• Cloning?

    For. (haha, we can debate some more Horten :wink:)

    affirmative action?

    Against (though, Yes, for certain circumstances. Remember our Racial Profiling post?)


    also agree. Also against the draft (unless under dire consequences in a war, which hasn’t happen to America for a long, long time [Civil War]), but for more benefits and payroll for those who do enlist in the military (it’s a great life experience)


    For vouchers for now, though willing to change if you can convince otherwise :)


    Also agree. More for conservation though instead of preservation (big difference)

    social security?

    Also agree. Do believe in social security, though not in the way the government exercises it (the cost are unbearable)


    Wholeheartedly agree. Though the morals of religions like Satanism shouldn’t be taught. :wink:


    Agree. At least under present capitalist conditions


    Keep this secret for now :roll:

    internet and technology?

    Speaking as in censorship for internet. Technology is a very board field though

    term limits?

    Actually I’m against (though no unlimited term limits). Reason being is that it takes time to learn and get the feel of the position (years in most cases) before you get adept to knowing how to work things smoothly (this is a big problem in LA)

    government reform?


    health, science?

    Good one :wink:

    welfare reform?

    Actually, I’m for given present conditions (ie stricter regulations and less cracks)

    capital punishment?

    You know it.

    racial profiling?

    For in some cases.

    the media?

    That would seem the problem, wouldn’t it? Again, this relates to censorship

    gay rights?

    Gay rights as in terms of marriages and adopting kids. In many states it’s illegal. For parades actually (no orgies though :P) since ethnicities are allowed to have their “parades” (ex. Chinese New Year, Martin Luther King Jr.’s B-Day)


    for independent state, though on a no terrorism (or at minimum) referendum


    balanced budget, though over time

    child support?

    I can agree. There should be some change over this “mother knows best” policy

    law enforcement?

    Hell no! We need the Gestapo back! :wink:

    energy plan?

    For, though Clinton did scew up

    homeland defense?

    For, but limited of course like you said


    I agree. Though it has to more than just simple “threatening”

    missile defense?


    humanitarian aid?

    Always and forever :o

    culture, family?

    Speaking as in family values


    Pro, though limited again. In Netherlands (unsure if correct country), some people are “killed” just for old age.

    nuclear arms?

    Arms limitations, though that’s about all we can do for now


    Against rights illegal immigrates (but execution, you crazy!). Unsure what you mean “countries across the ocean.”

    arts funding?

    Arts are always the first thing to go :x


    You know it :D

    Just wondering, Horten, are you conservative, 'cause we do agree on a lot of issues? Any others you want to add to list?

    BTW: Just for CC, Aliens do exist! Ain’t no “weather balloon.” :roll:

  • Moses, you are leftist. Leftists are for Gay Rights, Tariffs, Cloning, Abortion, Euthanasia, Socialism/Communism, etc. A couple of conservative opinions does not make you conservative. What Republican hates capitalism? Or is for legalizing drugs and prostitution?
    Why do you think they are not already legalized? Conservatives!

  • I will, for once, agree with YB about the conservative issue. A communist, even more in the US, cannot be very conservative… in russia there is conservative communism and i can understand but in the US i find it more curious. Sure “Conservative” is not equal to “Right-wing”, but here we are speaking of an ideology (communism) very different from the current system you live in… in this context, how can you be conservative ?

    Moses, you are leftist. Leftists are for Gay Rights, Tariffs, Cloning, Abortion, Euthanasia, Socialism/Communism, etc. A couple of conservative opinions does not make you conservative. What Republican hates capitalism? Or is for legalizing drugs and prostitution?
    Why do you think they are not already legalized? Conservatives!

    Leftist, anyway here in France, are not for Gay Rights & Clonings. Chirac (The right, even if he is more Leftish than the Democrat) AND Jospin (Left) were against the right from Gay couple to adopt children as long as it was not proven that it was not a bad thing for the children (for now it seem it is not a good thing).

    You are making a big generalisation YB about Left & Right. “Left” is first and primarily an economic principle, same thing for “Right”, the ideology behind these principle are not the same from country to country.

  • @FinsterniS:

    I will, for once, agree with YB

    I am pretty sure that this is one of the signs of the apocalypse :)

    Finsternis, I am refering to American politics. Conservatives are right leaning, but more moderate than that Nazi guy in Denmark. They believe in an open economy, but in right and wrong being legislated. It is the side of the well off, those who do not benefit from social programs, who do not more immigrants, etc.

