Israeli Editorial: Kill Arafat; End the Double Standard

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    A call for the deaths of Arafat and Hamas leaders.
    I think some Israeli’s have grown tired of trying it France, Germany, US, UK, EU and Arafat’s (with 8 years of US Pres. Clinton’s help) way.

    Regretfully, sometimes best way to peace is through victory.

    Diplomacy is to do and say,
    The nastiest things in the nicest way.

    • Isaac Goldberg

  • I find it funny the Israelis want to achieve peace by firing a missile at a car on a crowded street with regular innocent people five feet away. Or surrounding an apartment building with helicopters, throwing Hellfire missiles into one floor, destroying the whole building, killing children. Or bulldozing unrelated homes in retaliation to suicide bombings.

    The terrorist groups (who would be powerless if the cycle stops) aren’t going to end the cycle of Retaliation, so Israel has to.

  • No. If Israel stops its agression, this will not stop the Palestinians. They are fighting from a point of view that goes to the very core of who they are, and who the Israelis are, and it goes back thousands of years. You have to understand. They are averse to the Israelis simply because of what they are, and the ones attacking the Israelis are not the same ones who would stop and look for a peaceful solution, thats why negotiations do not work. It is not simply a Cycle of Retaliation, if Israel stopped the Cycle of Retaliation, than the Palestinian terrorists would simply attack under a new flag (metaphorically speaking). Should Israel sit idly by and let itself be terrorized? Of course not.
    Example: (Do not continue on this example, its for comparative purposes only)

    If the U.S. had done nothing in response to the 9/11 suicide bombings of 2001, that would not have stopped the terrorists groups from plotting more attacks. They dont think that way, thats why they are terrorists. They wont stop until their goal is achieved, and for many of the, the goal seems to be the eradication of the infidels (namely, us.)

    I stand by my aforementioned opinion, that the solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict lies not in the diplomatic arena, but the combat arena. Let’s turn the region into an open battlefield, where they can use anything they can field (no outside help), and let them duke it out. Winner-take-all.

    Naturally you will never get this to happen. I assume Israel would agree quickly, but Palestine probably never would, because more than anything else:

    1. Their “warriors” are terrorist guerillas
    2. Israel has a standing army that has more than proved itself on many occasions
    3. Israel would mop the floor with Palestine, hands down.

  • If you fight against a force that directly recruits itself from the people (and that is what we have in Palestine), then you need to take effort that the recruitment stops. So, you have to dry out the support for the combattants from the people. This is not done by killing innocents, that even has the reverse effect.
    Sure, this does not work from one day to the other, so you have to prepare yourself for a a limited time of more suffering.

    Better an end with horror than horror with no end.

  • Israel right now is just attacking to make themselves feel better. They are just digging a deeper grave for themselves.

    Israel empowers the terrorist 100x more than the Palestinian Authority ever would.

  • Moderator

    Yanny, you were talking about the Israeli’s firing missles into crowded streets etc…. well the palestinians a deliberately taking out civilians but the Israeli’s, just trying to take out terrorist leaders… granted, the Israeli’s have made mistakes, but they are not necessarily trying to kill local population…

  • Israel’s Government should be held to a much higher standard than Palestinian terrorists.

  • Ok Yanny. Lets stick you in a location that you have a legitimate claim to, SURROUND you by various others that also have a legitimate claim, ally them against you, and have them constantly torment you with attacks. we will see how high a standard you wish to be held to when you inevitably retaliate.

    mistakes happen yanny, its impossible for them not to. the israeli attacks on terrorists killing innocents is a shame, but

    1. they are not necessarily innocent, we just dont know of any connection they may have to terrorists.
    2. the israelis are not deliberately targeting innocent civilians, while the terrorists are.
    3. if the israelis stop their attacks altogether, they will not be spared from being attacked

  • The Israelis are wiping out terrorists.

    I fully support them in this.

