Yeah, I was pretty sure you’d get a kick out of that. 8)
were you worried that it took me time to respond to it???
i’m still working on responding to all of your messages on the bottom, super mega addict!
Nah, even I have a hard time finding time (no pun intended) to reply to your messages.
I know. I worked 8 straight hours (on a computer no less) today, and i just got on now…
i need to lift some weights before i go to sleep…no school and i have less free time!
i think Yanny just gave up!
Ha, lucky you. I still have school to go to. :evil:
what kind of school? i’m not sure if you mentioned it before and i wasn’t listening and scroleld past it, but how old are you?
I keep that my little secret! :wink:
(lets just say the age difference [if any] between you and me isn’t that wide) -
I keep that my little secret! :wink:
(lets just say the age difference [if any] between you and me isn’t that wide)oh. So i presume your sister is younger, correct?
Yeah, she’s still naïve young-un. She thinks that capitalism is “The One and Only System That Works", goes on about how “Palestine is at fault, more so than Israel,” and is heavily pro-environment (which I find totally ludicrous). If I wouldn’t say better, you share a lot in common. Not saying you’re naïve though. :P
Pardon me, but your sister sounds a whole lot less nieve than you do, Moses.
Aren’t you in high school? I could sware that is the case.
“Pardon me, but your sister sounds a whole lot less nieve than you do, Moses.”
Nah, I wouldn’t say so. I wouldn’t say such a thing.
It depends upon your point of view. Case in point, two quotes I have already posted by the Conservative Republicans and WInston Churchill. To summarize, youngens, ussually teenagers, foolishly turn to Communism because they want a perfect system. Surprise, it doesn’t exist. Communism is crappier than Capitalism.
“It depends upon your point of view. Case in point, two quotes I have already posted by the Conservative Republicans and WInston Churchill. To summarize, youngens, ussually teenagers, foolishly turn to Communism because they want a perfect system. Surprise, it doesn’t exist. Communism is crappier than Capitalism.”
True, the road to true communism will be a long and difficult one (much like the road to the American Revolution). For those expecting the capitalist system to be torn down overnight and replaced with “high-level” communism right away isn’t thinking too straight. However, rest assured, communism is a better alternative to capitalism once its goals are achieved.
Silly Moses.
How old is your sister?
We had an entire discussion on Prostitution and we did not get a single female opinion.
“We had an entire discussion on Prostitution and we did not get a single female opinion.”
Coming from the female audience, my opinion is that prostitution is demeaning and harmful to women. By selling your body, you are also selling a piece of your soul. I do not buy into the impression that prostitution is the only answer. Prostitution should never be the answer; there should always be an alternative. When I see a prostitute, I feel so sad and angry inside, watching them throw away his or her life when there is so much left in this world left undone. :x To that man or women, I say go ahead and waste you life if it’ll make you pitifully ‘happy’ and ‘free.’ Be forewarned, once you become involved prostitution, it becomes a sort of abyss with no means of escape. One minute you may be the hot ticket on the block and the next you could be so worn out and used as to forget why you even got involved in prostitution in the first place. :cry: I hope I didn’t come out sounding too emotional or harsh, but a topic like prostitution will do that to you.
“How old is your sister?”
I’m sorry, but my parents told me never to reveal my age online. I hope you can understand. If it makes you feel any better, I will be going back to high school soon, even though I’m still a little young for my grade level.
never to reveal my age online
Ouch, sorry. I apologize for any uncomfortability, I was simply asking about life experience, a question prompted by Moses’ comment by your naivety.
prostitution is demeaning and harmful to women
This fact was never challenged, even by the non-religious members of the forum. Except possibly for Moses’ comment about McDonalds[sic], but his perversions remain his own. (Side Note: Horten and Moses, if the only reason that you take a girl on a date/prom/McDonalds[sic] is to get into her pants, stay away from my sister!)
What we were discussing, is wether or not it should be legal. My personal opinion, is that how we have rehab for drug-addicts, we need a similiar program for prostitutes, instead of sending them to jail.
This fact was never challenged, even by the non-religious members of the forum. Except possibly for Moses’ comment about McDonalds[sic], but his perversions remain his own. (Side Note: Horten and Moses, if the only reason that you take a girl on a date/prom/McDonalds[sic] is to get into her pants, stay away from my sister!)
Nah, me and Horten were just joking around. You can tell because I never eat at McDonalds (come on, some of their beef comes from cows grazed in the rainforest!), when there’s a local In and Out right around the corner. Secondly, I have no intention of “getting into anyone’s pants” on a date/prom/McDonalds - it’s against my religion! :P
Which would be?
“Yeah, she’s still naïve young-un. She thinks that capitalism is “The One and Only System That Works”"
It doesn’t “work” well, but it it works “bettah.”
," goes on about how “Palestine is at fault, more so than Israel,” "
she does? Palestine is at more fault, though not total, but definantly more. My study of the situation only reveals what i already currently believe.
"and is heavily pro-environment (which I find totally ludicrous). "
We only have one in a billion different parts corresponding…
"If I wouldn’t say better, you share a lot in common. Not saying you’re naïve though. "
I’m naive am I? At least i have reasons for my opinion and your sister seems the same. Both of you are very smart, so neither are naive…but you are misguided ;)
“Coming from the female audience, my opinion is that prostitution is demeaning and harmful to women.”
You’re female…what do you know about how i treat’em??? jk.
" By selling your body, you are also selling a piece of your soul."
if you even believe in one. By selling your test grades, you are doing the same…both should be legal…wait a second…
" I do not buy into the impression that prostitution is the only answer. Prostitution should never be the answer; there should always be an alternative. When I see a prostitute, I feel so sad and angry inside, watching them throw away his or her life when there is so much left in this world left undone. "
it is a damn shame, but you can be homeless and you’re entitled to it. it is a free country and your freedom is being attacked if you can’t do something that doesn’t harm someone else. prostitution is a business, and everyones lives would be improved if it were legalized.
"To that man or women, I say go ahead and waste you life if it’ll make you pitifully ‘happy’ and ‘free.’ Be forewarned, once you become involved prostitution, it becomes a sort of abyss with no means of escape. One minute you may be the hot ticket on the block and the next you could be so worn out and used as to forget why you even got involved in prostitution in the first place. I hope I didn’t come out sounding too emotional or harsh, but a topic like prostitution will do that to you. "
By no means, but you never directly said if you are for or against legalization. We can’t like everything thats legal. I hate cigarettes.
“I’m sorry, but my parents told me never to reveal my age online. I hope you can understand. If it makes you feel any better, I will be going back to high school soon, even though I’m still a little young for my grade level.”
No problem…I tried to stay clear of that when i was younger too. You skip a grade, or were you born in december or something. I have friends (like my friend jay), that were bron in such a time of the year, they could of been in either the grade ahead or behind it. I’m too lazy to exactly figure it out.