Iraq is a political subject.
Iraq, again
Leftish slants can be explained easily; silly idealists want to become journalists.
F_ALK- I’m starting to like arguing with you. not even yanni disagrees with me as much as you do. Buddy I’m not a racist. that card gets thrown around whenever someone says anything remotly conservative around here.
Well, maybe it was just a reply to your commie accusations. As well, i can’t recall that i really called you a racist, i merely pointed out that noone is as perfect as he thinks to be: a lot of prejudices can be interpreted as hidden racism.
but to be racist I’d have to have it out for another group of people based on an attribute that I can easily Identify (race color whatever) and I don’t.
The point is: you don’t need something that makes them easily identifable.
The german jews in the 1920’s and 30’s were not different from the german non-jews. You couldn’t identify them unless you waited in front of their temple to see who is going in. The very very very vast majority was secular, maybe the only only way to identify some was the butchers, but not more. Still, they were targeted by the worst “racism” the world has ever seen.notice you say the “never proven Iraq Al Quaeda” collaberation theory-
the president has said he has info linking saddam to al quaeda, and he plans to release more intell. on this through powell on feb 5th. does he have to compromise his sources and get people killed to show you personally proof? I personally feel that once we go in, we’ll find the weapons we want and the proof you need.US intelligence agencies have failed often enough not to risk a war. Especially, when it has to appear that the often mentioned proof is not existing.
I think the whole debate that the country’s going thru over Iraq is a result of how stupid we really are. for example- had bush not procrastinated and just started bombing Iraq- or even invaded, people may have grumbled but accepted it.
I can’t speak for the US people, but i am pretty sure that the world would not have accepted that.
F_alk- what kind of taxes do you pay there now? I pay somewhere between 36-45% of my income in taxes. it’s hard to say because it is hidden taxes here.
…Oh if that "can’t work Shouldn’t survive thing made you mad - try this:
-If you Don’t Pay Taxes - you shouldn’t have a right to vote - especially on tax increases.
I wasn’t born a right wing devil- the world and all it’s scum made me this way.The income tax rates here, with social and health insurances, are higher:
Icome tax can be up to 47%; health insurance is about 15%, social security are about 25%, the later have an upper limit, anything above that is not taxed.
Of course: the richer you are, the better your accountants to find loopholes and avoid these rates.Some interesting points in germany:
In the 70’s the governments tax income was 30% of workers and employees income-tax, and 30% of taxing wealth and cooperations.
Today, it’s 35% by workers and employees, and 15% by wealth and cooperations.
From that i deduct that you would strongly favor the german rich not to vote :)……I belive you were not born right wing… but you fell for the right wing propaganda of “whose fault” it is.
If you have a look here, you can see that in the 90’s the social support for the “lowest third of incomes” decreased, while it was increased for the highest third (now proportionally being higher than in the UK, France or Denmark).
Some time ago, a CEO had 20 times the income of a qualified worker, today it is a factor of 300!!! Between 1995 and 2000, the CEOs had an average raise in their income of 300%, compared to 10% for their workers. And the ones that are classified “poor” are usually long-time jobless (not saying anything about whose fault it is that they are),
single working mothers and families with more than 2 kids !!Whoever says that the economy is suffering… should first have a look where the money went in the times when it did not suffer !!
oh and F_alk- how could you use gen paulus as an example. he was a trophy.
Any general was a trophy…. and generals treated each other well, because they knew that they could lose the next battle and go into captivity… then it’s better when you have a “gentlemans agreement”.
gassing the kurds was just his way of expressing his feelings.
The US didn’t say anything the time it happened. Saddam was a too important ally at that time.
It is cold blooded murder to fire a missle into a residential area, killing 1 terrorist and 26 innocents. It is cold blooded murder to fire a bomb at a car in the street, killing 1 terrorist and almost a dozen people just driving by. In the US, had a commander ordered those attacks, he/she’d be put in jail, possible given the death penalty.
Unless it was a retaliation action by the army…… which have about the same results…
Falk, watch the replies
When the Iron curtain came down, the countries behind it were no farther ahead than when it went up. They were pretty much in the same economic state as they post WW2. Than does not sound like mankind moving forward to me.