  • “Moses, you are leftist. Leftists are for Gay Rights, Tariffs, Cloning, Abortion, Euthanasia, Socialism/Communism, etc.”

    Nah, if this were true, I would be a Democrat (and God wishes that’ll never happen). Also, I’m not sure I stated my entire positions on what was mentioned above and this has to be taken in account for. Remember, leftist and conservative is not totally black and white. There are almost always shades of gray. For instance, Gay rights, I do not think that they [gay couples] should have “more” rights than those of ordinary couples.

    “A couple of conservative opinions does not make you conservative”

    Same as how a couple of leftist opinions does not make me leftist. But to be fair, why don’t you count up all the “leftist” points and compare them with all the “rightist” points. I’m sure the answer will be revealed when this happens.

    “What Republican hates capitalism? Or is for legalizing drugs and prostitution?”

    Notice this is where the “radical” conservative part fits in (in accordance with capitalism). Actually a lot of Republicans (“New Guard” at least) are for drug legalization and prostitution. Remember, legalization does not mean approval. I may not “approve” of alcohol because of its side effects, but I don’t think that we should prohibit it. This is big problem with the Republican “Old Guard” (which may be what you’re thinking about), is that they turn a blind eye to what is happening in the real world.

    “Why do you think they are not already legalized? Conservatives!”

    For the moment, Conservatives do hold the slim majorities in Washington. However, this will change soon. A key problem with the Republican is their inability to change (a fallacy of being conservative) with the times. The Republican Primaries for the governorship of California being a prime example.

    “will, for once, agree with YB about the conservative issue.”

    Ha, at least I got you to agree on something. Behold the glory!

    “i find it more curious”

    perhaps, as time moves on, you’ll unravel more of the “true” plot.

    “Leftist, anyway here in France, are not for Gay Rights & Clonings. Chirac (The right, even if he is more Leftish than the Democrat) AND Jospin (Left) were against the right from Gay couple to adopt children as long as it was not proven that it was not a bad thing for the children (for now it seem it is not a good thing).”

    Well, I guess more studies will have to be conduct before we’ll know the “true answer.” However, I will say (and this is entirely an opinion – without looking at the stats) that a gay couple would probably have a better chance of raising a child than that of a single parent.

  • @cystic:

    HFW - you forgot to mention aliens!

    also i think that they should teach ethics rather than morality. I think you and i have different morals to begin with, but we might have some consensus on certain ethical views. . . .

    ok…lets come up with a list ;)

  • Why do i have to be christian holy to be conservative. no one has ever came up with any good reasons why gays can’t have children besides “the other kids make fun of them.” fun is good!

    btw i consider myself moderate, slightly more conservative. but all of the holy rollers think i’m moderate liberal. Is that possible?

    BTW cloning will destroy mankind. i wrote a short story about it, i’ll post it if you are interested in reading.

    “overseas” i do not believe in full open immigration for countries where terrorism is threatening to us (not just arab countries.) We need intensive background checks, but in my opinion arabs are some of our best americans. they are very knowledgeable and work very hard.

  • “BTW cloning will destroy mankind. i wrote a short story about it, i’ll post it if you are interested in reading.”

    Oh Really? Is it anything like Gattaca or The Boys from Brazil?

    “Why do i have to be christian holy to be conservative. no one has ever came up with any good reasons why gays can’t have children besides “the other kids make fun of them.” fun is good!”

    Well, I was never a “true” Christian and I’m conservative. Nor have been my parents. But (stereotypical as it seems) the truth is that most Republicans are WASPs. Also, I’m not sure what’s wrong with gay parenting. People say that there’s a motherly affection that can only come from a women, but I seem to find this false. Another problem would be kids making fun of other kids that have only a single parent, a parent “mentally unstable,” or parents that have been divorced. Does that mean we should outlaw divorce and single parenting?

    ““overseas” i do not believe in full open immigration for countries where terrorism is threatening to us (not just arab countries.) We need intensive background checks, but in my opinion arabs are some of our best americans. they are very knowledgeable and work very hard.”

