I foresee the UN & EU pushing global warming scare…

  • With all the fires raging from Portugal to Russia…
    With the increased # of deaths from these fires…

    SOURCE :

    …just one of the articles I accessed online.

  • Is it a scare?? I thought it was for real??

  • If you are an USie and call yourself “conservative”, then you will see it as a scare.

  • someone likes to stereotype

  • Ouch F_alk I thought only right wingers stereotyped?!?! :o

  • @F_alk:

    If you are an USie and call yourself “conservative”, then you will see it as a scare.

    it’s fair,
    but also may apply to “conservatives” from other countries as well.
    I find it a little worrisome that only “flakes” take this seriously. . . .

  • According to Falk, I am a “USie” and I am a conservative, but I dont see it as a scare.

  • Heard recently on the news that a warming trend started on earth BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. In addition, the world has actually warmed less since the Industrial revolution than that period before the IR. Got to find that source on the web so I can post it. Oh, goodie-goodie!

  • how long was that period? because there is a few billion years of history before the industrial revolution, and a couple hundred after

  • @El:

    Heard recently on the news that a warming trend started on earth BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. In addition, the world has actually warmed less since the Industrial revolution than that period before the IR. Got to find that source on the web so I can post it. Oh, goodie-goodie!

    Damn … the site killed my posting…

    In short:
    (1)You can find anything you want on the internet, no matter how contradicting. The question is: how trustful is your quote.
    (2) Why are only right wingers allowed to stereotype? Why do not have the same right?
    (3) I get the feeling that accusation of stereotyping only comes, because it is true and there are no objective arguments against it!
    Please answer me:
    How many USie conservative of importance believe in man-made global warming? Examples, please.
    What is the ratio between USie conservative believers and non-believers? What is the threshold-ratio which allows stereotyping?
    (4) CC is right, there also are non-US conservatives who believe it is a scare: but
    (a) there are much more non-US conservatives who agree that man made global warming is a fact. They differ in degree and answers to it though.
    (b) it does nothing to the logical implication of my stereotyping:
    USie + conservative => believes in scare
    is not equal to
    believes in scare => USie + conservative.

  • arrogant much? the accusation of stereotyping (it was a stereotype) is mostly because you have been, in my opinion anyway, one person i would deem very unlikely to stereotype, based on your past posts. unless im forgeting another one, or missed one, this is your first stereotype. in which case, congratulations! and kudos. hopefully many more will come

  • I have stereotyped quite often before. The best grenades you can launch are stereotypes against USies (they work against everyone, the effectiveness comes through statistics).

    Still, you have not answered one of my questions.

    I put myself on the stance:
    i have not stereotyped. I looked and could not find a single conservative USie of imprtance who takes man made global warming as a fact.
    Now, feel free to disprove me. Maybe CC could find some algorithm to determine the three-sigma number, the number of contradictions to my claim, that would make it fail statistically.

  • see, it doesnt not have to be a conservative of importance, because you stereotyped all conservatives, since i am a conservative, and i dont see it as a scare, you are wrong. even though i am clearly not of importance

  • @F_alk:

    I have stereotyped quite often before. The best grenades you can launch are stereotypes against USies (they work against everyone, the effectiveness comes through statistics).

    Still, you have not answered one of my questions.

    I put myself on the stance:
    i have not stereotyped. I looked and could not find a single conservative USie of imprtance who takes man made global warming as a fact.
    Now, feel free to disprove me. Maybe CC could find some algorithm to determine the three-sigma number, the number of contradictions to my claim, that would make it fail statistically.

    thanks but no thanks.
    Sure, we Canadians are dull, but not THAT dull . . . (anther stereotype there F_alk?? :wink: )

  • @El:

    Heard recently on the news that a warming trend started on earth BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. In addition, the world has actually warmed less since the Industrial revolution than that period before the IR. Got to find that source on the web so I can post it. Oh, goodie-goodie!

    I heard that it has been found that Mars has undergone some global warming, but as a result of an increase of heat coming from the sun as there are no “greenhouse gases” (whatever that means exactly) or CFCs there. The same thing may apply to Earth.

    I suggest you watch “The Greenhouse Conspiracy”. It’s a very interesting movie about global warming and the greenhouse effect.

  • Jan__, you are important to us! Of course, we are of no importance. Take it for what it’s worth.

    The time period mentioned was 100 years prior to the IR.

    F_alk, as for conservatives who believe in global warming… I’d say the bell curve***** fits this idea. A few believe it fanatically, most believe it somewhat and a few don’t believe it at all.

    *****Seeing that this is a math/science concept, I use it believing it to be universally understood by all with a rudimenary understanding of graphs.

    Note: Wasn’t there a post on this forum a while back about a political ideology test? Anyone recall where it was? I took it once and ended up about 1/4th the way into the conservative corner. I ought to take it again and save it on my favourites list.

  • I don’t know…seems like an anomaly to me, if it continued over several years, then it would be serious.

  • The earth is warming up, I think theres pretty good evidence of that. Underground temperatures have risen a few degrees, polar ice caps are melting, all small signs. The cause is also probably a combination of greenhouse gases, the shifting equilibrium of the earth, and other small things. However it is a dangerous trend and we need to take steps to prevent it. Should it be our top priority, no.

  • @Yanny:

    The earth is warming up, I think theres pretty good evidence of that. Underground temperatures have risen a few degrees, polar ice caps are melting, all small signs. The cause is also probably a combination of greenhouse gases, the shifting equilibrium of the earth, and other small things. However it is a dangerous trend and we need to take steps to prevent it. Should it be our top priority, no.

    The evidence is not as good as many people think. In the 1970s the trend was that temperatures were falling. It all depends on where you start counting from. An experiment with double the amount of carbon dioxide proved that plants with the increased carbon dioxide levels grew to double their normal size and could produce double the amount of oxygen, therefore sustaining a larger population. Even the satellite proof fails to take clouds into account, which lower he temperature a great deal.

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