Communism breeds one to a total lack of motavation and innovation, with out which, evolution suffers.In a perfect world, which its never going to be, Communism would be fine.
However, humans, by nature, are selfish.
Nearly everything you do is, in a sense, selfish.
Even when you do things for other people, giving present, time, money whatever is done because it makes you feel good. Which is, again, selfish.In honor of TG Moses VI…
Do not equate Russia with communism. The dream was there, but the results were warped by bad leaders.
Bad people do bad things because it makes them feel good, too. How selfish! I’ll settle for good selfish over bad selfish all the time. More often than not… ‘good selfish benefits the majority, whereas, bad selfish benefits the minority.’
Hahaha, but you have to comprehend how lucky the original 13 States were to be blessed with such enlightened thinkers as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. George Washington could’ve easily become “King Washington” and our founding fathers could’ve been much more centered toward their own political and economic gain. :) Perhaps if Russia had had such a fine set of rulers instead of Stalin?
Falk, watch the replies
Ohm…. will you install a multi-reply button for me then, so that i don’t have to copy and paste everything into one :)… or could you get the others to post in my time zone, so that the appearance of me bunch-replying is washed out by others posting in between ;)…
Or did i break any other of the rules (and i must say, some of them are pretty harsh… two consenting adults should be allowed to have a flame-war ;) ) ?
I"ll have a flame-war with ya’ F_alk. After all, i can smell you from here. You need a bath.
When you hit reply, check the bottom of your screen. Theres a scrollbar down there, with every single post on the page included.
F_ALK, we have just the opposite proplem her, the lower 50% of the people pay no tax (and many still get “refunds” from our government). yet still get to vote. while the upper 10% pay most of the taxes- slanting downward amoungt the other 40%. so in your case I can see your point. “yes”- no vote for rich germans. I think everyone should be responsible for taxes, it makes the government more accountable. but by breaking up taxes the way they do here, they create a strong liberal (communist) voting base. more later lunch is over.
F_ALK, we have just the opposite proplem her, the lower 50% of the people pay no tax (and many still get “refunds” from our government).
Lower 50% pay no tax? You are seriously misinformed here. The higher 10% (makes over 100,000 / year) pay about 30% more tax than those of a lower income. However, saying the lower 50% (55,000 or less per year) don’t pay taxes… come on.
Refunds are based upon taxes payed.
yet still get to vote.
So the unemployed should not be allowed to vote…
I think everyone should be responsible for taxes, it makes the government more accountable.
The reason the Government is forced to tax the rich more is their own fault. A huge amount of the money we pay is wasted by the Government. Get rid of the waste, and stop going so far into debt, and we’d be able to charge a flat rate for taxes without going further into debt. Less Gov’t spending is the key.
A huge amount of the money we pay is wasted by the Government. Get rid of the waste, and stop going so far into debt
So if we stop funding PBS, Planned Parenthood, new offices for
ex(?)-KKK US Senators, eliminate the Dept. of Education (which hasn’t educated a single child) and the Dept. of Health and Human Services (which spends more on bureacracy than on H.&H.S.)[and hand all these programs back to the states, which would have more interest in solving their problems] we’d have a good start on reducing waste!@TG:
…George Washington could’ve easily become “King Washington”…
If I remember my history lessons… the Founding Fathers did offer the title of “King George.” Washington refused, recognizing that it would be a repetition of England’s ‘King’ which split off from France.
He learned from history …unlike liberals who want to throw more money at problems. It didn’t solve the problems of FDR’s time… it just made new ones…and it didn’t solve the problems of LBJ’s time… it just made them worse and created new ones.Even today the Liberals are howling because BUSH has only allowed a 4% increase in the 2003 budget!
We are a little off topic aren’t we?
Are you gonna wipe the slate clean and have us start over?
On Iraq…
Liberals, moderates (read ‘liberals’), and progressives (read ‘liberals’) have no grounds to stand on in this argument anymore!
They said, “Get UN approval.”
and President Bush did.