    Immigration is a very touchy subject because if you come off too hard people think you’re a “racist” (much like racial profiling). Yet something has to be done about immigration. I vehemently oppose closing it (some “ultra-conservatives” forget that immigration is one of the fundamental aspects that makes America great), but more effective screening is needed like you said.

  • The first thing i am going to say is that I am RACIST! :) okay well my opinion on the Drug Issue, is this. Drugs are a threat to our society and purity and must not be legalized. in fact, Drugs must be wiped out of our culture and soiciety and the only way to do that is with FEAR. if u make the punishment for dealing drugs Execution with out trial, no body is going to do it, or almost nobody. and if there are no dealers then there will be less drugs and the issue will reduce in size. also i think the USA should get all Barbara Streisand on Canada cus if drugs are legalized in Canada it will increas our problems here. and i think the USA should openly admit to sending troops to south amercia and stop trying to hide it and jsut send every F***ing thing down there to rid of the feilds and sellers. i beleive that alchohol is bad and is a nother menace in our society. i think we should take a much less radical aproach to then my DRUG plan. but still do more then we are doing now. Tabacco, we should jsut march in with the Marines and destroy the counties Leadership. okay now my veiws on Immagration. i beleive we should crack down on this like a NAZI on JEW. if we find ILegal immigrants in this country we should deport them, no questions asked. i beleive in Racial Profiling cus if u try to be Politicaly correct all the time its not gonna work out. i think if people go on welfare they should be Sterylized this way they wont infect the earth with there scum. this will also help make USA a more White country. :) i think Cloning is a great idea. cloning cows and animals for food will help save many citizens of this country from starvation. i think the idea of SUING is the Stupidest thing on earth. i beleive in Helath Care. i think the gov should get more involved with Youth programs. kinda like the HJ in NAzi Germany. Freedom of Relgeon is okay in my book, but religeon should not control the State. Gays and Lesbianbs are okay as long as they dont do anymore Gay pride paraids. i think Rap and other Genre of music and Video should be censored on issues like Drugs Rape and degenerating women or ANTI Gov. i beleive that Law Enforce ment should have a hell of allot more rights. i think we should icrease the standard tax but take away other pointless taxes. if u are Homless or unemployed for over 4 months u are automaticly drafted into the Army. so thats about all i have to say about that. :) and um Axis and Allies RULES! and may all of u have a great day i might be registering an acount later this month so ill talk to u then and i hope that the ANTI Druggies win this debate :)

  • and for the tabacco thing i meant Companies not Counties :)

  • Key advice Guest, take the time to go over what you write. Nobody is forcing you to hurry up on what you have to say. Be sure to skip a line whenever you move into a new subject, so everything can be easily kept track of. I was lost more than once in trying to decipher what you had to say.

  • sry about that mate im just a shity tyeper :( and im constantly talkin back and fourth and i was eating aswell so i naturally did a bad job :)

  • please,
    anything but Barbara Streisand.
    We can handle your wussy little infantry, but BS would just be inhumane.

    I think the US policing the world is a dangerous concept. I am all for RCMP helping “legitimate” governments provide appropriate training for their police forces etc., but the idea of an US based military unit invading foreign sovereignties over its drug policies is problematic (i.e. we’re well past the thin edge of the wedge here).
    I am anti-drug to some degree, but i am also anti-criminalizing non-criminals.
    i have more to respond to guess, but the pool is calling me right now.

  • @TG:

    America spends at least $20 billion a year to fight a losing battle against drugs.

    We’ve spent billions of dollars on research to fight AIDS also. Is AIDS gone yet? No. But it’s making a difference…

  • im pro legalizing pot for medicinal purposes, possibley even for normal recreation. but the hard drugs should stay illegal.
    having used pot for recreational purposes, i think its not to bad, and not nearly as destructive as alcahol. i dont do either one right now, as i have internet for escapism and whatnot. just tax it as you would tabacco and use the money for drug education and treatment.

    pot has definate medicinal purposes for certain types of ailments. i watched my best friends dad dying of colon cancer, a horrible way to go. he was basically starving to death, because he was so nausious he couldnt eat. doctors figured he had at most 3 months to live, as he was basically starving, on top of the cancer. he was also considering suicide, as his life was so unbearable. once he was convinced by his family to start smoking pot, he GAINED weight, and lived another 18 months, and lived halfway decently too. smoking pot made his last 18 months tolerable, and sometimes even enjoyable. without pot, my best friend would have had to watch his dad die horribly, and much sooner. with the pot, my best friend was able to enjoy the last year with his dad, and when his dad died, he had a smile, and was not in agony.

