• Customizer

    Offering up the planes in DEI has gotten them slaughtered for me, and makes it even easier for my opponent to take India since he needs less planes.  India still fell J3 and I don’t know what could be done differnt.  Jav can be taken by JP turn 1 from Car, so using that as the place to land is out.

  • A typical J1 attack looks like this.

    Japan take Phillipines with 2 loaded trannies from Japan, and Celebes with the Caroline tranny. As fleet protection Japan use a carrier, a cruiser and a destroyer. The rest of the fleet are elsewhere.

    A typical J1 purchase will be an Airbase in Kwangsi, because Japan land a lot of planes there, and next turn the fighters/Tacs can reach India and bombers reach the seazone in case UK buy surface ships to use as blockers.

    To purchase an UK Airbase on Ceylon is lame, since the J Airbase in Kwangsi will cover the seazone.
    But if UK purchase 2 subs T1, then UK can threaten the Japanese fleet nearby DEI with 2 subs, 4 ftrs and 1 Tac. The Jap fleet is bound for the bottom.

  • @Razor:

    A typical J1 attack looks like this.

    Japan take Phillipines with 2 loaded trannies from Japan, and Celebes with the Caroline tranny. As fleet protection Japan use a carrier, a cruiser and a destroyer. The rest of the fleet are elsewhere.

    A typical J1 purchase will be an Airbase in Kwangsi, because Japan land a lot of planes there, and next turn the fighters/Tacs can reach India and bombers reach the seazone in case UK buy surface ships to use as blockers.

    To purchase an UK Airbase on Ceylon is lame, since the J Airbase in Kwangsi will cover the seazone.
    But if UK purchase 2 subs T1, then UK can threaten the Japanese fleet nearby DEI with 2 subs, 4 ftrs and 1 Tac. The Jap fleet is bound for the bottom.

    A typical move and purchase? That’s the least common possible moves and purchases. U.K. fleets? Kwangsi airbase? Moving only like 2 ships towards India? Try typical being 3 transports for Japan, moving most of fleet towards India, and India purchasing infantry.

  • Dear mr Fire Knight.

    If Japan move all ships and all planes towards India, and buy 3 trannies J1, then it is a possibility that USA will place a Naval Base on Midway or Wake, and cut Japan down before India is cut down.
    Get it ?

  • A naval base in Wake or Midway brings very little to the table. Even if you build it on turn two and move your fleet there the India crush happens on turn three and Japan can easily build nothing but navy to defend their home sea zone.

  • Are we playing the same game ?

    Do we play by the same rulebook ?

    My game box says Axis & Allies Pacific 40, please check your box  to see if it is the same box.

  • Play a forum game and we can confirm the rules, the game edition and the India crush all in one fell swoop.

  • @Gwlachmai:

    Play a forum game and we can confirm the rules, the game edition and the India crush all in one fell swoop.

    I will love to that, when the technology allow us to play fast in real time, like other on-line games.
    So I guess we’ll have to wait then ?

  • All I’m reading is….“nope, I don’t want to see all my bad ideas debunked.” I don’t blame you though, I didn’t want to believe in the India crush either, in fact you’ll note at the beginning of the thread I didn’t believe it either, then my gaming group caught on to it. So I thought maybe if I played forum games there would be some other strats to defeat it…nope. India just dies before the allies can get any kind of parity in land/sea forces and a decent player drives that advantage home every time.

  • @Gwlachmai:

    A naval base in Wake or Midway brings very little to the table. Even if you build it on turn two and move your fleet there the India crush happens on turn three and Japan can easily build nothing but navy to defend their home sea zone.


    Are we playing the same game ?

    Do we play by the same rulebook ?

    My game box says Axis & Allies Pacific 40, please check your box  to see if it is the same box.

    Hey razor, perhaps you could elaborate on this strategy:

    • Which turn do you build the naval base, and in which island?

    • How much of what do you figure you’ll have there?

    • How much money do you expect Japan to have for defense?

