@CorporalClegg Thank for your reply.
Yes I did see those, but i thought I didn’t need two separate versions and I am very fond of your layout. So if you one decide to make the last 4 cards to play global, and you would like to share please let me know :-)
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
Those painted units are AWESOME!!! :-o
Great job Allworkandnoclay!
As well as Variable for some wicked work on his units as well.
Thanks guys!
Thanks for the props! I will let you all in on a new secret… I’ve started painting BotB! Starting with US, then the few Brit troops, and ending with zee Germans. I will keep everyone up to date with a thread in the BotB forum.
Allwork your set is finished if I’m not mistaken. Are you working on a price.
Allwork your set is finished if I’m not mistaken. Are you working on a price.
He hasn’t done the Brits for India yet to complete the P40 set. Plus, he’s painted some extra pieces outside the P40 set like the US trucks.
No its called the Doomsday Chicken variation. I play it like a berserker who may attack anybody, while they try to win. Its moves are random and it can take damage and die. Some newTechs allow you to control it for a time, but the enemy can blow up the transmitter that controls it.
I also play a Giant Ants variation based on Them! 50’s sci-fi movie
Them! was an awesome movie!
Man the Navy of the US was awesome! I can’t wait to see the Russian and German pieces in action.
When are you going to give us a price?
I’d like to order a set pleeease.
Man the Navy of the US was awesome! I can’t wait to see the Russian and German pieces in action.
I guess we are going to have to wait for AAE40.
I love the U.S Navy, especially those carriers!
Can’t wait to see the British-Indian pieces vibrantly brought to life.
All we can do is wait.
All we can do is wait.
Work is hell. Update tomorrowish.
Looking forward to it. I’ve been working massive hours myself lately.
Not going to bother saying my excuses hah. All things come in threes.
UK Infantry
European Drab
Paratrooper Camo
Mediterranean Drab
Middle East & Far East Drab
UK Complete Infantry
Absolutely fantastic my friend!
As Always awesome job two thumbs up
The roundel looks great.
Not going to bother saying my excuses hah. All things come in threes.
UK Infantry
Hey Chad,
when you paint the infantry, which areas of the body do you paint first… after priming that is?
Not going to bother saying my excuses hah. All things come in threes.
UK Infantry
Hey Chad,
when you paint the infantry, which areas of the body do you paint first… after priming that is?
I just think of them as a person putting on layers - skin, then hair, then clothes, then accessories.
I just think of them as a person putting on layers - skin, then hair, then clothes, then accessories.
Logical. Cool, thanks.
I just think of them as a person putting on layers - skin, then hair, then clothes, then accessories.
Logical. Cool, thanks.
I think this approach works best. You’ll find that skin often needs more than one coat to get the correct color, and by the end of the job, you need to touch up some parts anyway. I generally do a base coat on everything, then once I get to the accessories (IE gun, backpack, etc) I start putting the paint on thick. After all the basic coats are finished I go back and touch up the skin, then helmet, then clothes.
Make sure to use exact recipes when mixing paints (IE 1 to 1, 1 to 3) and to write them down, as when you go back to do touch-ups, you’ll have trouble blending in with previous colors.