• I own the Iron BLitz CD, but no scenario editor came with it. How do I obtain it? I’ev tried the web site that’s been posted (can’t remember name right now), but the download links for A and A do not work.

  • are you sure? go into the options menu, then down in the lower corner is a button that says"map editor" maybe it just isn’t there, or maybe you just missed it. that’s what happened to me when i first got it

  • I WAS sure, now I’m not. Lemme check……

    Oh yea, I found it. I thought it sould be a main menu option. Thanks for the help. I’ll post any scenarios I think are worthy.


  • there are a few kinda stupid scenarios that they give you, notably the 2 where russia is neutral(stupidest game i’ve ever played) and the one where US is neutral(which sounds really hard for the allies, but they give russia like 3 more fighters and they give britain like 3 aircraft carriers so the allies win anyway.) i don’t really like the PC game, beacuse the AI is so incredibly retarded, they lose EVERY game, even on the hardest setting. i wish hasbro would come out w/ a new version, w/ better AI and maybe some better scenarios

  • Yeah the AI is pretty mronic on Iron Blitz…although the AI on most games is pretty stupid. Every year Madden is supposed to have “the smartest AI ever” yet you can still run the same offensive plays and blitz packages repeatedly against the AI.

  • lol i kno, in my madden2002 game i run the same nickel lb blitz EVERYTIME and i sack the other QB like every time. it’s so funny :lol:

  • what nickel blitz? man my defense sucks, they can’t sack anybody much less block a pass, one turn over and I’m hard pressed to beat that game(ps2). but otherwise I agree, the blitz’s AI is retarded, but it makes up for it by blattant acts of cheating. such as not letting me use IC’s that I’ve owned for several turns- especially after a save. or ignoring my one shot naval bombardment. and I’ve never seen infantry roll as many one’s as the AI’s infantry- I know it’s cheating- I just can’t prove it.

  • the blitz i use is called LBblitz, and it’s in the nickel section. there’s also another linebacker blitz in the dime section, but it’s not as useful.

  • Ummm…interesting thought of putting A&A AI against Madden2002??? I’m sure even with an offensive line of armor going up against a Greenbay defense, A&A would still wouldn’t do anything and purchase an transport and place it in the Gatorade bucket on the sideline! :D :D

  • i don’t get it. why is their AI so retarded? it’s not a really old game, you think they could’ve come up with SOMETHING better than that crap they have now

  • actually I noticed that the game itself has some well thought out strategies. at least the ones I looked at for russia. problem is they wouldn’t use them. they just sat back and let me pummel them. I mean it was great to feel superior, but I almost wished I could help the AI beat me (not that I’m a genious, it was just that bad).

  • one thing i’ve noticed is that the AI never attacks on the eastern front. it they’re germany, then they just sit back and let you pummel them w/ infantry. if they’re russia, they buy all sorts of crap and you just drive right to moscow by turn 2 or 3

  • yeah, i beat the thing senseless last night, and as germany I went all out after karelia (with all infantry and planes) hoping to keep my armor together to pound any counter attacking force. I figured I would take karelia and loose western europe- well the russian aa guns destroyed 3 of my 5 aircraft and then my whole attack force save one infantry man ( while loosing only 2 men). but then the UK didn’t even land in europe, and the russians failed to attack an unprotected mass of armor (like 8 tanks), so I pounded them all the old fashioned way - with massed armor and expendable infantry- and still won in 6 turns! what loosers.

  • by the way I’ve noticed all the talk of the chat rooms and on line simulators- has anyone tried playing the iron blitz on line? does it work? I haven’t tried it yet so I’m not sure, but I’m willing to be russia.

  • yeah it works, on the MSN zone. i try to play it, but NOBODY ever plays blitz on the zone. i’ll be glad to play w/ you sometime (preferably on a weekday after about 4 o’ clock, if i don’t have very much homework) just drop me an email @ pbsmassacre98@aol.com

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