Then they said, “Get Congressional approval.”(although he already had it)and Pres. Bush did.
Then they said, “Get a coalition.”
and Bush 43 did.
Then they said, “Get evidence.”
and Bush did.
Then they said, “Show all of us the evidence.” (even though this would endanger informants and reveal US technology…something LIBERALS never asked of FDR [after Pearl Harbor] nor of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton [after he bombed an aspirin factory in Sudan or launched 400 cruise missles at Yugoslavia to distract us and Congress from the Lewinski hearings] and W said, “Up yours!”And for a final nail in the ANTI-AMERICA anti-war movement
check the website printed in reverse below…moc.ecaeprofetabrutsam
(I’m abiding by the rules.) -
The reason the Government is forced to tax the rich more is their own fault. A huge amount of the money we pay is wasted by the Government. Get rid of the waste, and stop going so far into debt, and we’d be able to charge a flat rate for taxes without going further into debt. Less Gov’t spending is the key.
Wow, I actually agree with Yanny. Good job. :P
On Iraq…
Liberals, moderates (read ‘liberals’), and progressives (read ‘liberals’) have no grounds to stand on in this argument anymore!
They said, “Get UN approval.”
and President Bush did.
Then they said, “Get Congressional approval.”(although he already had it)and Pres. Bush did.
Then they said, “Get a coalition.”
and Bush 43 did.
Then they said, “Get evidence.”
and Bush did.
Then they said, “Show all of us the evidence.” (even though this would endanger informants and reveal US technology…something LIBERALS never asked of FDR [after Pearl Harbor] nor of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton [after he bombed an aspirin factory in Sudan or launched 400 cruise missles at Yugoslavia to distract us and Congress from the Lewinski hearings] and W said, “Up yours!”You’ve got a good point, the liberals are acting very hypocritical when it comes to the Iraq situation. :(
Alexander Hamilton,one of the founding fathers, strongly believed the United States would never work. He believed Democracy was too weak a Government system for a new nation to succeed. Instead, he wanted to model the US Government almost as a mirror of the British Government. GW would be king, King George 1st. But Washington, a true believer in democracy, refused. He decided to pull the congress together and form a nation. He helped write the Constitution, one of the most powerful documents in modern history.
I believe in the constitution. George Bush does not. He has destroyed whole parts of it in these last few years. That is why I don’t trust him when he says “Take my work for it”.
yanni, if you work and make under 32,000 a year you have no tax burden, unless you are single. the top ten percent of wage earners pay by far the lion’s share of taxes, how is this fair or their own fault?
how can a single parent who pays no taxes all year get a refund for 5,000 dollars? yet she didn’t even pay anything into federal withholding??? proof - my mother in law. how is earned income credit fair? I have a child too, but because I pay my bills and work hard, I don’t qualify. so I pay tax, while she works at her minumum labor job, gets public assistance and a big fat refund of my tax money!
and according to conservative interpritations of government statistics 50 % of americans earn 32,000 or less. at theast that’s what rush says. and I have read in my state of the industry magazines articles that put you in the top ten percent if you make as little as 80,000. but even at 100,000 per year you are not rich. why should you shoulder the burden of most of the taxes???
I believe it’s to strengthen the liberals power base. poor unedjucated sloths, who druel over themselves all day whilst they watch shows like jerry springer. since they have no tax burden anyway- if another social program comes along that will benefit them- of course they’ll vote to raise my taxes. who wouldn’t. they don’t pay for it, yet they benefit from it. conversely I pay for these programs yet get no benefit from them, why should I pay- well, because they’ll put me in jail if I don’t.
now before you argue with me on who pays what, go to sean hannity’s website. there is a very cool, yet simple illustration of the tax system. I think it’s called the tax story. I don’t know how to do the links, so before you start telling me how screwed up I am please read MY ACTUAL INFORMATION not my opinion. I at least do the same before arguing with you. -
sorry about the misspellings, I just switched to msn, and haven’t figured out how to use their spell checked yet. and it seems that I never find the errors when I proof read. again I am sorry.