@Midnight_Reaper Thanks. These are cool but not exactly what I am looking for. I will keep looking as I don’t know if it is ok to post a picture of the map here to show you exactly what I mean. The Canadian mapleleaf is good but I am looking for the fascist Italian roundel, the Russians have a star instead of the traditional OOB, the German iron cross is similar except that the background is grey instead of red and then ANZAC has been modified with a blue circle emblem. I am also new to all of this so if it sounds like I don’t know what I am really talking about…that is because I dont really know what I am talking about.:grinning:
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
I don’t know about you, Allwork… the first thing I’m going to paint on the Europe '40 game is the French pieces. I’m not a fan of the sky-blue color.
I have a fair idea of all the other French pieces, but I really don’t know how to do the infantry justice. Any ideas from what you’ve seen?
I don’t know about you, Allwork… the first thing I’m going to paint on the Europe '40 game is the French pieces. I’m not a fan of the sky-blue color.
I have a fair idea of all the other French pieces, but I really don’t know how to do the infantry justice. Any ideas from what you’ve seen?
…Also here is a good forum showing individual pieces of the uniform:
http://www.wwiireenacting.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=48333 -
More work for you to match with the global game? How are the Russians coming along? Finish the roundels?
Lots of family visits and camping this past week. More family this weekend. Going a bit off schedule. Everything is finished except the yellow of the roundels…
Should pump them out early next week.
Hey allwork,
Did you notice that between Pac40 and Guadalcanal there are two differenet types of US infantry molds? The base of the figures seems to be different sizes. Anyone know why that is?
Didn’t notice that, but then again, all my units are mixed together now. You can definitely tell the difference by color, quality of plastic, and the amount of mold markings left on the piece.
Really it doesn’t surprise me - Guadalcanal had lots of issues of their molds. Some of the Japanese navy was cast in American molds. Really I’ve got a whole pile of minis that are cast in the wrong colors.
By the way: Russians tomorrow I think.
Hey allwork,
Did you notice that between Pac40 and Guadalcanal there are two differenet types of US infantry molds? The base of the figures seems to be different sizes. Anyone know why that is?
My Early copy of AAC came with 1/76 scale infantry and the later copy had the now standard 1/72 scale. I’m surprised to hear that the 1/76 reappeared 20 years later. Maybe the molds are still around and they used the wrong ones??? :?
Hey allwork,
Did you notice that between Pac40 and Guadalcanal there are two differenet types of US infantry molds? The base of the figures seems to be different sizes. Anyone know why that is?
My Early copy of AAC came with 1/76 scale infantry and the later copy had the now standard 1/72 scale. I’m surprised to hear that the 1/76 reappeared 20 years later. Maybe the molds are still around and they used the wrong ones??? :?
I just went ahead an painted the smaller molds as regular US Army infantry and the larger ones as US Marines. I usually do them all the same, but I wanted to make sure I have Marines in case I play the old Pacific again. Besides, I’d never use anything other than Marines for Guadalcanal anyways.
Soviet Union Infantry
Soviet Union Infantry - Flat Drab
Soviet Union Infantry - Winter Drab
Soviet Union Infantry - “Amoeba” Scout Camo
Soviet Union Infantry - Full Force
I think those infantry are your masterpiece.
Love the winter guys.
Ya know I’ve never noticed that they are carrying tommy guns! :-o
Insert Quote
Ya know I’ve never noticed that they are carrying tommy guns!I believe it is a PPSh
That should be the last base that will give you a challenge. Compared to the the remaining ones should be easy!
It’s is defiantly a ppsh. why would they be holding a tomson. I always thought they were holding a mausin-naguit.
mosin nagant doesnt have a drum magazine, I have one in my bedroom……friggin sweet.
Quite inspirational work. Well done guys!! :mrgreen: 8-)
wait, you painted the sickles rotated wrong? They look exactly the same as the ones on the gameboard underneath them to me. Am I missing something?
This is not Allwork’s fault, but I believe I am correct that the majority of Russian soldiers did not wear helmets… most wore hats of some sort.
Awesome job though… these are magnificent!
wait, you painted the sickles rotated wrong? They look exactly the same as the ones on the gameboard underneath them to me. Am I missing something?
I suppose they are 72 degrees off (rotate the roundel one star point). the sickle and hammer handles are supposed to both be angled downward. I’m actually almost finished fixing it, and I think they look better than before anyway.
It’s is defiantly a ppsh. why would they be holding a tomson. I always thought they were holding a mausin-naguit.
because umm it they can. I also think that a tomson and a tommy gun are different.