Did selling weapons to S. Vietnam help?
Did stationing more troops in Vietnam to stablize the region help? (in response to your support of a US build-up in S. Korea :-?)
I did not advocate getting in the middle of civil wars, I advocated using our ability to destroy any country to scare off aggressors.
Then you would disagree with what Clinton did during the Kosovo Civil War. And what does using your ability to “destroy” other countries result in? Destabilization? Innocent Civilian Deaths? Widespread Famine? Economic Disaster? :-?
If their is a civil war, economic aid will do much more to help the government win than assault rifles
Once again you have misunderstood me… :-? I never said that economic aid was bad. In fact, I prefer economic aid in addition to military aid.
To reiterate my points, arms sales to third world nations decreases and retards development, and lines the pockets of corporate fatcats without adding to our economy.
Your Bill never specifies if the arms have to be sold at “market price.” What if I were to sell 1000 M16s for the price of $1.00 (very similar to what Americans did to help UK out before entering WWII)? :-?