five 1’s. he just silently stared at the dice…

  • What kind of player am I? Well, I don’t like to have more than three going at a time, because any more and they might start talking to each other, and… oh, wait, wrong kind of player :lol:.

    I might throw the occasional die or two, but I’m just in it for the fun. And I play most of my games via e-mail, so it doesn’t do any good anyway ;) :P.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I like to bluff and advise my oponents to throw them off. I usually get a SHUT UP, or LEMME PLAY BY MYSELF. I also SUCK at rolling.

  • This is what the internet was intended, to exchange ideas.a and a best bourd game out there.keep up the thoughts

  • Honestly, I’m all about looking out for Number 1. I try to make sure my nation is set, and then once I’m sure that it’s as secure as it can be, then I’ll contribute to my team’s cause with everything I’ve got. (We rarely go for the traditional set-up. And once somebody gets wiped out, we then change up the teams to make it more even.)

  • Well, I’ve not been playing A&A for long, but I’ve had my fair share
    of luck with the dice, both bad and good.

    I can remember getting five defending hits with 5 INF which was a nice
    blow, but I also lost 26 Japanese INF (and 12 ARM) in NOV to the
    Russians when I only got maybe 6 return hits against his tanks…

    I also had two GER TRNs trapped in the Med by all 3 allied naval ships
    (it was an agreement to allow them through the Suez (Axis controlled)
    and get troops out of SEUR as Germany had fallen dramatically) and I
    got taken on by the Russians, only a BB and DES but I couldn’t roll a
    1 for the life of me. Two transports dead with no retaliation.

    My last remaining GER DES took on a lonesome USA TRN in the NE corner
    of Australias’ SZ’s and I figured I’d have a chance (as I had defended
    an amph. assault with Japan) but low and behold I lost the DES and
    didn’t get a hit on the damn TRN.

    I’ve not lost my temper (yet) but I’ve still not won, I’ve played two
    major games (always as Axis) and am learning a lot. I know why and
    where Germany fell, it was a very stupid and obvious mistake but Japan
    wasn’t so obvious to me at the time. I had 12 ARM, 26 INF in Yakut and
    nothing ahead, that was my line. I was waiting out until I had enough
    strength to get out there. By the next turn I had to make a move, with
    Germany pretty well gone - Russia was building forces (they had 33
    units, of which about 21 were ARM) fast so I moved 1 INF West and left
    1 INF in Yakut and took everything else I had into NOVO.

    I should’ve taken the two territories with 1 INF and left my line
    intact, waiting for the rest of the troops from Japan to be bridged
    over through Buryatia…

    These things happen, once that was done, I didn’t pull my troops from
    Yakut (as he took NOVO and the other place back) and lost them in the
    next round which was the nail in the coffin. I should’ve pulled them
    into BUR to bulk back up again…

    I ended up conceding the game after that, as I knew it’d only be a
    matter of time before Japan was gone.

    I love this game though, and I want to play Axis all over again :)

  • I like to win and I always have fun when I play, but I tend to see the game as actual WAR… so if I loose, I get depressed. If I win, I’m all proud and happy… I tend to take the game too seriouslu sometimes :wink:

  • I tend to break things if I lose.

  • I wouldn’t break or throw things when i lose, ( I never accually have ), but if I did lose i think the expresion, “I would get pissed off would be a suger-coated version”.

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