“How about adding cloning,”
against. too many humans and man shouldn’t be immortal.
“affirmative action”
Against. It is racist of and one who benefits and “malefits.”
," military,"
Downsize world involvement in stationing troops, but increase spending in weapons development. In other words only bring money where it is absolutely necessary (Kuwait, Egypt, Israel…), not Korea and Europe.
I’m against vouchers, but i am for phasiong in corperate ownership.
I was pro IM240 and OBD3, and I believe huge steps in protecting the environment should be taken.
, “social security”
Against. If the government takes money out of your paycheck, they should put it in the bank, not give less back to you when you get older.
“, religion”
Religion is usually good. Though it is morality, not religion that should be taught.
, “regulation”
Yes, there should be standards and regulations, though I don’t believe the government should control every aspect of business.
“, privatization,”
pro for schools, libraries…public things.
“internet and technology”
For…how can you be against it ???
," health, science,"
Against state health care because it ruins quality, and against science. The world is flat damn it.
" welfare reform,"
I dislike welfare…not because what it does, but the adverse effect on society. People shouldn’t depend on “the state” for their livelyhood.
“capital punishment,”
Kill the murderers, rapist, old men, and babies. Euthanasia and abortion too!
“racial profiling,”
For it when it comes down to certain situations like airports and incresed crime in a certain neighborhood. (look at nyc!)
“the media”
The media is mostly liberal, but what are you going to do?
Against, besides i believe that the army should be able to use deceipt against our enemies by not giving every detail to the media.
, “IRS”
Income tax must go. we need customs duties up the ass!
, "gay rights, "
How is this even up for discussion. They should have no more, no less. This means they shouldn’t have those parades that are nothing more than gay orgies. Straight people can’t do that.
Talking realistically, a palestinian state probably wouldn’t last or do any good, but i am against the settlements.
customs duties.
, “child support,”
Way too corrupt. A man (at times women) is screwed for life with this, and he never gets the kid. I’m lucky to live with my father after some extreme measures.
“law enforcement,”
against. we need anarchy.
“energy plan”
We need to invest in renewable resources, but everything clinton and the states have done thus far is absolute crap.
," homeland defense,"
Wire tapping and things of the sort should be loosened a bit…
" terrorism, "
Take out our enemies if they are threatening. the method we do so? PEace or diplomacy, or a detante? It matters what the situation is.
“missile defense”,
delay it ten years.
" humanitarian aid,"
end it. no joke.
“culture, family,”
Culture and the family prevents man from pure unification with all of it’s brethern. both must be eliminated for true peace. But that won’t happen.
" vouchers"
, “term limits”
,“government reform”
yes, but why would the government reform itself?
“nuclear arms,”
save a lot of lives, but some nations shouldn’t be allowed to acquire them. If they do, then oh well, unless we can do something about it.
“civil rights,”
What more now? What isn’t covered?
open immigration for mexico and other south american countries, but not for countries accross the ocean until there is a cooling of tensions. if an illegal immigrant is convicted of a crime (like robbery or murder) they should be executed. no one should come to thisw country to commit crime. get citizenship first.
, "arts funding, "
most art ios destructive to the mind nowerdays. It does not need public funding.
they’re great!