    i also firmly believe that if we spent half as much money on drug education and treatment as we do on the "war"on drugs, we would have alot less problems than we do now. education is the key to a working, happy, peaceful society. as a testament to education, the reason i dont smoke is that when i was very young, our school did some tabacco education, and after finding out what it could do to me, i chose not to smoke, even with the intense peer presure for me to smoke.

    heck, legalizing pot and taxing the crap out of it would probably pay for a large portion of the rest of the war on drugs…

  • @fixitman:

    im pro legalizing pot for medicinal purposes, possibley even for normal recreation. but the hard drugs should stay illegal.
    having used pot for recreational purposes, i think its not to bad, and not nearly as destructive as alcahol. i dont do either one right now, as i have internet for escapism and whatnot. just tax it as you would tabacco and use the money for drug education and treatment.

    pot has definate medicinal purposes for certain types of ailments. i watched my best friends dad dying of colon cancer, a horrible way to go. he was basically starving to death, because he was so nausious he couldnt eat. doctors figured he had at most 3 months to live, as he was basically starving, on top of the cancer. he was also considering suicide, as his life was so unbearable. once he was convinced by his family to start smoking pot, he GAINED weight, and lived another 18 months, and lived halfway decently too. smoking pot made his last 18 months tolerable, and sometimes even enjoyable. without pot, my best friend would have had to watch his dad die horribly, and much sooner. with the pot, my best friend was able to enjoy the last year with his dad, and when his dad died, he had a smile, and was not in agony.

    i also firmly believe that if we spent half as much money on drug education and treatment as we do on the "war"on drugs, we would have alot less problems than we do now. education is the key to a working, happy, peaceful society. as a testament to education, the reason i dont smoke is that when i was very young, our school did some tabacco education, and after finding out what it could do to me, i chose not to smoke, even with the intense peer presure for me to smoke.

    heck, legalizing pot and taxing the crap out of it would probably pay for a large portion of the rest of the war on drugs…

    i like your take on the subject. Marijuana users are not true “criminals” anymore than people who rip the label off of their matresses.
    w.r.t. medicinial marijuana - there still needs to be more studies out on the subject before a “good” physician will prescribe it. So far all that’s been shown is that it is comparable to tylenol (anecdotal evidence notwithstanding).

  • the medicinal purposes of pot arent just pain relief. in the case of my friends father, it reduced his nasea, and of course the well known side affect of “the munchies” was very, very beneficial in this case. tylenol and most other pain relievers just upset his stomach even more than it was already.

  • “We’ve spent billions of dollars on research to fight AIDS also. Is AIDS gone yet? No. But it’s making a difference…”

    Totally different analogy. Whereas in AIDs we are able to formulate drugs capable of slowing down the ravaging effects of HIV, though no exact cure is yet to be found (in part to the virus’s ability to change rapidly). However, in the war against drugs, studies show that we have not been able to curve the influx of drugs into our borders – in fact, it is easier to obtain drugs more than ever (in part to the considerable rewards of importing it and home growers). Also, in this country not much off the population “wants” AIDs, though that would not be in the same case as drugs.

  • Most of the population doesn’t “want” drugs either.

    In my opinion, with better politicians, wiser choices, and the military guarding our borders, we’d have a lot better chance of curbing the drug traffic into this country. I don’t think it’s a waste of money at all to try and protect harmful substances from entering this country.

  • “In my opinion, with better politicians, wiser choices, and the military guarding our borders, we’d have a lot better chance of curbing the drug traffic into this country.”

    This is true. But how will we get “better politicians” or “wiser choices.” I would like to hope the senators and representatives we voted for were making the wisest of choices. It’s funny to point out how everybody is willing to say, “Put me in Washington DC, and I a do job better all the combined!” - yet hardly any action (an rarely “good” action) comes out of this. Military can guard our borders (sure beats sending them halfway around the world) might work, but it’s very easy to smuggle drugs through customs. Unless you’re willing to search every person, plane, car, or ship/boat, drugs can still be shipped in the US with a relative ease.

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