    Certainly pressure on japan by USA is worthwhile to explore as a response to the J3 India crush, but I think we’ll need specifics if we’re to be sure it will work, and to explore defensive measures for Japan which may still allow them to crush India early.  Maybe Japan can spar three destroyers (two can be built J2) to block the invasion till they have India’s money to spend?


    I disagree, if India falls J3 or J4 the allies have yet to get into position in sufficient force to overcome Japan’s starting naval advantage, and they have not yet had enough time with economic superiority to have a unit advantage in general.  And if India has fallen, with a major IC that close to the DEI, the DEI is lost to the allies as well.

    The trick is that Japan still needs to capture Sydney or Honolulu to win, and those cities are closer to the Allies than they are to Japan (especially with Japanese forces diverted to India).  By the time Japan reaches these cities, the Allies may have had a chance to catch up.

    I haven’t played enough A&A: Pacific 1940 yet (who has?), and may well never before switching to mostly A&A: Global 1940, but I think the issue is still open at this point.

  • Customizer


    If you have a real solution, I’m all over it.  Playing by forum is not the pain you think it is.  I’m more than happy to have you smash me with the allies - it may enlighten me.  Give it a shot, you may like playing by forum.

  • @Gwlachmai:

    A naval base in Wake or Midway brings very little to the table. Even if you build it on turn two and move your fleet there the India crush happens on turn three and Japan can easily build nothing but navy to defend their home sea zone.

    I have yet to see it tried, but I’ve thought US buying a naval base US1 should be an essential counter to an all-out India crush.  buying one for midway and moving all ships there US1 allows US to invade (with planes) Korea or Japan on US2, if Japan doesn’t keep 3 DDs up north on J1 (which makes things difficult for them down south).  Am I missing something?

  • Customizer

    Buying a base means you can only hit Kor with 1 TT - hardly a threat to Kor when Jap backs them up into Man.  US 3 at the earliest.  Probably not even then.

  • @jim010:

    Buying a base means you can only hit Kor with 1 TT - hardly a threat to Kor when Jap backs them up into Man.  US 3 at the earliest.  Probably not even then.

    Buying a base you can hit Kor/Jap w/ 2, possibly 3 loaded transports, 1 cc, 1 bb, 1 fig, 1 tac, and (for Kor) possibly 3 bmrs.  I think that’s quite a threat considering what is usually left on Japan and Kor in an all-out India crush.

  • Customizer

    There will only be 1 TT on US 2, and only 2 planes to hit Kor or Jap with.  Not enough.  Maybe by US 3, but the Jap fleet (minus carriers) will be back in Phi.

  • Customizer

    Stoney, after you crush me in the game we are now playing, we can give it a go - but I’m Japan  :-D

  • It seems the Jap counter will be an airbase in KWA, then if you go near the coast they can send the entire airforce at you. Essentially you’ll only get one turn of free movement, when the Japanese airforce actually goes in for the India crush.

  • @jim010:

    There will only be 1 TT on US 2, and only 2 planes to hit Kor or Jap with.  Not enough.  Maybe by US 3, but the Jap fleet (minus carriers) will be back in Phi.

    I guess other ppl do the India crush different than I do.  Do other people kill the z26 trn J1?  I like being able to not attack on J1 b/c I can still get just as far by J3 (India+ some) and US doesn’t get the extra load of $$.  However, I might not be able to do that strat if US buys the base on US1.

  • @Gwlachmai:

    It seems the Jap counter will be an airbase in KWA, then if you go near the coast they can send the entire airforce at you. Essentially you’ll only get one turn of free movement, when the Japanese airforce actually goes in for the India crush.

    You can’t scramble from non-island airbases.

  • Customizer

    He’s not talking about scrambling from Kwa - US fleet would be nowhere near there.

    He means that you need to time it right, because with the India push there are about 18 planes in Kwa, another 6 on CV and the remaining couple in Jap.  With the airbase in Kwa, all planes make it back to attack the US fleet in sz6 along with some Jap ships.

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