    Why don’t people who support Hamas ever ask JORDAN
    about Black September?

    Why, because JORDAN is an ARAB (Islamic) state and it
    wouldn’t be too PC to admit an ugly, “ethnic cleansing”
    type thing took place in the early 70’s, AND –-
    the victims were Plestinians, living in Jordan.

  • Arafat needs to die. He is the LAST person in the world who wants peace.

    If peace broke out, he’d be out of a job. It is amazing that in
    the territory known as the Palestinian “Authority” most workers make
    wages that are barely subsistent, and Arafat the great leader has over 30
    (mostly german) cars and millions in the bank.

    The Palestinians can leave the PA and work in Israel if they want
    to, and make wages a lot better than in the PA. BUT in order to do that
    they have to pay a tax to the PA (that’s Palestinian Authority in case I’m losing you) in order to work in Israel….

  • Arafat is not an Islamisist.
    He is a terrorist. I sincerely doubt he cares much for Islam.
    Arafat, like Bin Laden, HIDES behind religon. Arafat HIDES behind
    civilians that HE has put in harms way by recruiting people with the
    promise of Martyrdom. He USES Islam to further his aims.

    Sorry folks-he has to go.

  • you know maybe the Palestinians would stop the terrorism if Israel ended the occupation and removed all the illegal settlements……

  • They started to do that, but their generosity quickly ended when they realized that the bombings still continued. It was part of the roadmap to peace. :roll:

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    They started to do that, but their generosity quickly ended when they realized that the bombings still continued. It was part of the roadmap to peace. :roll:

    Israel still controls large parts of the West Bank and Gaza. There are 150 jewish settlements in the West Bank. (look at for several articles if you are intrested).

    Is it really that generous to give back part of what you have occupied ?
    If someone stole 100 dollars from you and gave you back 50 would you be grateful?

  • Good to see you back, Mangas. :wink:

    Is it really that generous to give back part of what you have occupied ?
    If someone stole 100 dollars from you and gave you back 50 would you be grateful?

    It’s much different than that. It’s as if that person was in the process of repaying your 100 dollars, when all of a sudden you bash him on the head while he’s trying to pay you back.

  • @MC:

    Is it really that generous to give back part of what you have occupied ?

    It ain’t occupied or Occupied Territories.
    It was land won in a war(excuse me) wars!
    How many wars can you cite in which the victor gave land back to the loser. I can think of one. After WWI France gave land back to Germany AFAIR.

    If anyone is improperly in the territories it’s the Palestinians…
    cuz no one will have them!

    There was no nation of Palestine before or during the time of Israel.

  • @El:


    Is it really that generous to give back part of what you have occupied ?

    It ain’t occupied or Occupied Territories.
    It was land won in a war(excuse me) wars!
    How many wars can you cite in which the victor gave land back to the loser. I can think of one. After WWI France gave land back to Germany AFAIR.

    If anyone is improperly in the territories it’s the Palestinians…
    cuz no one will have them!

    There was no nation of Palestine before or during the time of Israel.

    You know land that is occupied is usually won in a war……

    After WW2 Japan and Germany got most of their land back.
    I am sure I can come up with more examples later…

    You say that there is no occupation , let me qoute Sharon:
    “You cannot like the word, but what is happening is an occupation – to
    hold 3.5 million Palestinians under occupation. I believe that is a terrible
    thing for Israel and for the Palestinians,”

    “It can’t continue endlessly,” Sharon said. “Do you want to stay forever in
    Jenin, in Nablus, in Ramallah, in Bethlehem? I don’t think that’s right.”

    Even a man like Sharon recognizes that there is an occupation.

  • There’s an occupation alright and it’s not the Isreali’s…

  • Moderator

    True this is an occupation, but who went to the UN first for the establishment of nationhood?….

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    There’s an occupation alright and it’s not the Isreali’s…

    It’s Iraq. . . .

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